Title: The Millennials are Here. Now What?
1The Millennials are Here. Now What?
- Nicole K. Roberts, PhD
- Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
- The Academy for Scholarship in Education
2Whos involved in medical education?
3Generations, Defined Strauss and Howe
- Cohort generation
- Born within same general time period,
approximately 20-22 yrs - Experience similar society
- Have similarities in personality (cohort wide,
not necessarily down to the individual)
4Generations, Defined Strauss and Howe
- Based on observations of American culture since
1600s - Some evidence of cross-cultural similarities,
though somewhat later than in USA - Observations were predictive of characteristics
of Millennials - Decline in youth problems
- Increase in positive behaviors
5Generation Types
- Adaptive/Artistic
- Idealistic/Prophetic
- Reactive/Nomad
- Civic/Hero
6Adaptive/Artistic (Silent)
7Idealistic/Prophetic (Boomers)
8Reactive/Nomadic (X)
9Civic/Hero (Millennials)
10Characteristics of the Millennials
- Special
- Sheltered
- Confident
- Team-Oriented
- Conventional
- Pressured
- Achieving
- Included
- Consulted
- Raised by GenX
- Opinions have always counted
- Obstacles removed
- Actions rewarded
14Team Oriented
- Work well together
- Consult with one another
- Consensus sought
- Return to manners of the past
- Return to rituals of the past
- May be cliquish
- School standards
- College not optional for many
- Structured time
- Higher grades
- Higher expectations (?)
18What Does this Mean for Us
19The Clash of the Generations?
20What Does this Mean for Us?
- Our job?
- Transmit values
- Their job?
- Question those values
21The Good News
- Millennials tend to like their parents
- Milennials tend to respect authority
- So even as they are questioning, they are rational
22What Else Does this Mean for Us?
- Dont expect Millennials to behave the same as
Gen-X - Dont treat them the same as Gen-X
23What Else Does this Mean for Us?
- Be authoritative
- Be in charge
- Be flexible
- Be friendly
- Be willing to changewith extensive rational