Title: Implementation of GEF Biodiversity Conservation Projects in Kazakhstan
1Implementation of GEF Biodiversity Conservation
Projects in Kazakhstan
A.Braliyev Vice Minister of Environmental
Protection Republic of Kazakhstan
2Conservation of flora and fauna and natural
ecosystems to avoid losses due to economic and
other activities
Biodiversity conservation is one of the
priorities under the national sustainable
development agenda
3GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Conservation
- Integrated Conservation of Priority Globally
Significant Migratory Bird Wetland Habitat A
Demonstration on Three Sites - In-situ Conservation of Kazakhstans Mountain
Agrobiodiversity - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
in the Kazakhstani Sector of the Altay-Sayan
Mountain Ecoregion - Conservation and Sustainable Management of Steppe
Ecosystems - Development of a Wetland Site and Flyway Network
for Conservation of the Siberian Crane and Other
Waterbirds in Asia - Dry Land Management in Central Kazakhstan
- Forest Protection and Reforestation Project.
4Wetlands Conservation Project
Project description
5Wetlands Conservation Project
Project description
6(No Transcript)
7Wetlands Conservation Project
Project description
8Wetlands Conservation Project
Project Implementation Progress
9Wetlands Conservation Project
Project Implementation Progress
10Wetlands Conservation Project
Project Implementation Progress
11Wetlands Conservation Project
Project Implementation Progress
12Wetlands Conservation Project
Project Implementation Progress
13- Installation of automated meteostation
- and restoration of hydrological stations
- Automated meteostations produced by Viasala
(Finland) MAWS110 procured and installed - Weather Metering software installed
- Automated meteostation presented
Sultankeldy Lake (TK)?
Alakol Lake (AS)
14Wetlands Conservation Project
Project Implementation Progress
Implementation timing March 2006 -
2011 ????????? ?????????? Wild fruit forests in
Zailiysky and Zhetusu Alatau of Almaty Oblast.
Forest management Talgar and Turgen branches of
Ile-Alatau PA Lepsin and Sarkand forest farms.
Total project area is about 400,000 ha (4,000
sq.m)? Total budget USD 22,237,700 Including
Global Environmental Facility (Project
implementation phase) USD 2,770,000 Ministry
of Agriculture, Akimat of Almaty Oblast (in-kind
contribution) USD 7,524,700 Profit-making
organizations and NGOs (in-kind contribution) -
USD 1,943,000.
Overall Project Goal
Conservation of Globally Significant
Agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan
Immediate Project Objective
Conservation of agrobiodiversity within the two
priority sites of the North Tien-Shan Mountains
by developing and applying the new conservation
methods and instruments including partnership
relationships among environmental agencies and
regulation of the use of natural resources at the
national and local levels, PAs, local communities
and private sector.
The most significant areas of agrobiodiversity
are mountain systems of Zailiysky and
Dzhungarsky Alatau
Major Project Components
1. Ecosystem-based conservation and management
of wild crop relatives at two project sites
2. Strengthened institutional, technical, and
financial framework for ABD conservation
3. An effective legislative framework for the
conservation and rational use of agrobiodiversity
4. Alternative livelihoods benefiting local
communities in project sites, reducing natural
resource use pressure on mountain agrobiodiversity
5. Awareness and support at all levels regarding
the values and need to conserve Kazakhstans
mountain agrobiodiversity increased
19Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
in the Kazakhstani Sector of the Altay-Sayan
Mountain Ecoregion
GEF Executive Agency UNDP National
Implementing Agency CFH, MoA Duration 5
years Budget 21,152,487
GEF 2,395,700 UNDP
40,000 Government 9,213,200 NGOs 12
,000 Private sector 45,000
German Government
20Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
in the Kazakhstani Sector of the Altay-Sayan
Mountain Ecoregion
Goal to enhance the sustainability and
conservation effectiveness of Kazakhstans
national PA system by demonstrating sustainable
and replicable approaches to conservation
management in the protected areas in the
Kazakhstani sector of Altai-Sayan ecoregion
21Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
in the Kazakhstani Sector of the Altay-Sayan
Mountain Ecoregion
Outcome 1 The protected area network is expanded
and PA management effectiveness will be
enhanced Outcome 2 Awareness of and support for
biodiversity conservation and PAs will be
increased among all stakeholders. Outcome 3 The
enabling environment for strengthening the
national protected area system will be enhanced,
Outcome 4 Community involvement in biodiversity
conservation will be increased and opportunities
for sustainable alternative livelihoods within
PAs and buffer zones will be facilitated Outcome
5 Project monitoring and evaluation are in
place. The best practices and lessons learned are
disseminated and replicated in other locations
within the national protected area system.
22Forest Protection and Reforestation Project
- Objective to conserve and recover unique
ribbon-like pine forests in the Irtysh area,
plant and forest reclamation in Kyzylorda region,
national institutional development - Project territory ribbon-like pine forests in
the Irtysh area in East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar
regions, saxaul plants and dry Aral seabed in
Kyzylorda region - Implementation period 2007-2011
- Project cost US63.8 mln.
- US28,8 mln. - republican budget
- US30 mln. IBRD loan
- US5 mln. GEF grant
23 Main challenges in implementing projects
- insufficient coordination among project executing
agencies - implementation of integrated management methods
at productive landscapes (fishing, agriculture
and hunting) surrounding protected areas - low level of interest among local communities in
the project sites to participate in the projects - traditional livelihoods, particularly mainly
cattle-breeding - legislative regulation of the involvement in PA
24Ways of addressing challenges
- Working Group under the GEF National Focal Point
- Inter-Agency Working Group has been set up from
the representatives of respective government
agencies in the area of integrated wetland
management - Memorandum of Understanding in the area of
education and training programs, creation of a
single database and application of the GIS