NHM in Maharashtra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NHM in Maharashtra


NHM in Maharashtra Presentation of annual plan 2006-07 Contents Performance in 2005-06 and the SWOT analysis Strategy for 2006-07 Plan proposal for 2006-07 How the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NHM in Maharashtra

NHM in Maharashtra
  • Presentation of annual plan 2006-07

  • Performance in 2005-06 and theSWOT analysis
  • Strategy for 2006-07
  • Plan proposal for 2006-07
  • How the goals of the mission will be achieved?

Financial achievement in 2005-06
  • Approved outlay Rs. 161.27 cr.
  • Funds received Rs. 82.60 cr.
  • Works in progress - Rs. 77.56 cr.
  • Expenditure incurred Rs. 47.08 cr.

Performance in 2005-06
  • Good progress in
  • Nurseries
  • Rejuvenation
  • Establishing new orchards
  • Community tanks
  • Organic farming
  • Protected cultivation

Short Falls
  • PHM infrastructure
  • Marketing infrastructure
  • H.R.D training programmes
  • Technology demonstrations

Planting material production
  • Nurseries for producing Phytopthora free
    seedlings of oranges and Fusarium free seedlings
    of pomegranate
  • Specific varieties like Bhagwa, vengurla and
    Rangpur lime root stock are taken up
  • Inspection of all nurseries
  • Virus indexing in consultation with NRC and SAU
  • Nurseries being established at a project cost of
    Rs 315.0 cr.

Rejuvenation of Senile orchards
Crop Name Physical Targets (Ha.) Achievement (ha.)
Mango 10000 1722
Cashew nut 10000 1792
Sapota 10000 --
Pomegranate 10000 2054
Kagzi Lime 10000 --
Sweet Orange 10000 500
Mandarin Orange 10000 652
Total 10000 6720
Rejuvenation programme
  • Package of practices by S.A.U.s
  • Farm-specific plans developed
  • Under the close Supervision of trained gardeners
  • Pruning operations by using power saws
  • Periodic inspections and evaluation by a third

Area Expansion Programme(Fruit Crops)
Crop Name Target Achievements
Mango 10000 9195
Cashew 5200 5259
Chokoo (Sapota) 3000 321
Pomegranate 10000 9484
Orange 4000 2834
Mosambi 6000 6803
Kagzi Lime 2000 504
Grape 1000 755
Banana 1250 1048
Total 42450 36211
Floricultural crops
Crop Type Phy. Targets (Area in ha.) Achievements Achievements
Crop Type Phy. Targets (Area in ha.) Phy. (Area in ha.) Fin.(Rs. In lakh)
Cut Flowers 200 140 23.91
Bulbous Flowers 400 262 50.92
Loose Flowers 600 507 43.13
Total 1200 909 117.96
Community tanks
  • Physical Targets - 50
  • Achievement - 68
  • Outlay (Rs. In lakh) - 500
  • Expenditure (Rs. In lakh) - 226.43

Organic Farming
Item Phy. Targets Phy. Achiev. Fin. Achiev.
Adoption of organic farming 5000 2330 170.27
Vermi compost units 1000 807 155.40
Certification 40 272 10.00
Total 335.67
contd. . .
Organic Farming
  • Entirely through certification process
  • Buyback agreements
  • Efforts being made to create specialized market
    for organic products

Short Falls
  • PHM infrastructure
  • Marketing infrastructure
  • H.R.D training programmes
  • Technology demonstrations

PHM and Marketing Infrastructure
  • Panel of consultants like NABCON and the
    Marketing Board to
  • conduct needs analysis of each cultivation zone
  • identify the farmers and entrepreneurs
  • Preparation of project proposals
  • conduct necessary training programmes
  • follow-up with the financial institutions

PHM and Marketing Infrastructure
  • Marketing infrastructure through the financial
    contribution of Local bodies
  • Awareness and training programmes to farmers in
    all the identified clusters

Abstract of the progress in 2005-06
Sr. No. Activity Physical Ha./No. Expenditure (Rs. In lakh)
1. New gardens 43692 2752.05
2. Rejuvenation 10000 275.95
3. Community tanks 68 226.43
4. Organic farming 6040 335.67
5. INM / IPM 22138 77.14
6. Protected cultivation 830 44.97
7. H.R.D. prog 62.24
8. Value addition 83.03
9. Mission management 35.30
Works taken up in 2005-06
Approach for 2006-07
  • Based on the plans prepared by the district
    mission committees
  • Base-line surveys
  • Commodity and region-wise planning for PHM and
  • Panel of consultants for PHM and Marketing
  • Awareness campaign to disseminate PHM technology

Approach for 2006-07
  • Quality planting material
  • Scientific method of rejuvenation of senile
  • Green houses by groups of small farmers
  • Organic farming certification
  • Value addition activity as self-employment

Approach for 2006-07
  • Marketing infrastructure through involvement of
    Local bodies and Womens SHG
  • Task force comprising of NABARD, Marketing Board,
    Lead banks and EXIM bank formed
  • Inspection and Evaluation by prof. agencies

Plan Proposal for 2006-07
Sr. No. Activity Physical Ha / no Fin (Rs. In lakh)
1. Production of planting material 385.50
2. Establishment of new gardens 83709.46 6565.23
3. Rejuvenation 14328.00 2149.20
4. Creation of water resource 1025 4653.50
5. Protected Cultivation 1280.70
6. GIS remote sensing 147.00
Plan Proposal for 2006-07
Sr. No. Activity Physical Ha / no Fin (Rs. In lakh)
7. INM / IPM 1590.60
8. Organic farming 1814.60
9. HRD 728.88
10. Technology dissemination 277.50
11. PHM and Marketing 1738.88
12. Innovative prog 1380.60
13 Mission management 300.00
Total 23012.19
AAP proposal 2006-07
How the mission goals will be achieved?
  • Reduction in post-harvest losses through
    value-addition supply chain
  • Development of market infrastructure
  • Market intelligence
  • Strengthening of Growers associations
  • Productivity improvement through rejuvenation
    and extension activities

contd. . .
How the mission goals will be achieved?
  • Quality planting material suited to the needs of
    domestic and export markets
  • Assured irrigation through community tanks and
  • Contractual farming and buy-back agreements to
    link the market and producers
  • Tech dissemination through demos and training
  • Adoption of G.A.P.

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