Embodied Machines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Embodied Machines


Embodied Machines The Grounding (binding) Problem Real cognizers form multiple associations between concepts Affordances - how is an object interacted with – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Sumnicht
Learn more at: http://grammar.ucsd.edu


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Embodied Machines

Embodied Machines
  • The Grounding (binding) Problem
  • Real cognizers form multiple associations between
  • Affordances - how is an object interacted with
  • Frames - Background structure against which
    concept is understood -- sometimes highly complex
    (Educational system, family relationships)
  • Emotions - witnessing event/seeing object
    conjures up emotional states
  • Mental simulation - comprehending language may
    trigger imagistic modeling of event based on

Embodied Machines
  • Mouse
  • Mammal, Small, furry, grey to brown, long
    whiskers, cats like to play with them and then
    eat them, theyre used in experiments, ladies
    stand on chairs when theyre around, they squeak,
    theyre prolific breeders, theyre sold live as
    snake food, theyre one kind of rodent, they look
    a lot like rats, they are sometimes pets, they
    like to run on a wheel
  • Play
  • The opposite of work, its fun, kids do it,
    scheduled in during grade school, you play games,
    you play with words,

Embodied Machines
  • Approaches to meaning construction
  • NLP
  • Text/speech is considered comprehended when
    parsed syntactically, and when word meanings have
    been assigned
  • Meaning is pre-determined by humans in some way
  • Embodied approach
  • World has no structure until body begins to
    interact in it
  • Need goals sensorimotor system
  • Experience --gt meaning
  • Words map onto meaning

Embodied Machines
  • Steels talking heads
  • Simple robots
  • Auditory visual systems
  • Motivating goal language game
  • Simple environment
  • 2 dimensional world containing objects
  • Robots determine their own categories for objects
  • Robots determine their own labels for categories
  • Robots and environment are real physical entities

Embodied Machines
  • Cangelosi Parisi
  • Virtual agents, virtual world
  • A kind of embodied learning
  • Agents have physical location, orientation,
    movement capabilities within their environment
  • Agents consume mushrooms which affects their
    energy status
  • Agents (collectively) have a motivating task --gt
    increase fitness of species
  • They sense perceptual characteristics, not
    mushrooms --gt they learn which characteristics
    describe real vs. poisonous mushrooms
  • Agents (collectively) learn to categorize and
    label mushrooms

Embodied Machines
  • CELL (Deb Roy)
  • Cross channel Early Lexical Learning
  • Models embodied language learning using input
    that approximates input to human infants
  • Instantiated in robot body with microphone/camera
  • CELL learns to form word meaning correspondences
    from raw (unsegmented) audio and visual input

Embodied Machines
  • First Task
  • Segmentation
  • Audio stream parsing into segments
  • Video stream parsing into objects
  • Segmentation process produces channel of words
    and channel of shapes
  • Second Task
  • Build a lexicon by identifying frequently
    co-occurring pairs of audio visual segments

Embodied Machines
  • Illustrative example (not from actual data)
  • Imagine an utterance
  • dont throw the ball at the cat
  • Uttered in a scene containing these identified
  • (Noise present)

Embodied Machines
  • Objects not necessarily identified in same order
    as named in utterance
  • Time delays between utterance and object
    recognition highly likely

throw the ball at the
Embodied Machines
  • Short term memory (STM) look at a temporal
    window surrounding each word
  • Aim is to go back or forward far enough in time
    to have the word and referent in same window

throw the ball at the
Short term memory
Embodied Machines
  • Window marches through data stream collecting
    segmented objects and words for possible mapping

throw the ball at the
Short term memory
Embodied Machines

throw the ball at the
Short term memory
Embodied Machines

throw the ball at the
Short term memory
Embodied Machines
  • Audio and visual segments that have a high degree
    of mutual informationare likely semantically
    linked and should be saved in long term memory

Objects Words

Ball 5
Cat 6
The 40 50
?Unique occurrences

?unique 59 116
Embodied Machines
  • Mutual information
  • MI P(ab) ? co-occurrence (ab)
  • ------------- ----------------------------------
  • P(a) P(b) occurrence (a) occurrence (b)

P (cat ) 40/(100 59) 0.0067
P (the ) 40/(90,000 59)
Words like the are promiscuous. They co-occur
with so many categories, they lack predictive
Embodied Machines
  • Two implementations of CELL
  • Robot
  • Learning from observing Infant/Caregiver

Embodied Machines
  • Robot
  • Input spoken utterances and images of objects
    acquired from video camera mounted on robot
  • Experimenter places objects in front of the robot
    and describes them
  • Acquisition of lexicon
  • Robot gathers visual information about
    environment while listening to speech (discovers
    high MI pairs)
  • Speech generation
  • Search for objects in environment then describe
  • Speech understanding (maps word to object)

Embodied Machines
  • Learning from infant-caregiver interaction
  • Infants played with 7 classes of objects
  • Balls, shoes, keys, toy cars, trucks, dogs,
  • Care-giver/infant interaction was natural
  • CELL attempted to build up lexicon from observing
    these interactions
  • Segmentation accuracy (segment boundaries
    correspond to word boundaries?)
  • Word discovery (segments correspond to single
  • Semantic accuracy (if word segmented properly, is
    it properly mapped to an object?)

Embodied Machines
  • Segmentation accuracy 28 (compared to 7 for
    acoustic only model)
  • Word discovery 72 of segmented items were
    single words (compared to 31 for acoustic only
  • Semantic accuracy 57 of hypothesized lexical
    candidates are both valid words and were linked
    to semantically relevant visual categories
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