12/05 Advanced Biology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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12/05 Advanced Biology


12/05 Advanced Biology Classroom activities: Warm up Science Inquiry experiment data collection Science Article Presentations Notes: Heredity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 12/05 Advanced Biology

12/05 Advanced Biology
Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment data collection Science
Article Presentations Notes Heredity
AssignmentHeredity Simulation worksheet
  • Warm up
  • When you graph your results, which measurement is
    the dependent variable?
  • Which measurement is the independent variable?

Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment data collection Science
Article Presentations
  • Warm up
  • Write the formula used to calculate the
    percentage of seeds that germinate.

Science Article Presentations
Each group will present the following information
about their assigned article (25 points) 1.)
Date and Location of the Story/Research 2.)
Description of the discovery 3.) Description of
methods used to make the discovery 4.) Importance
of the the findings 5.) What does your group
think the next step should be if the scientists
were to continue research.
  • A.) Gravity of Glacial Melt
  • B.)Small and Efficient Water Nanodroplets
  • C.)Mans Best Friend Common Canine virus
  • D.)Could Mistletoe give the Kiss of Death to
  • E.) Oregon scientists make embryos with 2 women,
    1 man
  • F.)More Solid Measure of Melting in Polar Ice
  • G.)Active Lifestyle Boosts Brain Structure.
  • H.)Human Disturbances Keep Elk on High Alert

Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment data collection Science OAKS
  • Warm up NO WARM UP TODAY
  • Pick up your experiment packet and collect data

Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment data collection Review of
concepts for Science OAKS -practice
Qs -writing research
  • Warm up (earth science review)
  • Describe and illustrate three forms of stress
    that deform the Earths crust during earthquakes.
  • See page 13 in Dynamic Earth

Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment -groups make
observations -clean up round 1 -groups set up
round 2 If you are done observing and other
groups are still working.work on your reading
work sample. Review of concepts for Science
OAKS -practice Qs -writing research
  • Warm up (earth science review)
  • What is the best hypothesis that explains why
    continents move?
  • page 68 in Dynamic Earth

  • Divergent boundaries
  • Convergent boundaries
  • Subduction
  • Continental drift

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Advanced Biology 11/20
Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment -groups set up experiment
station -groups make observations If you are
done observing and other groups are still
working.work on your reading work sample.
Review of concepts for Science OAKS -practice
Qs -writing research
  • Warm up
  • Which samples displayed growth?
  • Were there any general observations that you
    noticed in the various groups of seeds?

Advanced Biology 11/19
Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment -groups set up experiment
station -groups make observations If you are
done observing and other groups are still
working.work on your reading work sample.
Review of concepts for Science OAKS -practice
Qs -discussion / short notes
  • Warm up (quiz)
  • 1.) Which type of seed did your group use?
  • 2.)Which salt solutions did you choose?
  • 3.)How much soil did you put in each pot?

Advanced Biology 11/16
Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment -groups choose
variables -groups brainstorm procedures to
measure and control variables. -groups design
procedures -groups set up experiment
station -groups make observations If you are
done observing and other groups are still
working.work on your reading work sample.
Review of concepts for Science OAKS -practice
Qs -discussion / short notes
  • Warm up
  • Why is it important to document any changes to
    the original procedure?

Advanced Biology 11/15
Classroom activities Warm up Science
Inquiry experiment -groups choose
variables -groups brainstorm procedures to
measure and control variables. -groups design
procedures -groups set up experiment
station -groups make observations If you are
done observing and other groups are still
working.work on your reading work sample.
Review of concepts for Science OAKS -practice
Qs -discussion / short notes
  • Warm up
  • Why is it important to complete more than one
    trial during an experiment?

Sunflower seeds
Wheat grass seed
Advanced Biology 11/13
Classroom activities Warm up Reflection of
research topic -reflection due
today Introduction to Science Inquiry experiment
-groups choose variables -groups brainstorm
procedures to measure and control
variables. Work time any additional time will
be used to work on reading work samples
  • Warm up
  • What is the most difficult part to complete when
    writing a research paper?

Advanced Biology 11/13
  • Research topic reflection
  • Using what you have learned from your research
    paper, briefly describe the biome that you
  • Name one endangered organism that is found in
    your biome.
  • Explain how humans are affecting the biome.

Advanced Biology 10/26/12
Todays activities Warm up
  • Warm up
  • No warm up today

10/26 11/7
Classroom activities Writing research paper
(due 11/7/12)
  • Warm up
  • No warm up today

Advanced Biology 10/24/12
Todays activities Review topic sentences/
thesis statements. -Video/Quiz How to organize
an essay -Make blank skeleton map/outline that
can be filled in later. Using source materials
videos/quizzes -Research time for sources
  • Warm up
  • What are the characteristics of a successful
    topic sentence?

Advanced Biology 10/24/12
Todays activities Review topic sentences/
thesis statements. -Video/Quiz How to organize
an essay -Make blank skeleton map/outline that
can be filled in later. Using source materials
videos/quizzes -Research time for sources
  • Warm up
  • What are the characteristics of a successful
    topic sentence?

Finding Reliable Sources
  • Write the following information in the notes
    section of your writing journal
  • Choose a textbook to use as a non-electronic
    source. Make a citation for the textbook
  • Find at least 4 reliable online sources
  • Write the complete APA citation
  • Write a short summary or list of useful facts
    that can be found at that source.

Advanced Biology 10/23/12
Todays activities Begin writing work
sample instruction -Requirements -Video/Q
uiz Topic sentence/ Thesis statement -Write
sample topic sentence -Video/Quiz How to
organize an essay -Make blank skeleton
map/outline that can be filled in later. Using
source materials videos/quizzes Tuesday Using
source materials videos/quizzes Research time
for sources
  • Warm up
  • List 5 skills that are important for obtaining
    and keeping a desirable job.
  • (make your best guess..there is no answer in
    your textbook)

Workplace Skills
  • Employers who participated in The Conference
    Board's Turning Skills into Profit study of 25
    workplace education programs across the United
    States identified the following as key Workplace
    Basic Skills
  • Literacy Skills
  • improved understanding and ability to use
    documents such as safety instructions, assembly
    directions or map
  • improved understanding and ability to use
    numbers by themselves or in charts and tables
  • improved understanding and ability to use prose
    writing such as reports, letters and manuals
  • Other Basic Skills
  • improved ability to listen to understand, learn
    and apply information and analysis
  • better ability to communicate by using English in
    the workplace
  • improved capacity to think critically and act
    logically to evaluate situations, solve problems,
    and make decisions
  • improved ability to use computers and other
    technology, instruments, tools and information
    systems effectively
  • New Attitudes
  • greater willingness and ability to learn for life
  • more positive attitude toward change
  • Working with Others
  • better ability to build and work in teams
  • improved understanding and willingness to work
    within the culture of the group
  • For more information on Workplace Basic Skills
    identified in The Conference Board's report, see
    Turning Skills into Profit (PDF, 79.57 KB)

Advanced Biology 10/22/12
  • Warm up Describe one specific topic you enjoyed
    studying during this unit.

Todays activities QUIZ TODAY

Advanced Biology 10/19/12
  • Warm up Describe one nutrient cycle and how
    humans affect that cycle.

Todays activities Study guide QUIZ
MONDAY 10/18 Nutrient cycles. PowerPoint. Flow
Chart assignment due today Nutrient cycle

Advanced Biology 10/18/12
  • Warm upDefine climax community.

Todays activities Nutrient cycles.
PowerPoint. Flow Chart assignment due
today Nutrient cycle

Advanced Biology 10/17/12
  • Warm upWhat type of interaction does a cow
    grazing in a field demonstrate?

Todays activities Nutrient cycles.
PowerPoint. Flow Chart assignment due
today Nutrient cycle

Advanced Biology 10/15/12
  • Warm up What is the primary source for energy
    loss as it moves through an ecosystem?

Todays activities Ecological succession. Writing
assignment Due 10-18-12

Advanced Biology 10/10/12
  • Warm up describe 3 factors that may limit an
    organisms range.

Todays activities Biomes and food webs.
Introduction to food web project.

Advanced Biology 10/5/12
  • Warm up
  • What is an autotroph?
  • (see hand out near primary producers)

Todays activities Beginning of new unit
Ecology Data Collection Pre-test You get full
credit on this 15 point quiz simply by completing
every question and taking your timeuse at least
30 minutes to take the test. Note The more
questions that are answered correctly less need
for direct instruction in that area more
lab/activity time to explore the concepts. Warm

Advanced Biology 10/4/12
  • Warm up
  • What does the endosymbiont theory explain?

Todays activities Warm up QUIZ TODAY Read
the handout about ecosystems and define all bold
underlined words. Due Friday Also read the
take home message section and rewrite each
bulleted phrase in your own words.
Due Friday

Advanced Biology 10/3/12
  • Warm up
  • Which organisms have eukaryotic cells?
  • Which organisms have prokaryotic cells?

Todays activities Warm up Go over study guide
and discuss endosymbiont hypothesis QUIZ THURS

Endosymbiotic Theory
The Endosymbiotic Theory
  • Review
  • What is a theory?
  • What is the difference between prokaryotic and
    eukaryotic cells?
  • The endosymbiotic theory is the idea that a long
    time ago, prokaryotic cells engulfed other
    prokaryotic cells by endocytosis. This resulted
    in the first eukaryotic cells.
  • First proposed by Lynn Margulis
  • Explains the origin of eukaryotic cells
  • Explains the origin of certain membrane-bound

What Exactly Happened?
Plants and plant-like protists
Ancient Prokaryotes
Heterotrophic bacteria
Photosynthetic bacteria
Nuclear envelope evolving
Primitive Autotrophic (Photosynthetic) Eukaryote
Animals, fungi, and animal-like protists
Ancient Heterotrophic Prokaryote
Primitive Heterotrophic Eukaryote
Membrane-Bound Organelles
  • Mitochondria membrane-bound organelle that
    produces energy for the cell
  • Chloroplast membrane-bound organelle that
    captures sunlight and uses it to make food for
    the cell

Evidence in support of the endosymbiotic theory
  • Similarities between mitochondria, chloroplasts,
  • Circular DNA
  • Ribosomes
  • Binary fission

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Advanced Biology 10/2/12
  • Warm up
  • How are eukaryotic cells different from
    prokaryotic cells?

Todays activities Warm up Finish
presentations. Hand out study guide and discuss
endosymbiont hypothesis
Organelle writing assignment Wednesday Group
organelle challengeuse play dough to build
models of organelles and be able to tell what
each organelle does for the cell. DO NOT USE

Advanced Biology 10/1/12
Todays activities Warm up Finish
presentations. If you were absent Friday, your
essay is due today! Notes/Discussion Cell
Organelle functions review. Group organelle
challengeuse play dough to build models of
organelles and be able to tell what each
organelle does for the cell. DO NOT USE YOUR
  • Warm up
  • What does the endoplasmic reticulum do for the

Advanced Biology 9/28/12
  • Warm up
  • What part of a city is the chloroplast like?

Todays activities Warm up Project
Presentations Work time on project essay. If time
allows Video Tour of the Cell .

Advanced Biology 9/28/12
  • Warm up
  • What part of a city is the cell membrane like?

Todays activities Warm up Reminder of
Assignment from Tuesday Choose 1 cell organelle
and write your best paragraph describing its
structure and how it is helpful for the cell.
and,.Make a NEAT illustration of the organelle
and show where it is often located within a cell.
Due today Project Presentations Work time on
project essay. If time allows Video Tour of
the Cell .

Advanced Biology 9/27/12
  • Warm up
  • What part of a city is the cell membrane like?

Todays activities Warm up Reminder of
Assignment from Tuesday Choose 1 cell organelle
and write your best paragraph describing its
structure and how it is helpful for the cell.
and,.Make a NEAT illustration of the organelle
and show where it is often located within a cell.
Due today Project Presentations Work time on
project essay. If time allows Video Tour of
the Cell .

Advanced Biology 9/26/12
  • Warm up
  • What part of a city is the nucleus like?

Todays activities New seating arrangement Warm
up Reminder of Assignment Choose 1 cell
organelle and write your best paragraph
describing its structure and how it is helpful
for the cell. and,.Make a NEAT illustration of
the organelle and show where it is often located
within a cell. Due today Introduction to group
project Work time on project. Presentations
begin tomorrow. Every group should be ready

Advanced Biology 9/25/12
  • Warm up
  • In what ways is a cell similar to a city?

Todays activities Warm up Discussion
Homeostasis Cell parts/ Functions Work time
Assignment or Metric System Quiz Assignment
Choose 1 cell organelle and write your best
paragraph describing its structure and how it is
helpful for the cell. and,.Make a NEAT
illustration of the organelle and show where it
is often located within a cell.

Advanced Biology 9/21/12
Todays activities Group A Protein synthesis
lesson -Group discussion/essay -Study
guide -Retest Monday Group B Metric system
  • Warm up
  • Joey runs around a 400 meter track five and a
    half times.
  • How many kilometers has he traveled?

Upcoming events Thursday/Friday Metric Olympics
(group Monday Review Metric System Quiz
Advanced Biology 9/20/12
  • Warm up Define the following terms
  • Polypeptide
  • Amino acid

Todays activities QUIZProtein Synthesis Metric
System worksheets Metric Olympics

Upcoming events Thursday/Friday Metric
Olympics Monday Review Metric System Quiz
Advanced Biology 9/19/12
  • Warm up Define these terms
  • Codon
  • Anti-codon

Todays activities Warm up Pass back papers/
Grade print outs Revisit of old test Review
Protein Synthesis QUIZProtein Synthesis

Upcoming events Thursday/Friday Metric
Olympics Monday Review Metric System Quiz
Advanced Biology 9/18/12
  • Warm up NO WARM UP

Todays activities Warm up Work time on Project
(due Tuesday) If you get done earlythere is an
EC assignment due Friday) and/or
you can work on the next regular assignment due
Thursday. Upcoming events Quiz WED for all who
have not taken quiz

Advanced Biology 9/17/12
  • Warm up Which kind of mutation affects the
    protein more ? (point or frameshift)
    Explain why.

Todays activities Warm up Introduction to
project / Computer rules Work time on Project
(due Tuesday) If you get done earlythere is an
EC assignment due Friday) and/or
you can work on the next regular assignment due
Thursday. Upcoming events Quiz Tuesday if you
are ready (individual) Quiz WED for all who have
not taken quiz
ADV Biology 9/14/12
  • Warm up What does tRNA do in the process of
    protein synthesis?

Todays activities Warm up Discussion Protein
Synthesis 3D modeling Mutations Mutation
Modeling Cool down
Upcoming topic/events Protein synthesis Transcr
iption Translation QUIZ Tues
ADV Biology 9/13/12
  • Warm up Which organelle is responsible for
    allowing the correct amino acids to collide with
    the mRNA molecule?

Todays activities Warm up Protein Synthesis 3D
modeling -transcription -translation Mutations
Cool down
Upcoming topic/events Protein synthesis Transcr
iption Translation QUIZ FRI
  • Describe one type of mutation and explain how it
    may affect an entire organism.
  • Please write one complete paragraph using your
    best writing.

ADV Biology 9/12/12
  • Warm up What is made during the TRANSCRIPTION
    stage of protein synthesis?

Todays activities Warm up Review of
transcription assignment Groups textbook
research Explain and illustrate 5 major events
that occur during the TRANSLATION process of
protein synthesis. Notes/Discussion Making
proteins from DNA Video Translation Cool down
Upcoming topic/events Protein synthesis Transcr
iption Translation QUIZ FRI
9/12 cool down
  • Summarize what happens during the following
    processes with two sentences for each process in
    protein synthesis
  • Transcription
  • Translation

ADV Biology 9/11/12
  • Warm up During the process of protein synthesis,
    what is the name of the molecule that is made as
    a portable copy of a segment of DNA?

Todays activities Warm up Groups textbook
research Explain and illustrate 5 major events
that occur during the TRANSCRIPTION process of
protein synthesis. Notes/Discussion Making
proteins from DNA Video using the information
in DNA to make protein Cool down
Upcoming topic/events Protein synthesis Transcr
iption Translation QUIZ FRI
  • Explain and illustrate 5 major events that occur
    during the TRANSCRIPTION process of protein

ADV Biology 9/10/12
  • Warm up Characteristic All living cells
    contain DNA. Explain how DNA is useful for the
    living organism. Exactly what does it do for the

Todays activities Warm up.. Syllabus due
today Notes/Discussion Making proteins from DNA
Quiz make up Groups textbook
research How do cells use the information in
DNA to create proteins? Group writes down their
best answer and verbally shares it with the
class. Video using the information in DNA to
make protein Cool down
Upcoming events Characteristics of living things
continued/ Experimental design.
  • Groups textbook research How do cells use the
    information in DNA to create proteins?
    (describe at least 5 steps)
  • Group writes down their best answer and verbally
    shares it with the class.

ADV Biology 9/10/12
  • Cool down
  • Explain the major steps that take place when a
    cell uses the information in DNA to create
    protein. Break down the process into at least 5

ADV Biology 9/7/12
  • Warm up Describe the things that would be found
    at the ecosystem level of organization.

Todays activities Warm up Discuss the cool down
activity from 9/6 (levels of organization) Review
Quiz Emergency procedures (if time
permits) Cool down
Upcoming events Friday (today) Cool down
question from 9/6 due Quiz Characteristics of
life, procedures Monday -syllabus
due Characteristics of living things continued/
Experimental design.
ADV Biology 9/7/12
  • Cool down
  • Write your best paragraph about at least three
    concepts/facts that you learned or were reminded
    of during this week in this class. Use complete
  • .

Advanced Biology 9/6/12
  • Warm up Describe something besides temperature
    that the human body must keep in balance.

Todays activities Warm up Syllabus Discuss the
cool down activity from 9/5 (viruses) Group
activity Poster characteristics of living
things/ share examples Group activity Checkpoint
question Emergency procedures (if time
permits) Cool down questions due at the
beginning of the period Friday
Upcoming events Friday Quiz Characteristics
of life, procedures -Cool down question (levels
of life) due Monday -Syllabus due
Advanced Biology 9/6/12
  • Checkpoint List 5 things that the human body
    must keep in balance to maintain homeostasis.
    For each thing that is listed, describe how the
    body reacts when that thing is out of balance.
  • Cool down Biology studies many different levels
    of life. List the level of life in order from
    smallest (cell) to largest (biosphere). For each
    level use an example that is different from
    example given in the textbook.

Advanced Biology 9/5/12
  • Warm up What makes something a living organism?

Todays activities Review of procedures / book
check out Group activitycharacteristics of
living things Group activity Checkpoint
question Group assignment Characteristics of
Life Poster due Thursday Cool down questions due
at the beginning of the period Thurs. Emergency
procedures (if time permits)
Upcoming events Thursday -Group poster
due -Cool down questions due Friday -Syllabus
Advanced Biology 9/5/12
  • Checkpoint Describe how a fish demonstrates each
    characteristic of life.
  • Cool down Viruses do not have cells and do not
    perform homeostasis. Do you think they should be
    considered living organisms? (explain why/why

Advanced Biology 9/5/12
  • Warm up / attendance (5 min)
  • Group activity (think/write/share) (20 min)
  • Describe / Define the characteristic of life that
    your group was assigned.
  • Explain how various organisms complete this
    function/ characteristic
  • Explain why this characteristic is vital to life.
  • Checkpoint question Characteristics of Life
    (example fish)(5 min)
  • Video Viruses and Bacteria10 minutes
  • -discuss differences between viruses and
  • Cool down question (5 min) Viruses / Work on
    assignment (7 min)
  • -students write answerdue by end of the period
  • Assignment Describe at least five things that
    needs to remained balanced in the human body to
    maintain homeostasis. Also explain how the human
    body maintains the balance. For examplebody
    heat.sweating when hot, shiver when cold. Due
    at the next class meeting.

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