Title: Genetically
1Genetically Engineered Foods are here!!! What
are they? What do they accomplish?
2It looks normal but what is missing?
What is added?
3The worm is missing. Some genetically modified
corn makes its Own pesticide so worms cant
damage it.
4Some corn has been engineered to produce
toxins. Bacillus thuringiensis is deadly to
moths and butterflies but not humans.
5A section of DNA from the Bacillus thuringiensis
bacteria, that codes for toxins, is collected and
inserted into the DNA strand of the corn.
Bacillus thuringiensis DNA
Corn DNA
6Unfortunately good Insects are affected
Too. Engineered Pollen blows away from the crops
and Can change corn in Other areas.
7Farmers have selected the best corn to plant for
future generations. Look at what has been
Accomplished in the last 10,000 years.
8With genetic engineering we can make changes in a
very short time. Perhaps too short a time.
9Who knows what will be affected or where it will
10Not all the information is in. Genetic
Engineering looks good and it may be terrific
but we still have more to learn.