Instytut Technologii Elektronowej Al.Lotnik - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Instytut Technologii Elektronowej Al.Lotnik


Title: Instytut Technologii Elektronowej Al.Lotnik w 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa Author: Daniel Last modified by: DT Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Instytut Technologii Elektronowej Al.Lotnik

Extraction of the EKV model parametersselected
aspects of the underlying optimization task
  • Task specification
  • Comparison of parameter extraction methods
  • Random sampling
  • Local minimization starting from randomly
    selected point
  • Evolutionary algorithm
  • Evolutionary algorithm local minimization
  • Comparison of results
  • Evolutionary algorithm local minimization for
    disturbed I-V data
  • Summary
  • Future work

Task specification
  • Given
  • MOSFET model EKV
  • MOSFET reference electrical characteristics I-V
  • measured
  • simulated numerically
  • generated using this or another compact model
  • Information about model parameters (approx.
    values, ranges)
  • Objective (well known)
  • determine model parameters in order to obtain an
    optimum matching of model and reference

A set of extraction meth.
set of initial parameters
Parameter extraction
MOSFET model equations
MOSFET electr. characteristics
set of final parameters
Task specification
  • A set of parameters selected for evaluation of
    extraction methods
  • VTO, nominal threshold voltage range (0.0 ..
  • GAMMA, body effect factor range (0.0 .. 2.0)
  • PHI, bulk Fermi potential range (0.0 .. 2.0)
  • KP, transconductance parameter range (0.0 ..
  • THETA, mobility degradation coeff. range (0.0
    .. 0.2)
  • UCRIT, longitudinal critical field range (106
    .. 108)processed in logarithmic scale

Mean Squared Error (mse) function is used to
evaluate a quality of the set of parameters
For the purpose of calculations in optimization
procedures all the parameters are reduced to a
common domain (0.0 .. 1.0). Before putting them
into the EKV model they are transformed into the
original domains. Scaling of the parameters
balances optimization process for parameters of
different range (e.g. VTO vs UCRIT).
Task specification
Reference data generated by the EKV model with
the different sets of parameters, e.g.
Reference data different numbers of points in
the range of
  • VTO 0.647
  • GAMMA 0.78
  • PHI 0.93
  • KP 4.304e-05
  • THETA 0.026
  • UCRIT 4.0e6

VGS in a range (0.0, 5.0) VDS in a range (0.0,
5.0) VBS in a range (-5.0, 0.0)
Comparison of parameter extraction methods
  • The following extraction methods have been
  • Random sampling
  • Local minimization starting from randomly
    selected point
  • Evolutionary algorithm
  • The best point of evolutionary algorithm local
  • Methods of results presentation
  • "Tornado" projection of mse function in
    multi-dimensional space on a 2-D plane (par,mse)
    each point of the "tornado" represents result of
    a single extraction sequence execution (single
    local minimum or "plateau" of mse ?)
  • Histogram of mse (logarithmic scale) its
    location and shape illustrate properties of the
    extraction sequence distribution of sampled
    and/or extracted points, degree of conglomeration
    of resulting points, convergence of method
  • Comparison of I-V curves generated by the model
    under consideration with reference data this is
    the most popular metod of fitting estimation

Result The best point generated by the
extraction sequence
Random sampling
Sampling of parameters according to uniform
distribution. Population size 2500 points. No
correlation of sampled parameter with mse
(exception KP, where a visible correlation was
Local minimization startingfrom randomly
selected point
Nelder-Mead's (NM) algorithm (J.A. Nelder,R.
Mead, A simplex method for function
minimization,The Computer Journal,pp.308313,
1965) A direct search of mse minimumthe
(n1)-vertices simplex in n-D space creeps
through the domain, and is subjected to the
following operations
  • reflection
  • expansion
  • contraction
  • shrinking

Stops at local minimum or "plateau" of objective
function. The method is non-gradient, easy to
Nelder-Mead simplex search over the Himmelblau's
function. http//
_method Himmelblau's function is a multi-modal
function, used to test the performance of
optimization algorithms f(x, y) (x2y-11)2
Local minimization starting from
randomlyselected point
Starting point selected randomly according to
uniform distribution. Better quality of
optimization results. Significant correlation of
extracteded parameters VTO, KP, THETA with mse.
Evolutionary algorithm (EA)
Evolutionary algorithm Def. Evolutionary
algorithms (EAs) are population-based
metaheuristic optimization algorithms that use
biology-inspired mechanisms in order to refine a
set of solution candidates iteratively, namely
mutation, crossover, natural selection, and the
fact, that individuals of better fitness have
more children. The advantage of evolutionary
algorithms compared to other optimization methods
is their black box character that makes only
few assumptions about the underlying objective
functions. Furthermore, the definition of
objective functions usually requires lesser
insight to the structure of the problem space
than the manual construction of an admissible
heuristic. EAs therefore perform consistently
well in many different problem categories.
Thomas Weise, "Global Optimization Algorithms
Theory and Application", 2nd ed.,
http// Jaroslaw
Arabas, "Lecture notes on evolutionary
computation", 2nd ed., WNT, Warszawa, 2004 (in
Evolutionary algorithm (EA)
Population size 15 individuals, number of
generations 250. First population selected
randomly according to uniform distribution. Result
s quality intermediate. Weak correlation of
extracted parameters with mse.
The best point of EA local minimization
The best point of EA becomes a starting point for
NM method. The best quality of optimization
results. Two-mode histogram. Significant
correlation of extracteded parameters VTO, GAMMA,
KP, THETA with mse.
local optima
global optimum
The best point of EA local minimization
500 executions of EA NM tasks
start best worst
0.0 1e-3 2e-3 3e-3
0.0 1e-4 2e-3
0.0 1e-4 2e-3
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0.0 5e-6 1e-5 1.5e-5
0.0 5e-6 1e-5 1.5e-5
0.0 1e-4 2e-4
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Comparison of results
Evolutionary algorithm
number of points (rel.) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
0.8 1.0 1.2
-20 -15 -10 -5 log10mse
Comparison of results
  • Random sampling reference
  • Nelder-Mead
  • "funnels" on "tornado" charts are noticeable
    they indicate that local optmization algorithm
    has tried to find optimum
  • improved quality of fitting
  • Evolutionary algorithm
  • average results are better than for random
    sampling however EA has not found absolute
    optimum but located neighbourhoods of local
  • none of the parameters have been priviliged
  • EA NM
  • correlation of parameters and mse due to
    filtering of the starting points by EA
  • the most pronounced conglomeration of the
    parameters ("funnels") extracted by the
    optimization method the method detects optimum
    values of the parameters, hence
  • the method detects single global optimum

EA NM for disturbed I-V data
Measurement data are always burdened by errors.
In order to investigate this effect, the
reference data were generated in such a way, that
voltages as well as currents are independently
randomly disturbed
  1. A set ofinput voltages was generated on a
    rectangular grid.
  2. Voltages were disturbed using a random variable
    of normal distribution(mean value 0, std dev.
    0.1, 0.5)
  3. Drain current of the EKV model was calculated
    using the disturbed voltages
  4. Calculated currents were disturbed using a random
    variable of normal distribution(mean value 0,
    std dev. 0.1, 0.5)

EA NM for disturbed I-V data
mse values obtained for a set of 2197 measurement
points with disturbed data (0.5) there are no
"funnels" characteristic for objective function
with non-disturbed reference data difficulties in
obtaining true values of parameters,
particularlyPHI and UCRIT
EA NM for disturbed I-V data
0.0 5e-5 1e-4 1.5e-4 2e-4
0.0 1e-5 2e-5 3e-5 4e-5 5e-5
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
Results of parameter extraction for disturbed
reference data(std dev. of error 0.5)
  • A combination of the search method in the
    multi-dimensional space of parameters (e.g. EA
    algorithm) with the local optimization method
    (e.g. NM) seems to be the reliable and efficient
    way to find the unique set of the EKV model
    parameters minimizing the misfit between the
    experimental (disturbed ?) and model I-V data
  • The approach is supposed to overcome the problem
    of mutual dependence of parameters, which makes
    questionable the task of their extraction by
    means of optimization
  • The proposed approach allows to evaluate any set
    of parameter extraction methods1,2 particularly
    important is a question Where is the extracted
    point located in the enabled space of parameters
  • The approach allows to evaluate a shape of
    objective function and acceptable boundaries of
    parameter ranges
  • The approach is valid for a wide class of models
    and objective functions
  • 1 M.Bucher, C.Lallement, C.C.Enz, An Efficient
    Parameter Extraction Methodology for the EKV MOST
    Model, Proc.1996 IEEE International Conference on
    Microelectronic Test Structures, Vol.9,
    pp.145-150, 1996
  • 2 C.C.Enz, F.Krummenacher, E.A.Vittoz, An
    Analytical MOS Model Valid in All Regions of
    Operation and Dedicated to Low-Voltage and
    Low-Current Applications, Analog Integrated
    Circuits and Signal Processing, 8, pp.83-114

Future work
  • Implementation of a set of local methods for
    fitting of experimental/simulated and model I-V
  • Analysis of a "quality" of a starting
    approximation generated by the set of local
  • Project "Extraction of semicondutor devices
    parameters based on global optimization methods
    and compact models" submitted for financing by
    Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
  • Implementation of EKV3.0 (other MOSFET models ?)
  • Implementation of BJT model

Thank you
The authors would like to express a gratitude to
Dr.Wladek Grabinskiand to Prof.Matthias Bucher
for a code of the EKV model as well asfor
support and interest in this work.
Jaroslaw Arabas Lukasz
Bartnik Slawomir
Szostak Daniel
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