Title: ECE 802-604: Nanoelectronics
1ECE 802-604Nanoelectronics
- Prof. Virginia Ayres
- Electrical Computer Engineering
- Michigan State University
- ayresv_at_msu.edu
2Lecture 05, 12 Sep 13
In Chapter 01 in Datta Two dimensional electron
gas (2-DEG) DEG goes down, mobility goes
up Define mobility Proportional to momentum
relaxation time tm Count carriers nS available
for current Pr. 1.3 (1-DEG) How nS influences
scattering in unexpected ways Pr 1.1
(2-DEG) One dimensional electron gas
(1-DEG) Special Schrödinger eqn (Con E) that
accommodates Electronic confinement band
bending due to space charge Useful external
B-field Experimental measure for
mobility Examples
3Lecture 05, 12 Sep 13
In Chapter 01 in Datta Two dimensional electron
gas (2-DEG) DEG goes down, mobility goes
up Define mobility Proportional to momentum
relaxation time tm Count carriers nS available
for current Pr. 1.3 (1-DEG) How nS influences
scattering in unexpected ways Pr 1.1
(2-DEG) Convenient metrics lengths Lm and Lf
versus ldB and Lx,y,z One dimensional electron
gas (1-DEG) Special Schrödinger eqn (Con E) that
accommodates Electronic confinement band
bending due to space charge Useful external
B-field Experimental measure for
mobility Examples
e- ? Travelling wave
e- ? Travelling wave
ldB Lz
Result e- ? Standing wave(s) after initial
If ldB lt Lz happens due to momentum change e- ?
Travelling wave. Its the relative sizes that
matter not how small Lz is
e- ? Travelling wave
8- ldB is proportional to momentum (a vector)
- Momentum is changed by scattering
- Lm and Lf describe how much momentum is likely to
change on average in terms of useful length(s)
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10Use N(E) to get concentration nS
11Use N(E) to get concentration nS
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13Fermi wavenumber kf
14Characteristic mean free path length Lm
15Corresponding Fermi velocity vf
16Example what is the mean free path Lm in this
HEMT 2-DEG if the momentum relaxation time tm is
reduced by a factor of 10?
Answer mean free path is also reduced by a
factor of 10 since Lm vf tm.
17Example what could cause a reduction in the
momentum relaxation time tm by a factor of 10?
Answer More scattering due to higher
concentration ns More scattering due to more
lattice vibrations at higher T
Which was it in the preceding example? Answer
it had to be higher T since in the answer the
class gave, you kept vf the same and
18Example these examples are based on the
assumption that the 2-DEG e- gas is degenerate.
Prove that it is by locating Ef relative to the
bottom of the conduction band.
19Lf Phase relaxation lengthStart with tf the
phase relaxation time.Experimental data 1/tf vs.
20Example what is the phase relaxation time tf for
the HEMT whose data is shown in the figure at T
0.5 K?
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22vf and tm as appropriate for 2-DEG and
temperature (f ? cold)
23Lecture 05, 12 Sep 13
In Chapter 01 in Datta Two dimensional electron
gas (2-DEG) DEG goes down, mobility goes
up Define mobility Proportional to momentum
relaxation time tm Count carriers nS available
for current Pr. 1.3 (1-DEG) How nS influences
scattering in unexpected ways Pr 1.1
(2-DEG) One dimensional electron gas
(1-DEG) Special Schrödinger eqn (Con E) that
accommodates Electronic confinement band
bending due to space charge Useful external
B-field Experimental measure for
mobility Examples
24Your Homework Pr 1.3 1 Deg in a semiconductor
25Your Homework Pr 1.3 1 Deg in a semiconductor
262-DEG Energy
Special Schrödinger eqn (Con E) that
accommodates Electronic confinement band
bending due to space charge Useful external
Example ECE874, Pr. 3.5 with E-field determine
direction of motion. Datta 1.2.1 would be
correct way to continue the problem to get energy
272-DEG Energy
2-DEG wavefunction
Use this wave function in the special
Schroedinger eqn and it will separate into kz
and kx, ky parts. kz is a fixed quantized
number(s). kx, ky are continuous numbers
282-DEG Energy
For the kx, ky part
29How do I write f(z)?
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33Example write down the wave function for a 1-DEG
34Example write down the energy eigenvalues for a
1-DEG assuming an infinite square well potential
in the quantized directions