Choosing A Mate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Choosing A Mate


He says that 1 out of 4 marriages failed which was 40yrs ago, ... so there are godly and ungodly, ... Document presentation format: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Choosing A Mate

Choosing A Mate.And doing it Gods way
  • Opening Statement
  • By B C Sono 2009

Marriage Humour
  • Wife 'What are you doing?'
  • Husband Nothing.
  • Wife 'Nothing...? You've been
    reading our marriage certificate for an hour.'
  • Husband 'I was looking for the expiry date.'
  • -------------------------------
  • Wife 'Do you want dinner?'
  • Husband 'Sure! What are my choices?'
  • Wife 'Yes or no.
  • _____________
  • Wife 'You always carry my photo in your
    wallet.. Why?'
  • Hubby 'When there is a problem, no matter how
    great, I look at your picture and the problem
  • Wife 'You see how miraculous and powerful
    I am for you?'
  • Hubby 'Yes! I see your picture and ask myself
    what other problem can there be greater than this

In Other words you can test your spiritual life
by the kind of people youre interested in.
  • E.G White Show me your friends and Ill tell you
    what kind of a person you are.
  • A spiritual person will be attracted to another
    spiritual person, and a non-spiritual person is
    more likely to fall in love with a person
    out-side the church or with a non-spiritual person
  • By B C Sono 2009

Ps Henry Wright, 67yrs old, 45yrs in ministries
  • Says, in his forty years of counseling marriages,
    has taught him that the person you choose to
    marry is a direct reflection of your spiritual
  • He says that 1 out of 4 marriages failed which
    was 40yrs ago, BUT now most of every marriage
    fails, WHY because of choosing your mate before
    choosing your Maker, and they need Jesus to fix
    their mistake.
  • Lets hear of how can they succeed.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Is the a correct formula or that specific one?
  • One Bible scholar once said Therere no
    specifics but every specific design has its own
    specifications in other words, you fall into
    some category where youll find your eccentric or
  • But still, isnt that God took only one rib from
    Adam, sure must be a direction to go about it
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  • It shouldnt be an emotional decision but a
    spiritual decision.
  • Why because theres TRUE LOVE and
    INFATUATION, where infatuation means Temporary
    love of an adolescent or A foolish and usually
    extravagant passion or love or admiration
  • Now how to see the difference?
  • Here with are 10 points to use as a litmus paper
    to test the right way.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  1. He or she must be a God Fearing person.
  2. Spend time knowing yourself in the Lord before
    knowing someone else
  3. Ask yourself, is he/she gonna help me
    Heaven-ward, has it uplifted you spiritually or
    not. Elder Wright says, therere two types of
    loneliness, one of which just because youre
    alone, the other type is when you fall
    spiritually but your partner cant pitch to help.
    He would listen to the accolades they bring as
    before he must approve the marriage but then ask
    one question As a result of meeting this person,
    have you been brought closer to the Lord/Heaven,
    doesnt matter if he/she makes you happy if this
    condition does not hold its useless.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  • Ask your self what is that person bringing in
    your life?, other than a degree, beauty but also
    a spiritual aspect. Will it increase my love for
    God, will it increase my sphere of usefulness in
    this life. Mrs. White says Marriage is something
    that will influence your life in this world the
    world to come. Do you know long FOREVER is,
    marry the wrong person you will discover its
    the longest word in the English dictionary A
    sincere/earnest/ an open genuine Christian will
    not advance his plans in this direction without
    that God approves his course, he will not want to
    choose for himself but would feel that God must
    choose for him (AH.pg43The great decision)
  • Proverbs 2717 People learn from one another,
    just as iron sharpens iron.
  • Ecc 49,10 Two are better off than one, because
    together they can work more effectively. If one
    of them falls down, the other can help him up.
    But if someone is alone and falls, it's just too
    bad, because there is no one to help him.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  • 5. Ask yourself that if the worse thing you
    know about them does not change, what will change
    that in a marriage. i.e aggression, smoking,
    lying, fidelity. Trick is, if you spend time with
    God long enough, Hell give you a sign long ahead
    not to go since He wont make fool out of His
  • Spend time knowing yourself more in the Lord
    before you try knowing somebody else.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  • Dont drop your standards just for the sake of
    having someone in your life. 2 Cor. 614 in a GWV
    (Gods word version) -
  • 2Co 614 Stop forming inappropriate
    relationships with unbelievers. Can right and
    wrong be partners? Can light have anything in
    common with darkness?
  • vs15 Can Christ agree with the devil? Can a
    believer share life with an unbeliever?
  • vs17 The Lord says, "Get away from unbelievers.
    Separate yourselves from them. Have nothing to do
    with anything unclean. Then I will welcome you."
  • Only when we fully comprehend this text Gen 224
    shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be
    one flesh. now how will God make you one flesh
    with His enemy?.
  • Love is a big word, which will make you not to
    compromise your standard, God is in love with us
    but not in bed with us, so sex is not a way to
    prove your love
  • If you spend time with a fool, you wont make the
    right choice, or spending time with friends
    outside, you will end up marrying a fool.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  • Pray more than you use to. Mrs. White If a man
    and woman are in a habit of praying twice a day
    before they contemplate marriage, they should
    pray four times a day when such step is
    anticipated (AH.ch10.pg71). Three things to be
    done before,
  • 1.PRAY,

  • 2.PRAY,
  • and
  • 3.PRAY.
  • Know and tell God what you exactly want, Psalms
    374 tell Him the desires of your heart, have a
    picture in mind.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  1. Is the Holy Spirit your guide into your
    relationship. Dont be desperate or let your age
    besides your name intimidate you, Im 30yrs I
    need to get married, theres no text for that,
    once you get involved under desperation, the Holy
    Spirit is not involved.
  2. Money is the course for blacks to divorce. Before
    you get a wife get a Life! Before you say I will
    make sure you will..! Someone asked me when is
    the right age, answer not specific age or stage
    but simple when youre responsible if you
    cant maintain a relationship with God, how can
    you with a feeble man first things first!
  • By B C Sono 2009

Choosing A Mate.
  • Companionship - The state of being with someone.
    You may have companionship without marriage and
    also you can also can have marriage, but without
  • This is to say have a lengthy conversation
    before you engage, dont rush. i.e. what ticks
    you off, are you getting along with your family
    coz I dont want to marry into drama solving
    problems. Dont get caught up in I dont want to
    loose them, It will mess your head up, its not
    one piece of cake to satisfy you, God has made
    you fearfully and wonderfully made so trust Him.
    You cannot marry someone you dont love, E.G W.
    says that would be sin.
  • By B C Sono 2009

  • E.G White warned us with these -
  • Both families should be aware of that, and about
    private meetings late night courtship is evil.
  • Take time to study the persons character and
    have good intentions about it, which hopefully is
    to get married, else a frivolous (or playing with
    heart-trifling) spirit God forbids that and its
  • In studying their character, some display now how
    theyre going to behave in a marriage, i.e. lazy,
    quiet, no humor, strict, self-centeredness,
    organized etc..
  • Look at the common attributes(including your
    faith, someone to stomach your beliefs) you
    share, equilibrate the attributes, i.e. if youre
    talkative, find a quiet spirit.
  • By B C Sono 2009

Summary cont.
  • Submit a list or a depiction of the person youd
    love to spent eternity with, be honest to God of
    what you want.
  • In that list, dont look for Mr. or Mrs.
    right, or even a perfect one, dont look for
    something youre not set very high standards
    for others, for the fact is theyre not there!
    but look for one whom you can perfectly love
  • Gather as much info. As you can, because thats a
    great decision youre about to take, so look and
  • The advise throughout the bible is to look from
    among believers, Deut 72-4 Do not make an
    alliance with them or show them any mercy. Do not
    marry any of them, and do not let your children
    marry any of them, because then they would lead
    your children away from the LORD to worship other
    gods., so the argument goes further to say if
    its not your faith back away, they may be
    believers but not your faith, yes there maybe
    cases like Ruth who wasnt from the clan but Ruth
    had a willing heart to obey, but now its a risk.
  • Dont confuse Gods grace and His will, you may
    know a case like that (one who took from outside)
    but God decided to love them anyhow yet thats
    not His will but His grace.
  • By B C Sono 2009

  • Better pray to God if you were gifted to be
    single, and stay so as Paul suggested in 1 Cor.
    77-10, you can serve God with Obscurity but
    E.G White was married also, God must tell you.
  • The devil uses relationships to get people out of
    the church, so there are godly and ungodly, is
    what you have in mind godly?
  • Remember this will affect, your children,
    yourself both in this life and the world to come.
  • Even when you look one whos God fearing, and all
    those accolades, remember God created not Adam
    and Steve but Eve, so make sure you go for your
    opposite sex, lest we err and use this principles
    to wrong people.
  • Matt 633 But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
    and his righteousness and all these things shall
    be added unto you.
  • Its possible that when you choose to love
    outside, you probably living that life outside,
    but seek God first.
  • God Bless You
  • By B C Sono 2009
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