Title: The Submillimeter Bump of Sgr A* from GRMHD Simulations
1The Submillimeter Bump ofSgr A from GRMHD
- Jason Dexter
- University of Washington
With Eric Agol, Chris Fragile and Jon McKinney
2Sub-mm Sgr A
Doeleman et al (2008)
- Precision black hole astrophysics
- Probe strong gravity!
4 Rs!
Yuan et al (2003)
3Black Hole Shadow
Bardeen (1973) Dexter Agol (2009)
Falcke, Melia Agol (2000)
- Sensitive to details of accretion flow
- Geodesics from Dexter Agol (2009)
- Time-dependent, relativistic radiative transfer
- Simulation from Fragile et al (2007)
- Fit images to VLBI data over grid in Mtor, i, ?,
tobs - Unpolarized single temperature
Schnittman et al (2006)
5GRMHD Fits to VLBI Data
Dexter, Agol Fragile (2009) Doeleman et al
i10 degrees
i70 degrees
?100 µas?
?10,000 km?
6Improved Modeling
- Sub-mm spectral index (Marrone 2006)
- Add simulations from McKinney Blandford (2009)
Fragile et al (2009) - Two-temperature models (parameter Ti/Te)
- Joint fits to spectral, VLBI data over grid in
Mtor, i, a, Ti/Te - Angle-dependent emissivity (Leung et al 2010)
7Parameter Estimates
35 -15
- i 50 degrees
- Te /1010 K 5.43.0
- ? -23 degrees
- All to 90 confidence
- Results agree with Broderick et al (2009)
97 -22
Sky Orientation
Electron Temperature
8Millimeter Flares
- Models reproduce observed mm flare duration,
amplitude, frequency - Strong correlation with accretion rate
- Not caused by heating from magnetic reconnection
Solid 230 GHz Dotted 690 GHz
9Shadow of Sgr A
Shadow may be detected on chile-lmt, smto-chile
baselines otherwise need south pole.
- Fit 3D GRMHD images/light curves of Sgr A to mm
observations - Estimates of inclination, sky orientation agree
with RIAF fits (Broderick et al 2009) - Electron temperature well constrained
- Reproduce observed mm flares
- LMT-Chile next best chance for observing shadow
- Future polarized emission, tilted disks.
11Comparison to Observed Flares
Eckart et al (2008)
Marrone et al (2008)
13Visibility Variance
14Accretion Rate Variability
15RIAF Fits
Broderick et al (2009)
16Event Horizon Telescope
From Shep Doelemans Decadal Survey Report on the
UV coverage (Phase I black)
Doeleman et al (2009)