Aligning AIDS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aligning AIDS


Aligning AIDS & Development Planning Processes: Why and How To Do It Bob Verbruggen UNAIDS – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aligning AIDS

Aligning AIDS Development Planning
ProcessesWhy and How To Do It
  • Bob Verbruggen

Outline of Presentation
  • The Issue
  • Why align AIDS and development planning ?
  • Discussion Experiences Challenges
  • Summary of Lessons Learned

The AIDS Perspective
International AIDS Funding
Annual Budget
National AIDS Plan
Development Partners AIDS Plans (including UN)
Health Sector Plan
Total AIDS Budget
Civil Society Private Sector Plans
Other Sector Plans
Local Government Plans
The National Development Perspective
International AIDS Funding
Development Partners AIDS Plans (including UN)
National AIDS Plan
National Budget
Civil Society Private Sector Plans
Health Sector Plan
Other Sector Plans
Local Government Plans
AIDS Response and National Development
(Ad. From S. Mogedal)
  • The Issue
  • Why align AIDS development planning ?
  • Discussion Experiences Challenges
  • Summary of Lessons Learned

  • Four Entry Points
  • Process and Participation
  • Diagnostics
  • Policies, Strategies and Resources
  • Implementation and ME

Why align AIDS development planning ?
What AIDS Planning has to gain What Development Planning has to gain
1. Process and Participation 1. Process and Participation
Strengthened leadership and commitment at each level Broadened, more systematic participation of PLHIV and vulnerable groups More in-depth addressing of denial, stigma discrimination, gender inequality Improved coherence and creation of synergies between AIDS and other development planning processes and their outputs
Why align AIDS development planning ?
2. Diagnostics 2. Diagnostics
Improved analysis and understanding of the drivers of the epidemic (i.e. the factors that increase HIV vulnerability in a society) through the mobilization of expertise and data sources beyond the AIDS constituency Improved understanding of the two way relationship between AIDS and development How AIDS impacts on development at the local, sectoral and national level How development can aggravate or mitigate HIV vulnerability and AIDS impact
Why align AIDS development planning ?
3. Policies, Strategies and Resources 3. Policies, Strategies and Resources
Improved ability to prioritize AIDS strategies and resource allocation Integration of AIDS priorities (as captured under national UA commitments) in national, sectoral and local development plans incl. for the medium term More predictable medium-term funding for AIDS through improved donor coordination around NDP/PRSP, MTEF, SWAp, securing AIDS funding within the MTEF and annual budgets Improved relevance and adequacy of development plans and budgets (macroeconomic, sectoral, local) Gradual integration of AIDS funding in national financial management systems, allowing for more rational macroeconomic management of large inflows of AIDS funding optimal resource allocation to strenghten national systems (social sectors, local government, civil society capacity,)
Why align AIDS development planning ?
4. Implementation and ME 4. Implementation and ME
Strengthened governance and implementation of the AIDS response, in particular in sectors and at the decentralized level Improved monitoring and evaluation capacity Gradual integration of the AIDS Response in regular governance mechanisms at central, sectoral and local level Strengthening of sectoral governance performance thanks to the integration of AIDS
  • The Issue
  • Why align AIDS and development planning ?
  • Discussion Experiences and Challenges
  • Summary of Lessons Learned

  • The Issue
  • Why align AIDS and development planning ?
  • Discussion Experiences Challenges
  • Summary of Lessons Learned

  • Four Entry Points
  • Process and Participation
  • Diagnostics
  • Policies, Strategies and Resources
  • Implementation and ME

Some Lessons Learned
Significant progress is being made with integrating AIDS into development planning at the national and sectoral level Integration in decentralised planning (vertical integration) remains a challenge in most countries Gender is not featuring sufficiently in-depth in national development plans - and even less so in downstream plans
Some Lessons Learned
1. Process and Participation
Systematic involvement of the AIDS constituency in the (iterative) development planning process leads to more adequate AIDS content in PRSP/NDPs, sectoral and local development plans even where planning cycles differ Participation of PLHIV and vulnerable groups is often cited but there is little documentation of genuine good practice. National AIDS Authorities have a key role in ensuring participation of AIDS-specific stakeholders in broader PRSP/NDP processes
Some Lessons Learned
2. Diagnostics
The AIDS constituency is often not sufficiently aware of other existing sources of information and expertise, or not well equipped to access and utilize them An inventory of impact vulnerability studies is a useful resource to analyse and identify gaps There are some excellent impact vulnerability assessments but they are often still lacking - particularly at the sector level. Finding the right expertise appears to be a challenge The Joint UN Team on AIDS through its Joint Programme of Support, is well placed to broker technical support in this area
Some Lessons Learned
3. Policies, Strategies and Resources
Prioritized and costed National Strategic AIDS Plans, guided by Universal Access targets and roadmaps, provide the basis for essential AIDS content in development plans Conversely, involvement in the PRSP process is an opportunity to improve the NSAP, e.g. through Joint Annual Programme Reviews Even though mainstreaming does not mean that everyone should do everything, priority sectors are still often being missed out (e.g. Defence and Tourism) Mainstreaming of AIDS in MTEFs and sector and local budgets is becoming a reality as public finance management mechanisms are being reformed and strenghtened
Some Lessons Learned
4. Implementation and ME
The PRSP implementation process offers an entry point for integrating AIDS in sector and local government plans AIDS Operational Plans are a key (and often missing) link between AIDS planning and (sector and local level) implementation Harmonization of monitoring and evaluation frameworks and processes should be part of the process of aligning NSP and PRSP content PRSP monitoring remains a challenge in itself
Thank you ???
Questions for Discussion
Round Two How has your country aligned the content of different planning and monitoring instruments to national Universal Access priorities ? Has the integration of AIDS in the NDP/PRSP and other development planning resources helped to address complex socio-cultural challenges such as stigma and discrimination and gender inequality ? Does your Ministry of Finance perceive the inflow of large funding for AIDS as a challenge to proper macro-economic management ? If so how is it dealing with it ?
Questions for Discussion
Round Two Do you know examples of AIDS funding being used to strengthen social sector systems ? Do you know examples of how the integration of AIDS has actually contributed to improve sector performance ? How is engagement to better mainstream AIDS in development planning processes resulting in improved implementation of AIDS programmes (prevention, care, support, treatment) on the ground ?
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