Title: Lacy Woolsey
1 22002-2003 Stanton Chapter FBLA Officers
- Bryce Leapley - President
- Dusty Coates - Vice President
- Lacy Woolsey - Reporter
- Laura Eberly - Secretary
- Paul Poeschl - Treasurer
- Shaelynne Pohlman - Parliamentarian
- Taylor Seeman - Historian
3Fall Leadership Conference
Front Row Laura Eberly--Secretary, Shaelynne
Pohlman--Parliamentarian, Steph Poeschl--member,
Lacy Woolsey--Reporter, Taylor Seeman--Historian.
Back Row Brandon Lock--member, Paul
Poeschl--Treasurer, Dusty Coates--Vice President,
Michael Kander--member, Bryce Leapley--President.
4Rough Ride to FLC
- At 615 a.m.
- Stunned Deer
- At 345
FBLA Adviser Mrs. Seeman claimed the deer we hit
on the way to FLC was just stunned. On the way
home we learned the truth.
5Fun Times at SLC
Taylor Seeman and Lacy Woolsey pass the time
while saving chairs at SLC.
6Grim Reaper
- Teaching kids about the affects of drugs and
alcohol. - Every 32 minutes someone dies from an alcohol
related accident.
Obituaries of the victims were posted in the
main hall.
7Stanton FBLA Chapter Local Activities
- Elementary Coloring Contest
- Canned Food Drive for Tree of Caring
- Business Trivia Contest
- Free Enterprise Day Poster Contest
- A Dance to raise money for MOD Squad
- Pizza Sales
- Concession Stand
- Holiday Candy Grams
8Local Chapter Activities (Continued)
- School Grounds Clean-up
- Coronation
- Installation and FBLA Awards
- Speaker for FBLA
- FBLA Week
- Fall Leadership Conference
- State Leadership Conference
9FBLA State Goals
- Service
- Opportunities
- Active Involvement
- Reach
- Increase Tally It Up! to 21,000 hours.
- Promote America Recycles Day
- Lift MADD to new heights by raising 14,000.
- Dive into the March of Dimes.
State Goals
- Increase the number of state officer candidates.
- Create a Why Didnt I Think of That? booklet.
- Encourage efficient money management.
- Raise membership by 200 members.
- Charter or reactivate 8 chapters.
State Goals
12Active Involvement
- Develop a Buddy System model.
- Promote the Quality Member Award.
- Create a Whats Going on in FBLA? video.
- Highlight the CHEER Challenge
- Publish a CHEER Challenge Happenings Newsletter.
- Designate November as CHEER Challenge month.
State Goals
- Encourage increased communication with school
officials - Share chapter progress and SLC chapter reports.
- Attend School Board meetings.
- Invite administration to chapter meetings.
- Put FBLA in the Spotlight
- Appear on TV Broadcasts and radio spots.
- Conduct FBLA Week state and local proclamation
State Goals
14How FBLA Will Benefit You?
- FBLA provides innovative leadership development
programs to bring business and education together
in a positive working relationship. Your FBLA
membership provides
15FBLA Membership Provides...
- Career opportunities
- Networks with business leaders
- Leadership development
- Exciting leadership conferences
- Challenging competitions
- Community service opportunities
- Friendship
- Informative publications
16To Learn More Check Out These FBLA Web Sites
- FBLA State Web Site www.nde.us.ne.us/BUSED/fbla.ht
ml - March of Dimes Web Site www.modimes.org
- FBLA National Web Site
ww.fbla-pbl.org - MADD Web Site www.madd.org
17So Join FBLA Today And Let It Help You Soar to
New Heights!!
18Resources for this Presentation
- FBLA Promotional Brochure
- FBLA National Web Site
- www.fbla-pbl.org
- Nebraska FBLA State Web Site
- www.nde.us.ne.us/BUSED/fbla.html
- March of Dimes Web Site
- www.modimes.org
- MADD Web Site
- www.madd.org
- Nebraska FBLA Handbook
19This may be the end of this presentation, but
its only the beginning of a great future.