Title: Deep sea monster squid found
1Deep sea monster squid found
Thursday, April 3, 2003 Posted 326 PM EST (2026
GMT) WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Reuters) -- A
rare and dangerous squid with eyes the size of
dinner plates and scores of razor-sharp hooks to
snag its prey has been caught by fishermen off
Antarctica, New Zealand scientists said on
2Ekman Spiral Friction Coriolis
- Wind Friction ? Currents slow with depth
- Coriolis deflects current to right
- Summed over depth ? total transport 900 to right
of wind Ekman Transport
3Ekman Upwelling and Downwelling
4Biologically Productive AreasPrecipitation on
LandUpwelling in Ocean
5Food Chain
6Primary Consumers
Primary Producers
7Salmon and climate variability
Pacific Decadal Oscillation