Title: Islamic Achievements
1Islamic Achievements
2A. Cultural
1. House of Wisdom (Baghdad) 2. Translation of
ancient texts into Arabic 3. Arabic alphabet 4.
3B. Art Architecture
1. Architecture (Dome of the Rock) 2. Mosaics
Mosaics http//www.thejoyofshards.co.uk/history/i
ndex.shtml 3/25/04
4B. Art Architecture
3. Calligraphy
The bird http//www.islamicity.com/Culture/Calligr
aphy/cp133.htm 3/25/04
5B. Art Architecture
4. Arabesques (geometric designs interwoven with
plants, leaves, flowers, and
6B. Art Architecture
5. Minarets, domes, etc
aphics/_EG2001/pedi_corporation/islam.html 3/25/04
7C. Philosophy Literature
1. Quran 2. Ibn Rushd harmonize Aristotles
and Platos views w/ Islam 3. Thousand and One
Nights (Arabian Nights)
8D. Scientific
1. Arabic numerals, inc. 0 (adapted from
India) 2. Astronomy 3. Algebra 4. Medicine 5.
Expansion of Geographic knowledge (astrolabe,
sextant, compass)
x² 3x 25
Astrolabe http//www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/isaslab
e.html 3/25/04
9Chris Columbus