Aerobic Gram Positive Bacilli - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aerobic Gram Positive Bacilli


Aerobic Gram Positive Bacilli Bacillus – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Aerobic Gram Positive Bacilli

Aerobic Gram Positive Bacilli
  • Bacillus

  • The genus Bacillus includes gram positive,
    aerobic, spore-forming, rod shaped organisms.
  • The diameter of the organism is 1 X 3-5µm
  • They are arranged as single or paired bacilli in
    clinical specimens and as long serpentine chains
    or clumps in cultures.
  • It is ubiquitous in nature and B. species are
    well known in the food industries as troublesome
    spoilage organisms.

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  • A large number of species belong to the genus
    that infect invertebrates but Bacillus anthracis,
    the agent of anthrax, is the only obligate
    Bacillus pathogen in vertebrates.
  • They produce a variety of enzymes and other
    metabolites during growth including the
    antibiotics bacitracin and polymyxin.

Bacillus anthracis
  • The causative agent of anthrax.
  • Pathogenesis depends on two plasmid encoded
    virulence factors
  • The Capsule
  • - A prominent poly D- glutamic acid capsule
    which is observed in clinical specimens but is
    not produced in vitro.
  • - It is antiphagocytic but is a poor
    immunogen and antibodies produced against it are
    not protective.

  • Toxin
  • - It consists of three antigenically distinct
    heat labile proteins protective antigen, lethal
    factor and edema factor.
  • - None of the components is active alone, but
    the combination of protective antigen and either
    lethal factor or edema factor is active (toxic).
  • - Protective immunity requires antibodies
    against components of the toxin, primarily the
    protective antigen.

Clinical Syndromes
  • Bacillus anthracis is an organism found in soil
    and on vegetation.
  • Anthrax is a disease of herbivores and humans are
    accidentally infected by exposure to infected
    animals or animal products.
  • Humans acquire disease by one of three routes,
    inoculation leading to cutaneous anthrax,
    inhalation leading to pulmonary anthrax and
    ingestion leading to gastrointestinal anthrax.

  • Approximately 95 of anthrax infections are due
    to the inoculation of spores through exposed skin
    surfaces either from contaminated soil or
    infected animal products such as hides, hair or
  • Inhalation anthrax (wool sorters disease) results
    from inhalation of spores during processing of
    hair or wool.
  • Ingestion anthrax is very rare in humans but
    ingestion is a common route of infection in
  • Person to person transmission does not occur.

Cutaneous Anthrax
  • It usually occurs through contamination of a cut
    wound or abrasion although in some countries
    biting flies may also transmit the disease.
  • After 2 to 3 days of incubation a small pimple or
    papule appears at the site of entry. A
    surrounding ring of vesicles develops, the
    central papule ulcerates, dries and blackens to
    form the characteristic eschar.
  • The lesion is painless and is surrounded by
    marked edema.
  • Lesions on the face or neck are dangerous and
    fulminating septicemia may develop in 20 of

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Pulmonary Anthrax
  • Inhaled spores are transported by alveolar
    macrophages to the mediastinal lymph nodes where
    they germinate and multiply to initiate systemic
  • It may initially mimic a viral respiratory
    illness and then rapidly progresses to a diffuse
    pulmonary involvement leading to respiratory
  • It is highly fatal (gt 95) because it is not
    suspected until the course is irreversible.

Gastrointestinal Anthrax
  • Very rare with varied clinical presentation
    (mesenteric adenopathy, hemorrhage and ascites)
    and high mortality rate (95).
  • The organism probably invades the mucosa through
    a preexisting lesion and spreads to the lymphatic
  • Symptoms prior to fulminant systemic anthrax may
    be absent or mild.
  • During this phase the organism is multiplying and
    producing toxin in the regional lymph nodes and

  • Released toxin causes breakdown of organs
    probably of the spleen in particular.
  • This causes the sudden onset of hyperacute
    illness with dyspnea, cyanosis, high fever and
    disorientation which progress in a few hours to
    shock, coma and death.
  • This phase is marked by a high grade bacteremia
    but blood culture is not always positive.

  • Clinical diagnosis of anthrax is confirmed by
    directly visualizing or culturing the anthrax
  • Acellular vaccines for human use are available
    for individuals in high risk occupations (cell
    free filtrate of culture).
  • Bacillus anthracis is susceptible to penicillin
    and almost all other broad spectrum antibodies.

Anthrax - Diagnosis
  • Specimen
  • Aspirate or swab from cutaneous lesion
  • Blood
  • Sputum
  • Laboratory investigation
  • Gram stain
  • Culture
  • Identification of isolate

Anthrax - Epidemiology
Other Diseases
  • In recent years, other B. species have been
    increasingly implicated in a wide range of
  • They include abscesses, bacteremia/septicemia,
    wound and burn infections, ear infections,
    endocarditis, meningitis, ophthalmitis,
    osteomyelitis, peritonitis and respiratory and
    urinary tract infections.
  • Most of these are secondary infections in immuno
    -compromised patients and the species most
    commonly associated with these diseases are B.
    cereus, B. licheniformis and B. subtilis.

Bacillus cereus
  • Large, motile, saprophytic bacillus
  • Heat resistant spores
  • Preformed heat and acid stable toxin (Emetic
  • Heat labile enterotoxin (Diarrhoeal disease)
  • Lab diagnosis Demonstation of large number of
    bacilli in food

Food Poisoning
  • B. cereus causes food poisoning by virtue of
    toxin production.
  • Two forms of food poisoning
  • Diarrheal type (heat labile toxin).
  • - Characterized by diarrhea and abdominal pain
  • 8-16 hours after consumption of contaminated
  • - It is associated with a variety of foods
    including meat and vegetable dishes, sauces,
    pastas, deserts and dairy products

  • Emetic type (heat stable toxin)
  • - Nausea and vomiting begin 1 to 5 hours after
    consumption of contaminated food.
  • - Boiled rice that is held for prolonged
    periods at ambient temperature and then quickly
    fried before serving is the usual offender.
  • - Dairy products may also be responsible.

Bacillus cereus clinical presentation
Incubation period gt 6 hours Diarrhea Lasts 20-36
Incubation period lt 6 hours Severe vomiting Lasts
8-10 hours
  • B. cereus cause panophthalmitis by an
    incompletely defined mechanism (necrotic toxin,
    cereolysin which is a potent hemolysin, and
    phosphlipase C which is a potent lecithinase).
  • It is a post traumatic disease which is rapidly
    progressive that almost universally ends in
    complete loss of light perception within 48

  • Gram-positive, non motile, club shaped
    pleomorphic bacilli that appear in short chains
    (V or Y) configurations or in clumps resembling
    Chinese letters.
  • Nonencapsulated, catalase positive, and oxidase
  • C. diphtheriae is fastidious while diphtheriods
    are not
  • They contain metachromatic granules
    (polymetaphosphate) which stain bluish purple
    with methylene blue.

  • There are both gram-positive and gram-negative
    species, although the majority of isolates are
  • Corynebacteria are aerobes or facultative
    anaerobes and generally grow slowly on enriched
  • Four distinct cultured types exist gravis,
    intermedius, mitis and belfanti.
  • These variants (biotypes) have been classified on
    the basis of growth characteristics, biochemical
    reactions and severity of disease.

  • They colonize skin, upper respiratory tract,
    gastrointestinal tract and urogenital tract of
  • The most important species is C. diphtheriae, the
    causative agent of diphtheria which causes
    disease by virtue of toxin production.
  • Diphtheria toxin is a very potent exotoxin that
    is lethal at doses as little as 100 to 150 ng /kg
    of body weight.
  • .

  • Nontoxigenic (avirulent) C. diphtheriae are
    morphologically indistinguishable from the
    virulent (toxigenic) strains
  • It is now recognized that avirulent strains may
    be converted to the virulent phenotype following
    infection and lysogenization by one of a number
    of distinct corynebacteriophages that carry
    structural gene for diphtheria toxin.
  • Lysogenic conversion may occur in situ as well as
    in vitro.

  • In 1883 Klebs demonstrated that C. diphtheriae is
    the agent of diphtheria.
  • The pathogenesis of diphtheria is based upon two
    primary determinants
  • 1) The ability of a given strain to colonize in
  • nasopharyngeal cavity and/or on the skin
  • 2) Its ability to produce the toxin.

Diphtheria Toxin
  • The regulation of diphtheria toxin gene
    expression is mediated by an iron-activated
    repressor which is encoded on the C. diphtheriae
  • Activation of the repressor gene derepresses the
    tox gene and diphtheria toxin is synthesized and
    secreted into the culture medium at maximal rates.

  • It is composed of a single polypeptide chain of
    535 amino acids which consists of 3 structural
    functional domains
  • An N-terminal ADP- ribosyl transferase (catalytic
  • A region which facilitates the delivery of the
    catalytic domain across the cell membrane
    (transmembrane domain).
  • The eukaryotic cell receptor binding domain.

  • Following mild digestion with trypsin and
    reduction under denaturing conditions, the toxin
    is cleaved into two polypeptide fragments (A and
  • Fragment A is the N-terminal containing the
    catalytic center for the ADP- ribosylation of
    elongation factor 2
  • (EF-2).
  • Fragment B (the C terminal) carries the
    transmembrane and receptor binding domain of the
  • One molecule can inactivate the whole factor.

  • The intoxication of eukaryotic cells by
    diphtheria toxin involves at least four distinct
  • Binding of toxin to its cell surface receptor.
  • Clustering of charged receptors into coated pits
  • internalization of toxin by receptors
    mediated endocytosis.
  • Insertion of transmembrane domain into the
  • and delivery of the catalytic domain into
    the cytosol.
  • ADP- ribosylation of EF-2 irreversibly inhibiting
    protein synthesis.

Clinical Manifestations
  • Incubation of 2-6 days.
  • There are two types of clinical diphtheria
    nasopharyngeal and cutaneous.
  • Diphtheria is most commonly an infection of the
    upper respiratory tract and causes fever, sore
    throat and malaise.

  • A thick, gray-green fibrin membrane, the
    pseudomembrane, often forms over the site(s) of
    infection as a result of the combined effects of
    bacterial growth, toxin production, necrosis of
    underlying tissue and the host immune response.
  • Symptoms of pharyngeal diphtheria vary from mild
    pharyngitis to hypoxia due to airway obstruction
    by the pseudomembrane.

  • The involvement of cervical lymph nodes may cause
    profound swelling of the neck (bull neck
  • The skin lesions in cutaneous diphtheria are
    usually covered by a gray-brown pseudomembrane.
  • Life-threatening systemic complications,
    principally loss of motor function (as difficulty
    in swallowing) and congestive heart failure may
    develop as a result of the action of diphtheria
    toxin on peripheral motor neurons and the

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  • Fully immune individual have asymptomatic
    colonization and partially immune persons develop
    a mild respiratory illness.
  • Disease is followed by long lasting immunity
    which is also achieved by immunization using
    diphtheria toxoid (protective level is 0.01
  • Diagnosis Requires demonstration of toxigenic
  • C. Diphtheria in lesions (throat,
    nasopharynx, nose) by Elek test.

Laboratory diagnosis
  • Specimen A throat swab
  • Culture The swab is inoculated on Loeffler's
    serum medium and/or on blood tellurite agar
    aerobically at 37C for 24.
  • On Loeffler's serum medium
  • Corynebacteria grow much more readily than other
    respiratory pathogens
  • Used to enhance the characteristic microscopical
    appearance of corynebacteria
  • The colonies of C. diphtheriae are small,
    granular, grey, smooth, and creamy with irregular

Cultural characteristics
  • On blood tellurite agar (McLeod's blood agar)
  • It is a selective medium for the isolation of C.
    diphtheriae (Potassium tellurite)
  • 3 biotypes of C. diphtheriae are characterized on
  • i.e. Gravis, mitis and intermedius biotypes
  • The most severe disease is associated with the
    gravis biotype
  • Colony of gravis biotype is large, non-hemolytic
  • Colonies of mitis biotype are small, hemolytic
    and black
  • Colonies of intemedius biotype are intermediate
    in size, non-hemolytic with black center grey

Gram stain of C. diphtheriae
C. diphtheriae on BTA
In Vitro Eleks Test
  • Principle
  • It is a toxin/antitoxin reaction
  • Toxin production by C.diphtheriae can be
    demonstrated by a precipitation between exotoxin
    and diphtheria antitoxin
  • Procedure
  • A strip of filter paper impregnated with
    diphtheria antitoxin is placed on the surface of
    serum agar
  • The organism is streaked at right angels to the
    filter paper
  • Incubate the plate at 37C for 48 hrs

Filter paper saturated with diphtheria antitoxin
Lines of precipitations
  • Results
  • After 48 hrs incubation, the antitoxin diffusing
    from filter paper strip and the toxigenic strains
    produce exotoxin, which diffuses and results in
    four precipitation lines radiating from
    intersection of the strip and the growth of

Inoculated M.O.
Positive Eleks Test
  • Worldwide distribution.
  • Incidence has dropped dramatically since the
    introduction of the vaccine.
  • Crowding and low immunity promote spread and it
    is maintained in the population by asymptomatic
    carriage in the oropharynx or on the skin of
    immune individuals.
  • Infections is acquired by direct
    (person-to-person) spread via respiratory
    droplets or skin contact.

  • 30-60 of adults have antitoxin antibodies below
    the protective level and are at risk.
  • Epidemics in Russia since 1994, 80.000 cases and
    2000 deaths.
  • Immunity can be assessed by serology or the Shick
  • Control is based on immunization (adults should
    be reimmunized every 10 years)

  • Treatment
  • Antitoxin (20.000-100.000 units)
  • - Antibiotics (Erythromycin)

Related OrganismsListeria monocytogenes
  • Gram positive rods, but may be coccoid in direct
    smears, sometimes arranged in short chains,
    motile at room temperature, and beta hemolytic.
  • They can multiply at low temperature and may
    accumulate in refrigerated food.
  • L. monocytogenes is ingested with raw
    contaminated food.

Listeria monocytogenes
  • No capsules
  • Resistant to cold, heat, salt, pH extremes and
  • Virulence attributed to ability to replicate in
    the cytoplasm of cells after inducing
    phagocytosis avoids humoral immune system

  • They produce an invasion factor that enables them
    to penetrate host cells of the epithelial lining.
  • They are facultative intracellular parasites.
  • Normally, the immune system eliminates the
    infection before it is spread.

  • L. monocytogenes infection is acquired from food
    (vegetable or animal products).
  • Most cases occur in immunocompromised hosts
    newborns, elderly, cancer patients and transplant
  • It may be transmitted congenitally (mild flue
    like in mother) and the fetus develops a serious
  • Depending on the stage of gestation, the fetus is
    either stillborn or born with signs of congenital
    manifestations, a condition known as
    granulomatosis infantiseptica.

  • Listeriosis is a serious disease of humans with a
    mortality of more than 25.
  • There are two main clinical manifestations,
    sepsis and meningitis.
  • Meningitis is often complicated by encephalitis
    which is exceptional among bacterial infections.
  • Occasionally, pyogenic infections of various
    organs have been found.

  • Relapses may occur after apparent recovery.
  • Diagnosis is made by isolation of the organism.
  • Control is achieved by hygienic food processing
    and storage.
  • Treatment most antibiotics except cephalosporins
    can be given (e.g.. ampicillin and

Epidemiology and Pathology
  • Primary reservoir is soil and water animal
  • Can contaminate foods and grow during
  • Listeriosis - most cases associated with dairy
    products, poultry, and meat
  • Often mild or subclinical in normal adults
  • Immunocompromised patients, fetuses and neonates
    affects brain and meninges
  • 20 death rate

Diagnosis and Control
  • Culture requires lengthy cold enrichment process.
  • Rapid diagnostic tests using ELISA available
  • Ampicillin and trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole
  • Prevention pasteurization and cooking

Listeria monocytogenes
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
  • Gram-positive rod widely distributed in animals
    and the environment
  • Similar to Listeria in morphology.
  • Primary reservoir tonsils of healthy pigs
  • Enters through skin abrasion, multiples to
    produce erysipeloid, dark red lesions
  • Susceptible to Penicillin or erythromycin
  • Vaccine for pigs

Erysiplothrix rhusiopathiae
  • Causes Erysiploid, a well defined, violet or
    wine-colored inflammatory lesion of the skin of
    the fingers or hand.
  • Itching is typical. Infrequently septicemia
    develops, followed by various organ
    manifestations such as endocarditis or arthritis
    without fever.
  • Incubation is 1-4 days and healing occurs in 2-3
  • It is an occupational disease as a result of
    exposure to mammals, poultry and fish.

Propionibacterium acnes
  • The anaerobic counterpart of Corynebacteria.
  • It normally colonizes the skin crypts
  • The pathogenic role is still disputed, but in
    compromised patients it may cause disease such as
  • In skin lesions, it is found with other
    pathogenic bacteria such as S. aureus and is
    believed to support the damaging effects of these
  • It is doubtful whether P. acnes alone is able to
    induce acne.

Streptobacillus moniliformis
  • Gram negative rods.
  • The causative agent of rat bite fever.
  • At the bite site, an ulcer appears that may heal
    spontaneously, occasionally spread to the
    regional lymph nodes and bacteremia has been
  • Generalized disease (malaise, fever) may be
  • Rat bite is also caused by spirillum minus, a
    very different organism.

Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
  • Gram negative rods that cause granuloma
    inguinale, an infections localized to the genital
  • It spreads to adjacent areas and the regional
    lymph nodes also may be inflamed.
  • Persistent granulomatous lesions tend to
    ulcerate, destroying skin and subcutaneous
  • It is normally present in the gut flora but may
    be transmitted to the genital area by
    autoinoculation or sexual contact.

Arcanobacterium hemolyticum
  • It causes
  • Pharyngitis with or without scarlet-like rash.
  • Cutaneous infection.
  • Endocarditis.
  • Meningitis.
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