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Performance report of the ... to National Treasury on a monthly basis Achieved ... Progress made Reviewed front office toolkit to improve ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Home
Performance report of the Department for
Quarter 1 of 2014/ 2015 16 September 2014
  • Content
  • Vision, Mission, Values
  • Supporting the Outcomes of Government
  • Supporting the National Development Plan
  • DHA outcomes and related strategic objectives
  • Overview of progress and challenges April
    June 2014
  • Progress against Q1 targets per programme
  • Financial performance
  • Priorities going forward

DHA Vision, Mission and Values
A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship.
The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of immigration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil our international obligations
The DHA is committed to being People-centred and caring Patriotic Professional and having integrity Corruption free and ethical Efficient and innovative Disciplined and security conscious
Supporting government priorities
  • The DHA contributes directly to four of the 14
    Outcomes of Government
  • Quality basic education
  • A long and healthy life for all
  • All people in South Africa are and feel safe
  • Decent employment through inclusive economic
  • Skilled and capable workforce to support an
    inclusive growth path
  • An efficient, competitive and responsive economic
    infrastructure network
  • Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities
    contributing to food security for all
  • Sustainable human settlements and improved
    quality of household life
  • Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient
    local government system
  • Protect and enhance our environmental assets and
    natural resources
  • Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and
    a better world
  • An efficient, effective and development oriented
    public service
  • Social protection
  • Nation building and social cohesion

Contribution to National Development Plan (NDP)
  • The national agenda over the next five years is
    to confront the triple challenge of poverty,
    inequality and unemployment by achieving higher
    growth rates.
  • The immediate priority for the DHA is to
    facilitate the acquisition of the critical skills
    needed for economic growth and to build our own
    skills base.
  • The NDP draws on international experience in
    pointing out that the strategy will succeed if
    it is led by a capable state staffed by
    professionals where trust is engendered by
    social stability, improved services and reduced
    corruption and the mass of citizens feel part of
    the plan and economic development.
  • The DHA could play a key role in enabling
    regional development by working with SADC
    countries to establish efficient, secure and
    managed movements of people.
  •  The inclusion of all citizens in democracy and
    development is enabled by providing them with a
    status and an identity that gives them access to
    rights and services.
  •  The modernisation programme can reduce fraud and
    the cost of doing business, and enabling
    e-government, thus attracting more investment.

DHA Contribution to Medium Term Strategic
Framework (MTSF) 2014 - 2019
  • The DHA draft commitments in the MTSF 2014 to
    2019 will focus, inter alia, on the following key
    areas (input to be finalised by 30 May 2014)
  • SAs borders effectively defended, protected,
    secured and well-managed.
  • Integrated BMA established and operational
  • Develop an over-arching strategy to defend,
    protect, secure and ensure well-managed borders
  • Identity of all persons in SA known and secured.
  •  Ensure that registration at birth is the only
    entry point for SA to the new national identity
    system (NIS)
  • NIS designed and operational
  • Ensure that systems are in place to enable the
    capturing of biometric data of all travellers who
    enter or exit SA legally
  • Improve and streamline regulations to reduce the
    burden of importing core and critical skills
    needed for the economy.
  • Changes to immigration policy and legislation
    that supports the importation of economically
    important skills

  • Outcome 1
  • Secured South African citizenship and identity
  • Strategic Objectives
  • All eligible citizens are issued with enabling
    documents relating to identity and status
  • An integrated and digitised National Identity
    System (NIS) that is secure and contains
    biometric details of every person recorded on the

  • Outcome 2
  • Secured and responsive immigration system
  • Strategic Objectives
  • Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and
    documented efficiently
  • Movement of persons in and out of the country
    regulated according to a risk based approach
  • Enabling documents issued to foreigners
    efficiently and securely

  • Outcome 3
  • Services to citizens and other clients that are
    accessible and efficient
  • Strategic Objectives
  • Secure, effective, efficient and accessible
    service delivery to citizens and immigrants
  • Good governance and administration
  • Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to
    crime, fraud and corruption
  • Collaboration with stakeholders in support of
    enhanced service delivery and core business

Progress against objectives April June 2014
  • 208, 000 smart ID cards issued to citizens 16
    years of age and above
  • Business case developed and submitted to National
  • Vacancy rate maintained at below 10
  • 95 of IDs (First issues) issued within 54
  • 95 of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working
  • Project launched to develop a management toolkit
    for frontline offices
  • BMA feasibility study commenced
  • Project to survey communities along the
    borderline commenced
  • Immigration policy discussion paper was refined
    based on research
  • 50 of permanent residence applications
    adjudicated within 8 months
  • 62 of business, critical skills and general
    work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks
  • 62 of business, critical skills and general
    work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for
    applications processed within the RSA

Major challenges April June 2014
  1. Asylum seeker/ Refugee management including
    Relocation of Refugee Centers to borderlines
  2. Overhaul the permitting system and border
  3. Dependency on Departments of Public Works and
  4. Non-integration of IT systems
  5. Records Management
  6. Lack of capacity in critical areas (eg.
  7. Fight against unlawful activities
  8. Improvement of administration, especially
    financial management
  9. Ensuring staff are appropriately trained,
    professional and caring

Overview of Organisational Performance (2011
Financial Year Percentage Achieved
2011/12 26 (Annual performance)
2012/13 25 (Annual performance
2013/14 53 (Unaudited annual performance)
Overall Performance APP 2014/15 (Quarter 1)
PROGRAMME 1 Administration
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 3.1 To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants.
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 3.2 Good governance and administration.
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 3.3 To ensure ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption.
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives.
Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
70 additional offices with live capture functionality for identity documents and passports (installed and functional). IT equipment for roll out procured Not achieved Procurement completed of IT equipment for rollout to 40 new offices . for Pilot rollout to Banks and post offices. augment 70 offices completed in 2013/14. Live capture rolled out to 20 additional offices. Supplier Database for Modernisation project completed
Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
National Identity System (NIS) developed (designed) User specifications for National Identity System defined and approved by DDGCS and DDGIMS Achieved The user specifications have been developed and signed.
Technical testing of Trusted Traveller Programme completed by Information Services Branch Service provider contracted Not achieved The contract with the service provided could not be signed as the DG had first to brief the current Minister.
Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
Development of e-Permit system completed by Information Services branch and handed over to IMS for user acceptance testing Service provider contracted Achieved A service provider was appointed. The Development of the back-end system has started. Completion of the e-permit back-end system will be completed in house by IS. Testing is underway.
Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
90 of newly appointed officials trained on DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service 90 of newly appointed officials trained on DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service Not achieved During the 1st Quarter only 43 of newly appointed officials were trained on the DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service. This is a new programme and has to be institutionalised. In Quarter 2 it is progressing well with 85 officials attending in July and August.
300 officials enrolled and trained in skills programmes emanating from the National Certificate Home Affairs Services to improve performance 75 officials enrolled and trained in skills programmes emanating from the National Certificate Home Affairs Services to improve performance Not achieved 71 officials enrolled and trained on Civic Services Skills Programme in the following provinces KwaZulu-Natal 23 Free State 22 and Western Cape 26 Total 71
Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
100 managers (junior, middle and senior) enrolled and trained in leadership and management development programmes to improve performance Service provider appointed Achieved National School of Government (NSG) appointed as service provider for The Emerging Management Development Programme for 20 junior managers in the Western Cape and 20 in North West (Junior Managers)  The Advanced Management Development Programme for 20 middle managers in the Eastern Cape and 20 in KwaZulu-Natal (Middle Managers)   Senior Managers 1st Module NSG appointed to facilitate the Leading Innovation in the Public Service Programme for 20 Senior Managers (6-7 August 2014). 2nd Module Operations Management for 20 DHA SMS members in-house. (24 to 27 November 2014)
Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
Accurate and complete annual financial statements submitted to the Auditor-General by 31 May annually Accurate and complete annual financial statements submitted to the Auditor-General by 31 May annually Achieved Received an acknowledgement of receipt from AG that the Financial Statements were submitted on 1 June
In-year monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury on a monthly basis In-year monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury on a monthly basis Achieved All reports were submitted by the due dates.
Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
Annual Report tabled in Parliament by 30 September annually Accurate and complete annual financial statements and performance information submitted to the Auditor-General by 31 May 2014 Achieved The annual financial statements and performance information was submitted to the Auditor-General on 30 May 2014.
3 DHA 2014/15 and 1 DHA 2013/14 quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter 1 (2013/14 FY) quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter Achieved DHA quarter four (4) performance reports were verified and approved by EXCO and submitted to National Treasury.
Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
Business case for a sustainable model for civic and immigration services approved by Minister Draft business case developed and submitted to Minister for consideration Achieved The draft business case was developed and submitted to Minister on 30 June 2014 for consideration.
Vacancy rate maintained at 10 or below by 31 March 2015 Vacancy rate maintained at 10 or below Achieved Vacancy rate as at 30 June 2014 6.2.This was a decrease of 0.4 since 31 May 2014.
Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
Ethics Management programme developed and approved by EXCO Ethics risk and opportunity assessment conducted and approved by DDGCCSS Ethics risk profile compiled and approved by DDGCCSS Achieved The ethics risks and opportunity assessment has been conducted and a report approved by DDGCCSS
60 of reported cases investigated and finalised within 90 working days 60 of reported cases investigated and finalised within 90 working days Achieved 61 cases out of 110 cases were finalised within 90 days which is 67
Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
4 reviews on processes conducted and reports signed off by DG 1 reviews on processes conducted and reports signed off by DG Not achieved The Branch still has to interact with IMS to discuss the key findings in order to curb identified vulnerabilities. The completed Permanent Residence report has been signed off by DG
80 (60 MPSS, 20 MISS) of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) 20 (15,5) of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) Achieved Written reports of 23 Threat and Risk Assessments (TRAs) with accompanying recommendations for implementation by the respective office managers were generated.
Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
468 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) 117 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) Not achieved Security clearance files from two provinces (Eastern Cape and Free State) were late for submission to the SSA. The shortfall of the previous quarter has been covered (submitted to SSA)
Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
7 Exhibitions participated in to support government and departmental events 2 exhibitions and 1 Budget Vote exhibition Achieved Rand Easter Show Gauteng Freedom Day in Kimberly Youth Day in Kimberly
4 Publications of e-Khaya electronic newsletter produced 1 publication Achieved Opening of new visa and permit centres (Electronic/online newsletter)
Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
10 Ministerial Izimbizo activities supported (public engagement, distributing IDs, birth certificates, etc.) 3 Ministerial Izimbizo Not achieved Only 1 Imbizo was coordinated in Mossel Bay at KwaNonqaba, Western Cape The Communication Strategy and an action plan outlining public participation programmes has been approved by Minister Gigaba and a new programme from the Ministry will be implemented henceforth. 1 X imbizo (public participation programme) was held on 18 July at Ga-Mothapo, Limpopo.
PROGRAMME 2 Citizen Affairs
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status.
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system.
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 3.2 Good governance and administration
Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
694 000 births registered within 30 calendar days of birth 173 500 births registered within 30 calendar days of birth Not achieved 165, 484 births were registered within 30 days of birth during the review period. During the month of July 2014, a total of 61741 births were registered. The total births registered between 1 April and 31 July is 227 225. The target for the corresponding period was 231 330.
1.6 million smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above 208, 000 smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above Achieved 283, 693 ID Smart cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above
Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
95 of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95 of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application Achieved 96,1 of IDs (First Issues) were issued within 54 working days (RSA applications only)   149, 539 IDs (First Issue) were issued in 54 working days and 6, 024 above. The total number of IDs (First Issues) issued during the review period was 155,563
95 of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95 of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application Achieved 98,5 of IDs (Re-issues) were issued within 47 working days (RSA applications only)   138, 343 IDs (Re-issues) were issued in 47 working days and 2112 above. The total number of IDs (Re-issues) issued during the review period was 140, 455
Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
95 of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95 of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) Not achieved 91,6 of machine readable passports (MRP) (manual process) were issued within 24 working days (RSA applications only)  92, 443 MRPs (manual process) were issued in 24 working days and 8, 503 above. The total number of MRPs (manual process) issued during the review period was 100, 946
97 of machine readable passports (live capture process) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 97 of machine readable passports (live capture process) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) Not achieved 87,4 of machine readable passports (MRP) (live capture process) were issued within 13 working days (RSA applications only)   6, 573 MRPs (live capture process) were issued in 13 working days and 945 above. The total number of MRPs (live capture process) issued during the review period was 7, 518
Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
Reviewed front office toolkit to improve the daily management of operations approved, implemented and monitored Evaluation of existing front office toolkit conducted by ME unit Consultation sessions were held with Provincial Management.   A revised toolkit was developed. Pilot sites were identified as (see EXCO presentation) (1) Randburg (2) Germiston (3) Lebowakgomo (4) Kimberley (5) Klerksdorp (6) Marabastad (7) Golela POE (8) Durban Harbour (9) Cape Town IA (10) Dzanani (11) Stutterheim (12) Delmas (13) Sasolburg (14) Khayelitsha The departments EXCO approved the revised Front Office Toolkit on 22 July 2014. The EXCO also recommended that a front office toolkit should be developed for the head office (this has been prioritized for 2015/16).
PROGRAMME 3 Immigration Affairs
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach
Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
50 of refugee IDs issued within 90 calendar days 50 of refugee IDs issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application) Achieved 1, 349 applications were received from 01 30 April 2014. Of these, 765 IDs have been dispatched to Refugee Reception Offices (RROs) and 23 faulty applications returned. This provides a total of 788, whilst the percentage of applications that matured within 90 days is 58
80 of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days 80 of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application) to citizens 16 years of age and above Not achieved Applications were not sent on time to BVR for production. When the applications were sent, delays and shutdown at BVR affected the turnaround time.
Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
BMA feasibility study approved by Minister Feasibility study commenced (work plan in place) Achieved DHA and GTAC have entered into a formal agreement (i.e.Memorandum of Agreement) and Project Charter. The Project Charter outlines the work plan for the Project.
8 priority ports of entry with either improved residential or improved office accommodation or both as per set standards 2 priority ports of entry with either improved residential or improved office accommodation or both as per set standards Only Groblers Bridge has been completed and has full occupancy during the quarter under review. Alexander Bay PoE took delivery of the items (pre-fabricated structures for accommodation office space) earmarked for infrastructure improvement during the month of July .
Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
1 surveys of borderline communities Conducted Project team established Methodology for survey adopted by project sponsor Achieved A project team has been established and the methodology has been adopted by the sponsor.
Refined immigration policy discussion paper, based on research and government engagement, approved by Minister Draft immigration policy paper revised by the immigration policy project team and signed off by DDG IMS to take account of the research commissioned by the DHA Achieved Draft immigration policy paper revised by the immigration policy project team and signed off by DDG IMS to take account of the research commissioned by the DHA.
Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made
50 of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) Project team established Methodology for survey adopted by project sponsor Achieved 62.5 of permanent residence applications were finalised within 8 months. This is a good performance improvement above the required target of 50. The achievement was as a result of targeted adjudication which ensured that applications that were due to mature in Quarter 1 were separated from other applications and adjudicated during the quarter.
62 of business, critical skills and general work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA 62 of business, critical skills and general work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA Achieved 77.1 of temporary residence visas were finalised within 8 weeks. This is a good performance improvement above the required target of 62.
  • Financial Performance
  • Per Programme
  • Per Economic classification
  • Per Sub programme

  • Notes
  • In terms of the linear projections, the
    department should be spending at 25 as at June
  • The VOTE is spending at 29 due to the higher
    allocations given to the IEC in preparation for
    the National Elections.

  • Notes
  • Spending on capital related items are not aligned
    to linear spending and therefore spending happens
    as the need arises. This will affect the
    following items
  • Buildings and Other Fixed Structures
  • Machinery and Equipment (this is also affected by
    the DHA Modernisation Project)
  • Software and Intangibles (this is also affected
    by the DHA Modernisation Project)
  • Departmental agencies and accounts is higher than
    the linear spend due to the IEC receiving a
    higher allocation in April and May 2014
  • Households is made up of payments of leave
    gratuity due to employees resigning and passing

Note All spending is in line with linear
projections except for Legal Services. The high
spending in Legal Services is due to legal fees.
Invoices dating back to previous financial years
are only received this year,
Note The Branch is spending slightly higher than
the linear projections due to the higher
allocation to IEC in April and May 2014.
Note The Branch is spending below the linear
projection. This is due to the payments of
expenditure for deployed officials not yet being
effected. Claims for refund of expenditure only
arrived in Quarter 2.
Note The Branch is spending in line with the
linear projections.
Note The revenue collections does not include
revenue from the foreign missions as the
Department is still engaging with DIRCO
Priorities going forward
  • Effective management of immigration to contribute
    to security and development. This includes
    opening a public discussion on immigration and
    leading the establishment of a Border Management
    Agency (BMA)
  • Comprehensive and secure national identity system
    (NIS), supported by the public through, amongst
    other measures, early birth registration, and
    ending of late registration.
  • Modernise Home Affairs through investing in
    people, processes and technology
  • Improve service delivery and promote good
    governance and administration
  • Develop officials that are ethical, patriotic and
  • Visible and firm action in the fight against

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