Title: CountryData SDMX for Development Indicators
1CountryDataSDMX forDevelopment Indicators
- MDG DSD vs. the Di Database
- Using the Mapping Tool
2MDG Data Structure Definition (DSD) background
- Developed by SDMX Task Team of IAEG on MDGs
- Supports exchange of MDG Indicator data between
international agencies (UN, UNICEF, UNESCO, ) - Implemented in SDMX 2.0
- Latest version (2.4) finalised in Feb 2013
3DevInfo (Di) background
- Data dissemination software supported
- and promoted by UNICEF
- DevInfo7 (Di7) launched in Nov 2012
- SDMX 2.1 2.0 compliant
- Web base software
- 9 out of 11 project countries using DevInfo
- Stable version compare to previous releases
4Simple relation between Di DSD
Di Database
- Frequency (Default Annual)
- Reference Area
- Series
- Units of measurement
- Unit multiplier (Default 0)
- Location (Default Total)
- Age group (Default All Ages)
- Sex (Default Both Sexes)
- Source Type (Default NA)
- Source details
- Time Period
- Time period details
- Nature of data points (Default C)
- Footnotes
- Area
- Indicator
- Unit
- Subgroup (i.e. Sex, Age, Location etc.)
- Source
- Time Period
- Footnotes
5Mapping to the DSD
- DSD dimensional structure means
- values are mandatory for LOCATION, SEX AGE
GROUP. - Due the nature of this domain (i.e. MDGs), not
obvious which values should be used in these
dimensions - For example, what is SEX for Births attended by
skilled personnel - Not Applicable? Total? Female?
6Mapping to the DSD
- Inconsistent mappings lead to duplications and
other anomalies - In CountryData, mappings for indicators/ time
series are agreed before data exchange (see
mapping for MDGs from 1st workshop) - However, this is just one side of the story
7Mapping to the DSD
- Understanding the structure and contents of the
origin database is fundamental to the mapping
process - Mapping to the DSD requires the data to enter
into certain restrictions its not bound by in
the database (and vice versa).
8Mapping to the DSD
- The mapping tool in di software is
- designed to work with the di database as simply
as possible - the tool is based on mapping between the
codelists of the DSD and origin database - certain situations require some further manual
effort to map a time series - and sometimes a fix is required to the
database where the data simply isnt valid or
its duplicated. - Therefore its good to review di structure to
understand where these issues usually occur.
9Di Data Architecture
- Area, hierarchical dimension
- IUS Indicator, Unit and Subgroup
- Time series data are stored with the combination
of the 3 dimensions - Indicator
- Unit
- Subgroup Combination of one or more
sub-dimensions - Source Time Period
- Together with IUS uniquely defines each data
value - Footnote
- Free text field stored with data value
- IUS Indicator Unit Subgroup
- Indicator, for example
- Infant Mortality
- AIDS Death
- Malaria Death
- Similar to SERIES in the DSD
- Contains only Indicator specific values
- IUS Indicator Unit Subgroup
- Unit
- Percentage
- Number
- Square KM
- Similar to UNIT of Measurement in DSD
- Contains only Unit specific values
- IUS Indicator Unit Subgroup
- SubGroup Dimension
- Combination of one or more sub-dimensions
- Age, Sex, Location and Other
sub-dimensions are set initially in database - Specific values can be created under each
sub-dimension - Relate to SEX, AGE GROUP and LOCATION in DSD.
- IUS Indicator Unit Subgroup
- Formation Logic
Sub-Dimension values
lt 1 Year lt 5 Year 5 10 Year
Male Female
Urban Rural
Total Rice Wheat
SUBGROUP (Combination)
lt1 Year Male lt5 Year Female Rural Urban
18Di Mapping Tool Introduction
- Once data exists in di7 web-based software then
data can be mapped and published which conforms
with the MDG DSD. - This is all done online through the di7 web-based
repository through the administration profile, so
lets begin
19Getting Started
20Scroll down to Registry menu
21Log onto administrative profile
22Log onto administrative profile
23Full access to Registry features
24Prepare the Dbase for mapping
25Prepares the SDMX artefactes
26Ready to Upload the DSD
27Choose a DSD from your folders
28Choose a DSD from your folders
29DSD Upload is a success
30Now you are ready to map
311st Step Codelist mapping
321st Step DSD Codelists
Indicator CodeList Indicator CodeList
SH_HIV_INCD HIV incidence rate
SH_MLR_MORT Notified cases of malaria
SE_ADT_1524 Literacy rate
SE_PRM_CMPL Primary completion rate
SEX CodeList SEX CodeList
NA Not applicable
F Female
M Male
T Both sexes
Location CodeList Location CodeList
T T Total (national level)
U U Urban
R R Rural
UNIT CodeList UNIT CodeList
NA Not applicable
CUR_LCU Local currency
KM2 Square kilometers
T Metric Tons
PER_100_LIVE_BIRTHS Per 100 live births
PER_100_POP Per 100 population
PER_1000_LIVE_BIRTHS Per 1,000 live births
PER_1000_POP Per 1,000 population
PER_100000_LIVE_BIRTHS Per 100,000 live births
PER_100000_POP Per 100,000 population
AGE CodeList AGE CodeListÂ
NA Not applicable
000_099_Y All age ranges
000_006_M under 6 month olds
000_005_Y under 5 year olds
000_001_Y under 1 year olds
000_018_Y under 18 year olds
000_006_Y under 6 year olds
010_005_Y 10-14 year olds
015_005_Y 15-19 year olds
015_010_Y 15-24 year olds
015_035_Y 15-49 year olds
006_054_M 6-59 months old
006_009_Y 6-14 year olds
005_013_Y 5-17 year olds
015_050_Y 15-64 year olds
331st Step (A) Map Indicator codes
341st Step (B) Map Unit codes
351st Step (C) Map Subgroup codes
361st Step (C) Choose Subgroup list
371st Step (C) Map Age subgroup
381st Step (C) Map Sex Location
391st Step (D) Map Area
401st Step Save codelist mappings
411st Step Ignore warning
421st Step Confirm mapping saved
43Exercise 1 Codelist mapping
- Use unstats.un.org/unsd/demodiweb1-6
- Username webmaster_at_xyz.com
- Password support_at_2012
- Map the codelists (where possible) for
- Unit
- Age
- Sex
- Location
- Area
- And just one indicator, Antenatal care coverage
for at least one visit
441st Step Complete
452nd Step Confirm IUS mapping
462nd Step Save IUS Mappings
47Exercise 2 mapping time series
- Use unstats.un.org/unsd/demodiweb1-6
- Username webmaster_at_xyz.com
- Password support_at_2012
- Map the time series for
- Antenatal care coverage for at least four
visits - Employment to population ratio
- Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds
- Death rate associated with malaria
- Proportion of population using solid fuels
482nd Step Complete
49Final Step Register the mappings
50Final Step Select mappings
51Final Step Generate SDMX-ML
52Final Step Complete
53Exercise 3 Publish time series
- Use unstats.un.org/unsd/demodiweb1-6
- Username webmaster_at_xyz.com
- Password support_at_2012
- Publish/ register the time series for
- Antenatal care coverage for at least four
visits - Employment to population ratio
- Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds
- Death rate associated with malaria
- Proportion of population using solid fuels
54Why the 2nd step?
- The default values for SEX, LOCATION or AGE GROUP
mapping may not be applicable to all mappings - The codelist mapping may only provide a partial
mapping of the time series (i.e. more information
is required) - These changes are made in the 2nd step.
- This is all done online through the di7 web-based
repository through the administration profile, so
lets begin
55Where are the default values?
56Admin panel Application settings
Insert screens shot/details of admin panel and
default value storage
57Application settings has all mapping default
58Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- Where a subgroup value is missing the default
values will apply, for example
- Default Values
- Location T
59Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- So subgroups coverage affects the number of
manual changes which have to be made
Subgroup for Age and Sex?
- Default Values
- Age Group 000_099_Y
- Sex T
60Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- Common example of where default subgroup mapping
do not apply
- Default Values
- Location T
- Age Group 000_099_Y
- Sex Both sexes
61Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- Common example of where default subgroup mapping
do not apply
Subgroup for Sex?
62Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- Common example of where default subgroup mapping
do not apply
- Default Values
- Location T
- Age Group 000_099_Y
- Sex T
Subgroup for Location, Age and Sex?
63Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- If the subgroups are sorted more simply, this
also helps with the mapping
- Default Values
- Location T
64Manual mapping of SUBGROUP
- Common example of where default subgroup mapping
do not apply
- Default Values
- Location T
- Age Group 000_099_Y
- Sex T
Subgroup for Location, Age and Sex?
65Back to mapping
662nd Step Amend Indicator
When using the check box to tick the mapping, you
are fixing the mapped DSD values. If the box is
unchecked again and the mappings saved, then DSD
values revert to those mapped at codelist/
default values (i.e. any manual changes are
67Final Step Register new mappings
68Exercise 4 Amend time series
- Use unstats.un.org/unsd/demodiweb1-6
- Map/ amend/ publish the time series for
- Antenatal coverage rate
- Children orphaned by AIDS
- Children under-five sleeping under
insecticide-treated net (ITN) - Proportion of births attended by skilled health
personnel - Share of women in wage employment in the
non-agricultural sector - Proportion of urban population living in slums
69More complex mappings under the 1st and 2nd
mapping step?
- The most common changes made to mappings are
between subgroups and the Sex, Age Group and
Location dimensions - But sometimes manual changes are required between
di and DSD indicator and unit, either - More than one di code relates to a single DSD
code OR - More than one DSD code relates to a single di
70Many-to-one mapping for Indicator codelist
(Example 1)
71Many-to-one mapping for Indicator codelist
(Example 2)
72Many-to-one mapping for Indicator codelist
(Example 3)
73Many-to-one mapping for Unit codelist (Example 1)
74Manual mapping of INDICATOR
Manual change
75Manual mapping of INDICATOR
Manual change
76Manual mapping of UNIT
77Back to mapping
781st Step many di to 1 DSD code
792nd Step 1 di to many DSD codes
80Final Step Register new mappings
81Exercise 5 Complex time series
- Use unstats.un.org/unsd/demodiweb1-6
- Map/ amend/ publish the time series for
- Contraceptive prevalence rate
- Primary completion rate
- Gender parity index in primary education
- Seats held by men in national parliament
- Seats held by women in national parliament
- Telephone lines
82Other issues encountered with generating SDMX
from DevInfo
- The MDG DSD requires any data point to be
uniquely described by the following dimensions
- However, DevInfo allows data to be stored in
overlapping time intervals and with multiple
sources. These issues need to be resolved to
conform to the uniqueness required by the MDG
83Multiple sources
Allowable in DevInfo but not in the DSD
84Overlapping time
- This issue is only a problem where overlapping
periods begin from the same year, as the mapping
tool takes the first year in the period as the
value for the Time Period dimension.
85Targets in the database
Targets are also an issue when found in the
database since they should not be exchanged as
observed values
86Target in database (Example 1)
Sometimes stored as subgroup which can be ignored
at the 2nd stage
87Target in database (Example 2)
But other times can be found as a time period
among observed values
88Use of filters at registration
- To deal with the issues of
- multiple sources for a given time period,
- overlapping time period beginning at the same
year - And targets presented alongside observed values
- The mapping tool provides a feature to filter out
data from a generated SDMX message associated
with specific time periods and source references.
89Back to mapping
90Final Step Filter by time/ source
91Final Step Select source filter
92Final Step Select time filter
93Final Step Register new mappings
94Final Step Complete
95Exercise 6 Filter time series
- Use unstats.un.org/unsd/demodiweb2-6
- Map/ amend/ publish the time series for
- Under-five mortality rate
- Maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
- Net enrolment ratio in primary education (NER)
- Orphans primary school enrolment
- Tuberculosis prevalence rate
- Proportion of the population using improved
sanitation facilities
96DSD Maintenance
- The mapping and registry tool allows users to
edit and delete the DSD as well as upload. - For when the DSD is updated, it is recommended
to edit the DSD rather than delete - DSD deletion has the effect of removing all the
mappings and subscriptions used for that DSD
97DSD Maintenance
98DSD Header