Numerical Cosmology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Numerical Cosmology


Numerical Cosmology Argonne-Fermilab-University of Chicago Collaboration Meeting – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Numerical Cosmology

Numerical Cosmology
  • Argonne-Fermilab-University of Chicago
    Collaboration Meeting

Need Simulations to Extract Science from Surveys
  • Dark Matter
  • Dark Energy
  • Neutrino Mass
  • Inflation
  • Gravitational Instability is nonlinear
  • Baryons governed by hydrodynamics
  • Radiation Field affects and is affected by
  • Stars form, Supernovae explode,

1000 Core Cluster at New Muon Lab
KICP, TAG Investments
DOE Dark Energy Grant
FRA Grant
Spring 07 Summer 07 Fall 07 Winter 08 Spring 08 Summer 08
Task Force Report
560 Core Cluster at New Muon Lab
DOE Lab Meeting
Presentation to PAC
Projects Using the Cluster
  1. Tinker, Kravtsov et al. 2008, ApJ in press
    http// "Toward a halo
    mass function for precision cosmology the limits
    of universality" The project has used the
    KICP/FNAL cluster for analyses of billion
    particle cosmological simulations aimed at
    calibrating predictions for halo mass function
    and its evolution to an accuracy of a few per
    cent. Figures 6 and/or 7 from the above paper can
    be used to illustrate results of the project.
  2. Brant Robertson, Andrey Kravtsov have used the
    cluster to perform simulationsof dwarf galaxy
    mergers with dark halos. The project is aimed
    at exploring possible morphological signatures of
    such "phantom mergers" to constrain incidence
    of pure dark halos using available data. The
    draft of a paper is being prepared for
    submission (planned submission in the next
    several months).
  3. Konstantinos Tassis, Nick Gnedin, Andrey
    Kravtsov are using the cluster to run the first
    cosmological simulations of galaxy formation
    with 3D radiative transfer, molecular hydrogen
    formation on dust and its self-shielding from
    dissociating radiation. The simulations are
    using a model for star formation that is based on
    molecular hydrogen. Gnedin, N. Y., Tassis,
    K., Kravtsov, A. V., in preparation
    "Molecular-Hydrogen-Based Star Formation
    Prescription for Cosmological Simulations"
  4. Brant Robertson, Andrey Kravtsov, Jeremy Tinker
    are using the cluster to run Monte Carlo
    calculations of mass functions and bias of dark
    matter halos in different models for halo
    collapse (using different collapse barriers to
    reproduce simulation results). The aim of the
    project is to understand the barrier required to
    reproduce the simulation results and
    implications for halo formation.
  5. Robyn Levine, Nick Gnedin, Andrey Kravtsov,
    Andrew Hamilton (Univ. of Colorado) are running
    simulations of the circumnuclear region of a
    supermassive black hole within a cosmological
    volume. The goal of this project is to understand
    the formation and evolution of supermassive
    black holes and their feedback on large-scale
    distribution of mass in the universe. Levine,
    R, Gnedin, N. Y., Hamilton, A. J. S., Kravtsov,
    A. V., ApJ in press http//
    3478 "Resolving Gas Dynamics in the
    Circumnuclear Region of a Disk Galaxy in a
    Cosmological Simulation" Levine, R, Gnedin, N.
    Y., Hamilton, A. J. S., Kravtsov, A. V., in
    preparation "Matter Transport in the Host
    Galaxy of a Supermassive Black Hole
  6. Maria Beltran, Wayne Hu have used the cluster for
    calculating some MCMC chains for a work in
    progress about the impact of future BAO surveys
    on the determination of the isocurvature
    amplitude of the curvaton and the degeneracies
    in two other cosmological parameters the
    equation of state of the DE and the spatial
  7. Marcos Lima, Hiroaki Oyaizu, Wayne Hu run N-body
    simulations of f(R) modified gravity to study
    the impact on nonlinear growth of structure and
    help distinguish modified gravity from dark
    energy models. The interesting results is that
    such models have a unique signature in P(k) at
    k0.1h/Mpc because gravity is stronger outside
    halos (so there is more power on those scales
    compared to LCDM). The effect is shown in Fig.
    11 of the paper (http//
    methodpaper.pdf) H. Oyaizu, "Nonlinear
    evolution in f(R) cosmologies I Methodology",
    in prep. H. Oyaizu, M. Lima, W. Hu, "Nonlinear
    evolution in f(R) cosmologies II Power
    Spectrum", in prep. M. Lima, H. Oyaizu, W. Hu,
    "Nonlinear evolution in f(R) cosmologies III
    Halo abundance and bias", in prep.
  8. Qizhi Zhang, Steve Kulhmann, Peter van Gemmeren
    (ANL) use the cluster to manage the SQL
    database for the DES-related simulation work.
  9. Douglas Rudd, Andrey Kravtsov have been running
    cluster simulations for convergence studies
    within the framework of an international Galaxy
    Cluster Comparison Project.
  10. Ben Dilday is working on the measurements of the
    type-Ia SN rate from the SDSS-II SN Survey.
    Dilday, B, et al, "Rate of type-Ia SNe at zlt0.25
    from the SDSS-II SN Survey" Dilday, B, et
    al, "Rate of type-Ia SNe in galaxy clusters from
    the SDSS-II SN Survey" both in prep.
  11. Sheng Wang is modeling CMB anisotropies in
    modified gravity models. Fang et
    al.,"Challenges for the Self-accelerating
    Braneworld Model on the Horizon from the CMB",
    in prep.
  12. The VERITAS group at U of Chicago is using the
    cluster to run simulations of very-high-energy
    gamma rays hitting the atmosphere and being
    reconstructed by our detector. These
    simulations will have an important impact in all
    the VERITAS papers under preparation.  

E.g. Was Einstein Right?
  • Marcos Lima, Hiroaki Oyaizu, Wayne Hu run N-body
    simulations of f(R) modified gravity to study
    the impact on nonlinear growth of structure and
    help distinguish modified gravity from dark
    energy models.
  • H. Oyaizu, "Nonlinear evolution in f(R)
    cosmologies I Methodology", in prep.
  • H. Oyaizu, M. Lima, W. Hu, "Nonlinear evolution
    in f(R) cosmologies II Power Spectrum", in
  • M. Lima, H. Oyaizu, W. Hu, "Nonlinear evolution
    in f(R) cosmologies III Halo abundance and
    bias", in prep.

Particle Astro Physics and the Brain
Exploratory Meeting (June 2007)
  • Dodelson (FNAL) with Murray Sherman (Chair, Dept.
    of Neurobiology, UC) Sam Sisodia (Director,
    Center for Neurobiology, UC) . Suggested two step
  • Invite Visiting Committee (e.g. Abbott, Koch,
    Woody, Litke) to FNAL/UC to scout out areas of
    overlap 5-10k
  • Highlight these areas in joint workshop 20k
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