Title: Survey Results
1Survey Results analysis for
- ATS Assembly on Respiratory Structure Function
Project Proposal Initiative
2Executive Summary
This report contains a detailed statistical analysis of the results to the survey titled ATS Assembly on Respiratory Structure Function Project Proposal Initiative . The results analysis includes answers from all respondents who took the survey in the 70 day period from Tuesday, May 12, 2009 to Monday, July 20, 2009. 71 completed responses were received to the survey during this time.
Survey Results Analysis
Survey ATS Assembly on Respiratory Structure Function Project Proposal Initiative
Responses Received 71
3Provide up to three suggestions for existing or
new areas of significant importance or
controversy that you feel should be considered
for project development
1 2 3
Ventilation/Persusion in artificial ventilation - heterogeneity of perfusion as a cause of hypoventilation a forgotten issue Effects of air pollution (physical, chemical, biological) on airway/parenchyma structure and remodeling
Exhaled breath analysis for desese diagnosis. Innovations in technology that may have utlity in the meidical field. Update on Methacholine challenge testing
Transcriptional mechanisms of recovery from acute lung injury Altered surfactant metabolism in diseased lung lung morphogenesis
Respiratory Health Effects of Climate Change The mechanisms and role of airway nerves in airway diseases.
Exhaled breath analysis for disease diagnosis. Innovations in technology that will have future utility in the medical field. Update on Methacholine challenge testing
lung repair in COPD
Severe asthma pathogenesis and new treatments Airway Smooth Muscle Cells anf Myofibroblasts as targets for treating asthma and COPD
4Phenotyping of animal models of emphysema Quantitative lung imaging Alveolar cell and tissue mechanics
pulmonary vasculopathy in metabolic diseaseacute vs chronic inflammatory response pulmonary vascular response to inflammatory damage regio-temporal specific "hot spots" cytoskeletal microdomains in endothelial repair
Functional consequences of airway smooth muscle remodeling
Origins of increased smooth muscle in asthma. Clinical trial of inhaled corticosteroids on airway smooth muscle hyperplasia. Airway smooth muscle hypertrophy or hyperplasia in COPD.
The significance of the small airways in asthma measurement, phenotypes treatment.
Complex behavior of the respiratory system in health and disease
Cyclical recruitment of atelectasis as a mechanism of ventilator-associated lung injury
exhaled breath analysis
5oral-cavity interferences with measurements of exhaled trace constituents from airways
Role of extracellular matrix in airway hyperesponsiveness
Airway epithelial barrier function in health and disease Airway epithelial models of health and disease
Airway Acid and Oxidative Stress--Biochemical Impacts on Airway Function
complex in vitro models epithelial/endothelial, Epithelial/smooth muscle, Epithelial/leukocyte
Interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems and subsequent effects - interaction with the lung, lung tissue and lung cells Electron tomography - 3D electron microscopy interaction of nanoparticles with subcellular structures like cytoskeleton, organelles, the nucleus Nanoparticulate matter in pulmonary medicinal application diagnistics, therapeutics (nanomedicine)
miRNA in lung function and airway remodeling
Dynamics of oxygen delivery Gas equation and it's clinical relation Atelectasis and it's management in context of mechanical ventilation
COPD rehabilitation screening upper mechanics for OSA neuromuscular/chest wall disorders
6severe asthma phenotypes animal models for rare pulmonary diseases therapeutic targets in chronic cough
Cardiopulmonary exercise capacity in obesity. Typical reporting may mask the fact that many obese are not deconditioned but rather symptomatic. A position document would be very helpful in the area. Obesity and respiratory function at rest and during exercise. Also, dyspnea on exertion.
Tracheostomies in children - standards of care for ongoing management, bronchoscopy etc
Dyspnea - more than altered mechanics
Obesity Respiratory Muscles
lung development in the extremely premature neonate, ventilation strategies for these patients
In vitro modelling of healthy airways In vitro respiratory drug delivery and testing
7endothelial dysfuction in ARDS endothelial pathophysiology in pulmonary hypertension pulmonary circulation in ventilator injury
ATS Methacholine Challange Guideline Update. last was is 1999 Pulmonary Physiology in the 21st century Innovations in testing and design. Exhaled Breath measurement for Disease. We had previouslt published a paper on detecting Lung cancer. Now we are looking at all disease. This I would like to chair as I have the background and expertise.
Lung residenet stem cells inducible prluripotent stem cells microparticles
Animal models of emphysema Innate immune function in COPD
Interaction of inflammatory and alveolar epithelial cells in acute lung injury The role of programmed cellular death in response to stress in resident lung cells
stem cell research effect of nanoparticles in health and disease
Pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial disease
Steroid resistance in structural cells Glucocorticoid signaling Alternative therapy in Severe asthma
New metabolic or lipid pathways that could modulate airway remodeling. Statins and airway disease.
Air pollution and lung (dys)function Lung parenchymal structural components how do they modify function Better understanting FOT and IOS data
8The controversial role of RAGE in lung pathophysiology. Queisser MA et al.,Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2008 Sep39(3)337-45 Reynolds PR et al.,Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2009 Jun 25 Sternberg DI et al., J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008 Dec136(6)1576-85 Englert JM et al., Am J Pathol. 2008 Mar172(3)583-91 He M et al., Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2007 Dec293(6)L1427-36. Mechanisms of alveolar protein clearance in the intact lung Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2004 Apr286(4)L679-89. Review
The development of airway smooth muscle in utero and early life. Factors influencing cell number. The composition of the ectracellular matrix in asthma.
Role of imaging in lung disease Translation of new technologies to clinical practice Standards for performance for diagnostic and monitoring tools in critical care
Airway wall remodelling Signal transduction cascades underlying development and severity of airway diseases Airway hyperresponsiveness mechanisms and consequences
Airway smooth muscle as a major actor in airway hyperresponsiveness from whole muscle mechanics to the assesment of crossbridge properties. Statistical mechanics a new way to establish a link between microscopic properties of airway smooth muscle and its bulk mechanical properties.
Murine and other animal models of COPD Modeling airway hyperresponsiveness Aging and the lung
91. (Provide up to three suggestions for existing or new areas of significant importance or controversy that you feel should be considered for project development)
Ventilation/Persusion in artificial ventilation - heterogeneity of perfusion as a cause of hypoventilation a forgotten issue
Exhaled breath analysis for desese diagnosis.
Transcriptional mechanisms of recovery from acute lung injury
Respiratory Health Effects of Climate Change
Exhaled breath analysis for disease diagnosis.
lung repair in COPD
Severe asthma pathogenesis and new treatments
Phenotyping of animal models of emphysema
pulmonary vasculopathy in metabolic diseaseacute vs chronic inflammatory response
Functional consequences of airway smooth muscle remodeling
Origins of increased smooth muscle in asthma.
The significance of the small airways in asthma measurement, phenotypes treatment.
Complex behavior of the respiratory system in health and disease
Cyclical recruitment of atelectasis as a mechanism of ventilator-associated lung injury
exhaled breath analysis
oral-cavity interferences with measurements of exhaled trace constituents from airways
Role of extracellular matrix in airway hyperesponsiveness
Airway epithelial barrier function in health and disease
Airway Acid and Oxidative Stress--Biochemical Impacts on Airway Function
complex in vitro models epithelial/endothelial, Epithelial/smooth muscle, Epithelial/leukocyte
Interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems and subsequent effects - interaction with the lung, lung tissue and lung cells
miRNA in lung function and airway remodeling
11Dynamics of oxygen delivery
COPD rehabilitation
severe asthma phenotypes
Cardiopulmonary exercise capacity in obesity. Typical reporting may mask the fact that many obese are not deconditioned but rather symptomatic. A position document would be very helpful in the area.
Tracheostomies in children - standards of care for ongoing management, bronchoscopy etc
Dyspnea - more than altered mechanics
lung development in the extremely premature neonate, ventilation strategies for these patients
In vitro modelling of healthy airways
endothelial dysfuction in ARDS
ATS Methacholine Challange Guideline Update. last was is 1999
Lung residenet stem cells
Animal models of emphysema
Interaction of inflammatory and alveolar epithelial cells in acute lung injury
stem cell research
Pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial disease
x-dr tuberculosis
Steroid resistance in structural cells
New metabolic or lipid pathways that could modulate airway remodeling.
Air pollution and lung (dys)function
12The controversial role of RAGE in lung pathophysiology. Queisser MA et al.,Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2008 Sep39(3)337-45 Reynolds PR et al.,Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2009 Jun 25 Sternberg DI et al., J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008 Dec136(6)1576-85 Englert JM et al., Am J Pathol. 2008 Mar172(3)583-91 He M et al., Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2007 Dec293(6)L1427-36.
The development of airway smooth muscle in utero and early life. Factors influencing cell number.
Role of imaging in lung disease
Airway wall remodelling
Airway smooth muscle as a major actor in airway hyperresponsiveness from whole muscle mechanics to the assesment of crossbridge properties.
Murine and other animal models of COPD
13(No Transcript)
14Glucocorticoid signaling
Statins and airway disease.
Lung parenchymal structural components how do
they modify function
Mechanisms of alveolar protein clearance in the
intact lung Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol.
2004 Apr286(4)L679-89. Review
The composition of the ectracellular matrix in
Translation of new technologies to clinical
Signal transduction cascades underlying
development and severity of airway diseases
Statistical mechanics a new way to establish a
link between microscopic properties of airway
smooth muscle and its bulk mechanical properties.
Modeling airway hyperresponsiveness
153. (Provide up to three suggestions for existing or new areas of significant importance or controversy that you feel should be considered for project development)
Update on Methacholine challenge testing
lung morphogenesis
Update on Methacholine challenge testing
Alveolar cell and tissue mechanics
cytoskeletal microdomains in endothelial repair
Airway smooth muscle hypertrophy or hyperplasia in COPD.
Nanoparticulate matter in pulmonary medicinal application diagnistics, therapeutics (nanomedicine)
Atelectasis and it's management in context of mechanical ventilation
neuromuscular/chest wall disorders
therapeutic targets in chronic cough
pulmonary circulation in ventilator injury
Exhaled Breath measurement for Disease. We had previouslt published a paper on detecting Lung cancer. Now we are looking at all disease. This I would like to chair as I have the background and expertise.
Alternative therapy in Severe asthma
Better understanting FOT and IOS data
Standards for performance for diagnostic and monitoring tools in critical care
Airway hyperresponsiveness mechanisms and consequences
Aging and the lung
Acute Lung Injury
17Most Desirable Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Desirable Least Desirable
Cytoskeletal dynamics in lung health and disease 25.4 (16) 30.2 (19) 28.6 (18) 7.9 (5) 7.9 (5)
Immune response in ventilator-injured lungs 14.3 (9) 38.1 (24) 23.8 (15) 15.9 (10) 7.9 (5)
Advances in ventilator technology and modalities 15.9 (10) 17.5 (11) 42.9 (27) 14.3 (9) 9.5 (6)
Osmotic stress and lung injury repair 6.3 (4) 28.6 (18) 39.7 (25) 14.3 (9) 11.1 (7)
18Cytoskeletal dynamics in lung health and disease(Acute Lung Injury)
19Immune response in ventilator-injured lungs(Acute Lung Injury)
20Advances in ventilator technology and modalities(Acute Lung Injury)
21Osmotic stress and lung injury repair(Acute Lung Injury)
22Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics
23Most Desirable Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Desirable Least Desirable
Murine models of asthma strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats 16.7 (11) 40.9 (27) 25.8 (17) 9.1 (6) 7.6 (5)
Neural control of the airways 15.4 (10) 29.2 (19) 40.0 (26) 13.8 (9) 1.5 (1)
Modulation of the cough reflex 13.8 (9) 24.6 (16) 36.9 (24) 16.9 (11) 7.7 (5)
TRP channels in airway pathobiology 8.1 (5) 19.4 (12) 43.5 (27) 24.2 (15) 4.8 (3)
Quantifying emphysema in humans and mice 34.8 (23) 19.7 (13) 33.3 (22) 10.6 (7) 1.5 (1)
Neuropeptide modulation airway mechanics in asthma 8.3 (5) 30.0 (18) 43.3 (26) 15.0 (9) 3.3 (2)
Influence of the epithelium on airway calibre 23.4 (15) 46.9 (30) 20.3 (13) 6.3 (4) 3.1 (2)
Small airway function inflammation, airway calibre and heterogeneity 35.4 (23) 47.7 (31) 12.3 (8) 4.6 (3) 0.0 (0)
Airway hyperresponsiveness molecules to man 36.9 (24) 35.4 (23) 20.0 (13) 6.2 (4) 1.5 (1)
Role of lung surfactant in modulating airway mechanics in asthma 15.9 (10) 38.1 (24) 30.2 (19) 11.1 (7) 4.8 (3)
24Gender differences in health, aging and lung disease 13.4 (9) 34.3 (23) 31.3 (21) 16.4 (11) 4.5 (3)
Vascular barrier properties 8.1 (5) 25.8 (16) 43.5 (27) 14.5 (9) 8.1 (5)
Interstitial matrix molecules and tissue mechanics 18.3 (11) 40.0 (24) 25.0 (15) 10.0 (6) 6.7 (4)
Use of the forced oscillation technique 7.7 (5) 24.6 (16) 32.3 (21) 20.0 (13) 15.4 (10)
Severe asthma causes, consequences and treatment 41.5 (27) 27.7 (18) 18.5 (12) 9.2 (6) 3.1 (2)
Pathobiology of rare lung diseases 12.3 (8) 18.5 (12) 33.8 (22) 23.1 (15) 12.3 (8)
Aging of the pulmonary system 28.6 (20) 41.4 (29) 18.6 (13) 8.6 (6) 2.9 (2)
25Murine models of asthma strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
26Neural control of the airways(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
27Modulation of the cough reflex(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
28TRP channels in airway pathobiology(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
29Quantifying emphysema in humans and mice(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
30Neuropeptide modulation airway mechanics in asthma(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
31Influence of the epithelium on airway calibre(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
32Small airway function inflammation, airway calibre and heterogeneity(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
33Airway hyperresponsiveness molecules to man(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
34Role of lung surfactant in modulating airway mechanics in asthma(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
35Gender differences in health, aging and lung disease(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
36Vascular barrier properties(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
37Interstitial matrix molecules and tissue mechanics(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
38Use of the forced oscillation technique(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
39Severe asthma causes, consequences and treatment(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
40Pathobiology of rare lung diseases(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
41Aging of the pulmonary system(Lung (Patho)Physiology and Mechanics)
42Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling
43Most Desirable Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Desirable Least Desirable
Developing in vivo methods for measuring airway remodeling 35.9 (23) 35.9 (23) 18.8 (12) 6.3 (4) 3.1 (2)
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in airway and lung remodeling 22.2 (14) 31.7 (20) 33.3 (21) 11.1 (7) 1.6 (1)
Vascular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension, asthma and COPD 31.7 (20) 28.6 (18) 27.0 (17) 11.1 (7) 1.6 (1)
Airway smooth muscle remodeling and dysfunction in asthma and COPD 31.7 (20) 39.7 (25) 14.3 (9) 12.7 (8) 1.6 (1)
Targeting airway remodeling in asthma treatment 29.7 (19) 37.5 (24) 20.3 (13) 10.9 (7) 1.6 (1)
Apoptosis and fibrotic lung disease 20.6 (13) 31.7 (20) 27.0 (17) 19.0 (12) 1.6 (1)
Association between asthma phenotype and airway remodeling 31.3 (20) 25.0 (16) 29.7 (19) 7.8 (5) 6.3 (4)
44Developing in vivo methods for measuring airway remodeling(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
45Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in airway and lung remodeling(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
46Vascular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension, asthma and COPD(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
47Airway smooth muscle remodeling and dysfunction in asthma and COPD(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
48Targeting airway remodeling in asthma treatment(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
49Apoptosis and fibrotic lung disease(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
50Association between asthma phenotype and airway remodeling(Airway Smooth Muscle Airway Remodeling)
51Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling
52Most Desirable Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Desirable Least Desirable
Lung imaging integrating lung and cell mechanics 33.3 (21) 44.4 (28) 12.7 (8) 4.8 (3) 4.8 (3)
Mathematical modeling of lung disease 11.1 (7) 27.0 (17) 38.1 (24) 15.9 (10) 7.9 (5)
Imaging novel techniques 20.3 (13) 46.9 (30) 21.9 (14) 7.8 (5) 3.1 (2)
Imaging early detection of disease 35.9 (23) 28.1 (18) 20.3 (13) 14.1 (9) 1.6 (1)
Imaging physiological mechanisms in health and disease 38.1 (24) 33.3 (21) 19.0 (12) 7.9 (5) 1.6 (1)
Ventilation heterogeneity theoretical modeling to imaging 23.4 (15) 23.4 (15) 32.8 (21) 17.2 (11) 3.1 (2)
Nanotechnology in detecting and treating lung disease 25.0 (16) 31.3 (20) 23.4 (15) 14.1 (9) 6.3 (4)
53Lung imaging integrating lung and cell mechanics(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
54Mathematical modeling of lung disease(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
55Imaging novel techniques(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
56Imaging early detection of disease(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
57Imaging physiological mechanisms in health and disease(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
58Ventilation heterogeneity theoretical modeling to imaging(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
59Nanotechnology in detecting and treating lung disease(Integrating Structure and Function Imaging and Modeling)
60Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology
61Most Desirable Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Desirable Least Desirable
Cell and molecular mechanisms for respiratory and peripheral muscle failure 19.4 (12) 32.3 (20) 33.9 (21) 12.9 (8) 1.6 (1)
Respiratory and peripheral muscle dysfunction in sepsis 18.0 (11) 27.9 (17) 19.7 (12) 24.6 (15) 9.8 (6)
Skeletal muscle weakness in COPD 17.5 (11) 34.9 (22) 27.0 (17) 14.3 (9) 6.3 (4)
Respiratory muscle failure in muscular dystrophy 6.5 (4) 38.7 (24) 22.6 (14) 21.0 (13) 11.3 (7)
Acquired weakness syndromes in critical illness 12.7 (8) 34.9 (22) 25.4 (16) 15.9 (10) 11.1 (7)
Mechanical ventilation induced diaphragm dysfunction 11.3 (7) 32.3 (20) 27.4 (17) 22.6 (14) 6.5 (4)
Mechanisms for exercise endurance in asthma and COPD 23.1 (15) 27.7 (18) 27.7 (18) 13.8 (9) 7.7 (5)
Exercise rehabilitation programs for COPD 21.5 (14) 24.6 (16) 29.2 (19) 13.8 (9) 10.8 (7)
62Cell and molecular mechanisms for respiratory and peripheral muscle failure(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
63Respiratory and peripheral muscle dysfunction in sepsis(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
64Skeletal muscle weakness in COPD(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
65Respiratory muscle failure in muscular dystrophy(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
66Acquired weakness syndromes in critical illness(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
67Mechanical ventilation induced diaphragm dysfunction(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
68Mechanisms for exercise endurance in asthma and COPD(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
69Exercise rehabilitation programs for COPD(Respiratory and Peripheral Muscle Biology/Physiology)
71Most Desirable Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Desirable Least Desirable
Hypertonic saline inhalation for cystic fibrosis 11.1 (7) 12.7 (8) 46.0 (29) 23.8 (15) 6.3 (4)
Genetics of COPD 21.9 (14) 34.4 (22) 25.0 (16) 10.9 (7) 7.8 (5)
72Hypertonic saline inhalation for cystic fibrosis(Other)
73Genetics of COPD(Other)