A Family Tree - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Family Tree


Section 14-1 Interest Grabber A Family Tree To understand how traits are passed on from generation to generation, a pedigree, or a diagram that shows the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Family Tree

A Family Tree
Section 14-1
Interest Grabber
  • To understand how traits are passed on from
    generation to generation, a pedigree, or a
    diagram that shows the relationships within a
    family, is used. In a pedigree, a circle
    represents a female, and a square represents a
    male. A filled-in circle or square shows that the
    individual has the trait being studied. The
    horizontal line that connects a circle and a
    square represents a marriage. The vertical
    line(s) and brackets below that line show the
    child(ren) of that couple.

Go to Section
Section 14-1
  • 1. This pedigree shows the inheritance of
    attached ear lobes. Which parent has attached ear
  • 2. How many children do the parents have? Which
    child has attached ear lobes?
  • 3. Which child is married? Does this childs
    spouse have attached ear lobes? Do any of this
    childs children have attached ear lobes?

Go to Section
Section 14-1
  • 141 Human Heredity
  • A. Human Chromosomes
  • B. Human Traits
  • C. Human Genes
  • 1. Blood Group Genes
  • 2. Recessive Alleles
  • 3. Dominant Alleles
  • 4. Codominant Alleles
  • D. From Gene to Molecule
  • 1. Cystic Fibrosis
  • 2. Sickle Cell Disease
  • 3. Dominant or Recessive?

Go to Section
KEY CONCEPT A combination of methods is used to
study human genetics.
Human genetics follows the patterns seen in other
  • The basic principles of genetics are the same in
    all sexually reproducing organisms.
  • Inheritance of many humantraits is complex.
  • Single-gene traits areimportant in
    understandinghuman genetics.

  • Karyotype
  • A set of photographs of chromosomes grouped in
    order in pairs.
  • Sex chromosome
  • One of two chromosomes that determine an
    individuals sex
  • Autosome
  • Not a sex chromosome

  • Several methods help map human chromosomes.

Karyotypes can show changes in chromosomes.
  • deletion of part of a chromosome or loss of a
  • large changes in chromosomes
  • extra chromosomes or duplication of part of a

  • Karyotype collection of chromosomes found in
    cell (photograph of duplicated chromosomes before
  • USE COUNT the number of chromosomes and see IF a
    trisomy or monosomy condition exists prior to the
    birth of the child

  • Pedigree
  • Chart that shows the relationships in a family
  • Polygenic
  • Controlled by two or more genes.

A pedigree is a chart for tracing genes in a
  • Phenotypes are used to infer genotypes on a
  • Autosomal genes show different patterns on a
    pedigree than sex-linked genes.

What is a Pedigree?
  • A pedigree is a chart of the genetic history of a
    family over several generations.
  • Pedigrees used to determine the probability of a
    child having a disorder in a particular family.

Figure 14-3 A Pedigree
Section 14-1
A square represents a male.
A circle represents a female.
A horizontal line connecting a male and female
represents a marriage.
A vertical line and a bracket connect the parents
to their children.
A half-shaded circle or square indicates that a
person is a carrier of the trait.
A circle or square that is not shaded indicates
that a person neither expresses the trait nor is
a carrier of the trait.
A completely shaded circle or square indicates
that a person expresses the trait.
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Connecting Pedigree Symbols
Examples of connected symbols
  • Married Couple
  • Siblings

Connecting Pedigree Symbols
Examples of connected symbols
  • Fraternal twins
  • Identical twins

Interpreting Pedigrees
  • Determine if the pedigree chart shows an
    autosomal or X-linked disease.
  • If most males affected, likely X-linked
  • If 50/50 ratio male/female, likely autosomal.

Example of Pedigree Charts
  • Is it Autosomal or X-linked?

Interpreting a Pedigree Chart
  • Determine if disorder dominant or recessive.
  • If the disorder is dominant, one of the parents
    must have the disorder.
  • If the disorder is recessive, neither parent has
    to have the disorder because they can be

Example of Pedigree Charts
  • Dominant or Recessive?

KEY CONCEPT The chromosomes on which genes are
located can affect the expression of traits.
Two copies of each autosomal gene affect
  • Mendel studied autosomal gene traits, like hair

  • Mendels rules of inheritance apply to autosomal
    genetic disorders.
  • A heterozygote for a recessive disorder is a
  • Disorders caused by dominant alleles are uncommon.

  • MUTATION change in the DNA which MAY affect a
    gene or chromosome
  • Causes of mutations
  • 1) DNA transcription/translation errors
  • 2) Chemical or carcinogen mutagens
  • Mutations in our DNA (gene mutations especially)
  • result in an abnormality.
  • IF the mutation occurs in a BODY CELL (Ex skin
    cell) - may or may not be harmful you can not
    pass this on to your children

  • IF the mutation occurs in one of your gametes
    (egg or sperm) - future generations can be
  • Mutations are changes in DNA
  • Mutated genes can lead to many genetic disorders
  • Many mutations that cause these disorders are
    carried as a sex linked GENE in a normal or
    carrier individual

  • Human Chromosomal Disorders
  • Chromosomes Affect Development 46 chromosomes
    must be present for normal development! A Car
    needs all its parts to function
  • Monosomy- diploid cell is missing a chromosome
  • (embryo dies) A Car without major parts will not
  • Trisomy- diploid cell has an extra chromosome
  • Ex Trisomy 21 Down Syndrome

Number of Cases of Down Syndrome
Number/1000 Births Maternal Age Group
0.6 20-24
0.8 25-29
1.5 30-34
2.6 35-39
14.3 40-44
34.2 45
  • Why?
  • Eggs accumulate increasing damage throughout
  • Males produce new sperm throughout life.
  • How does cell get extra chromosome?
  • Accident during Meiosis when cell divides
  • the chromosome and its homologue (chromatids)
  • Nondisjunction chromosomes which fail to
  • normally (one cell gets an extra chromosome and
    the other cell loses a chromosome)

Section 14-2
Homologous chromosomes fail to separate
Meiosis I Nondisjunction
Meiosis II
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  • SICKLE CELL ANEMIA is an example of a recessive
    disorder of the RED BLOOD
  • CELLS - GENE codes for a defective form of the
    protein, Hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying molecule in
    the red blood cell)
  • IF low oxygen condition or acidic condition, red
    blood cells
  • become sickle shaped.
  • They DO NOT carry oxygen very well AND cells DO
    NOT move
  • very well through blood vessels clump up and
    can cut off the blood supply to different organs

Common in West Africa - small percent of African
Americans Punnett Square for Sickle Cell Anemia
IF each parent carries a copy of the sickle cell
gene S normal red blood cell gene s sickle
cell gene
S s
s Ss ss
Sickle cell anemia WHAT advantage could there be
to being HETERZYGOUS for the sickle cell gene?
Disease ADVANTAGE In areas of Central Africa,
the blood cells infected by the parasite from a
mosquito's bite will sickle and be destroyed by
the body (ALSO destroying the parasite!!!)
Plasmodium MALARIA
Concept Map
Section 14-1
Autosomol Disorders
caused by
Go to Section
Figure 14-8 The Cause of Cystic Fibrosis
Section 14-1
Chromosome 7
CFTR gene
The most common allele that causes cystic
fibrosis is missing 3 DNA bases. As a result,
the amino acid phenylalanine is missing from the
CFTR protein.
Normal CFTR is a chloride ion channel in cell
membranes. Abnormal CFTR cannot be transported
to the cell membrane.
The cells in the persons airways are unable to
transport chloride ions. As a result, the airways
become clogged with a thick mucus.
Go to Section
Gender Benders
Section 14-2
Interest Grabber
  • You may remember that in humans, the sperm cells
    may carry an X chromosome or a Y chromosome,
    while egg cells have only X chromosomes.
    Sometimes, errors during meiosis in one of the
    parents produce offspring with an abnormal number
    of sex chromosomes.

Go to Section
Section 14-2
  • 1. On a sheet of paper, construct a Punnett
    square for the following cross XX x XY. Fill in
    the Punnett square. What does the Punnett square
    represent? According to the Punnett square, what
    percentage of the offspring from this genetic
    cross will be males? What percentage will be
  • 2. On a sheet of paper, construct a Punnett
    square for the following cross XXX x XY. Fill in
    the Punnett square. How is this Punnett square
    different from the first one you constructed?
    What might have caused this difference?
  • 3. How do the offspring in the two Punnett
    squares differ?

Go to Section
Section 14-2
  • 142 Human Chromosomes
  • A. Human Genes and Chromosomes
  • B. Sex-Linked Genes
  • 1. Colorblindness
  • 2. Hemophilia
  • 3. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • C. X-Chromosome Inactivation
  • D. Chromosomal Disorders
  • 1. Down Syndrome
  • 2. Sex Chromosome Disorders

Go to Section
  • Sex-Linked Gene
  • Gene located on the X or Y chromosome
  • Nondisjunction
  • Error in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes
    fail to separate

Males and females can differ in sex-linked
  • Genes on sex chromosomes are called sex-linked
  • Y chromosome genes in mammals are responsible for
    male characteristics.
  • X chromosome genes in mammals affect many traits.

  • Male mammals have an XY genotype.
  • All of a males sex-linked genes are expressed.
  • Males have no second copies of sex-linked genes.

Females can carry sex-linked genetic disorders.
  • Males (XY) express all of their sex linked genes.
  • Expression of the disorder depends on which
    parent carries the allele and the sex of the

Sex Linked Disorders
  • Sex-linked Disorders
  • These are disorders tied to genes located on the
    sex chromosomes - X or Y
  • Sex-linked disorders in Humans
  • 1) Color Blindness -cannot tell the difference
  • between red and green (1 in 10 males in U.S.)
  • Caused by defective allele on the X chromosome

  • Mostly males are color blind
  • WHY?
  • Males have only one X chromosome- defective
  • gene will be expressed even IF RECESSIVE
  • Female needs two defective X chromosomes to
  • be color blind (1 in 100 in U.S.)
  • Females with ONLY ONE defective X chromosome are
  • carriers of color blindness but have normal

Section 14-2
Figure 14-13 Colorblindness
Normal vision
Father (normal vision)
Male Female
Daughter (normal vision)
Son (normal vision)
Mother (carrier)
Son (colorblind)
Daughter (carrier)
Go to Section
  • 2) What are the CHANCES of passing a trait onto
    your children?
  • HOW is a pedigree determined?
  • Study family histories and find out who has a
  • Dominant traits
  • Recessive traits
  • Sex-linked traits (genes only on sex
  • Autosomal traits (genes NOT on a sex chromosome)

  • Albinism genetic disorder in which a defective
    gene does not allow a cell to produce pigment
    (color) Skin and hair are white
  • 1st QUESTION Is this trait SEX-LINKED or NOT?
  • IF ONLY found in males, usually sex-linked (only
    have one X chromosome)
  • IF found in both male and female, probably not

(No Transcript)
  • ALBINISM? 3 males, 2 females
  • autosomal
  • If dominant, every individual with albinism will
  • IF recessive, can have heterozygous parents who
    appear normal!
  • ALBINISM Is Recessive
  • 3rd QUESTION Is this disorder controlled by ONE
    gene or multiple
  • genes?
  • IF single recessive gene, then parents can
    expect to
  • produce affected children in a 31 ratio of
    normal-to-albino children
  • (25)
  • IF more than one gene, percentage will be even
  • ALBINISM 517 or 29

Section 14-3
  • 14-3 Human Molecular Genetics
  • A. Human DNA Analysis
  • 1. Testing for Alleles
  • 2. DNA Fingerprinting

Go to Section
  • Testing for Alleles
  • Alleles responsible for genetic disorders have a
    different DNA sequences than the normal
  • Genetic testing Genetic tests have been
    developed to spot the defective sequence. Other
    tests detect changes in restriction enzyme
    cutting sites or differences in lengths of normal
    and abnormal alleles.
  • Prenatal Testing
  • Amniocentesis sample of fluid surrounding the
    fetus is taken with a long, thin needle Cells
    from the fluid can be grown in culture and
    karyotype prepared

Diagnosis of Genetic disorders
  • Finding differences between those who have the
    disorder, and those who dont
  • Gel electrophoresis, differences in bands

Gene Therapy
  • Insertion of normal genes into human cells to
    correct genetic disorders
  • Still experimental
  • Ex) SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency
    syndrome) immune system is shut down
  • -functional genes inserted into bone marrow

Stem Cell
  • Undifferentiated cells, capacity to develop into
    any type of cell
  • Repair tissue or grow organs
  • Problems mastering signals, replicating,
    staying for life?

  • DNA Fingerprinting
  • Analysis of sections of DNA that have no known
    function but vary widely in individuals, used for

DNA fingerprinting
  • Gel electrophoresis, creates distinct bands
  • Used in law-enforcement
  • Question? A girl is interviewed as a possible
    suspect in a crime. She claims that her twin
    sister committed it, is this possible?

Section 14-3
Figure 14-18 DNA Fingerprinting
Restriction enzyme
Chromosomes contain large amounts of DNA called
repeats that do not code for proteins. This DNA
varies from person to person. Here, one sample
has 12 repeats between genes A and B, while the
second sample has 9 repeats.
Restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA into
fragments containing genes and repeats. Note that
the repeat fragments from these two samples are
of different lengths.
The DNA fragments are separated according to size
using gel electrophoresis. The fragments
containing repeats are then labeled using
radioactive probes. This produces a series of
bandsthe DNA fingerprint.
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