Title: Do Now: What defines a person
1Do NowWhat defines a persons class? What makes
someone a part of the lower class, middle class
and upper class? Do you think that those
distinctions exist today?
- If you have not taken the enlightenment quiz from
yesterday, see me in 5 minutes you will be taking
it now.
31st Estate clergy Church had power. 10 of
land No taxes. What good things did they do
for society?
Would they have supported the Enlightenment? Why?
42nd Estate Noble Given top jobs government,
court, church army. No taxes.
Would they have supported the Enlightenment? Why?
53rd Estate Bourgeoisie Middle Class Rural
Peasants. Estate prone to crime. High
unemployment poor.
Would they have supported the Enlightenment? Why?
6Enlightenment led to people questioning the
inequalities in society.
7(No Transcript)
8Free Write
- Do you think a group of people should be allowed
to start a revolution simply because they want to
improve their life? Why or why not, explain. - Think about everything a revolution entails..
9Do Now
- Take notes today on the back of the pyramid page.
- In what ways was the third estate resentful to
the other two estates? - If you have not taken the enlightenment quiz yet
see me
10Causes of the French Rev.
- Enlightenment
- Liberty
- Equality
- Reason
- Philosophers- group of intellectuals criticizes
the government - Locke
- Hobbes
- Montesquieu
- Voltaire
11Causes cont.
- Harvest failures
- 1787-1788
- Food shortage (which classes)
- Higher prices (which classes couldnt pay)
- Business failed
- Unemployment increased in cities
12Causes cont.
- Economy
- Economy was failing
- War debts (American Revolution)
- Poorly distributed tax burden
- No central bank
- Government makes an effort
- Government tries to push down dissidents
- Censorship becomes extreme
13Estate System
14King Queen create problems
- Marie spent a lot of money beyond the amount that
the country could possibly pay for. - Abuse of power
- Let them eat cake
- Estate general King Louis XVI 1788
- Fiscal (economic) crisis
- First estate 100,000
- Second estate 400,000
- Third Estate 24.5 million
- Why were so many people from the third estate
16(No Transcript)
17- Delegates of 3rd estate insist on reform in May
18Delegates from 3rd estate create national
assembly to write a constitution. What might be
proposed during the discussion of the
- How is the 1st Estate going to respond to the
actions of the 3rd Estate?
19June 17th 1789- Delegates began calling
themselves the General Assembly.
- June 20th 1789- doors to the meeting area for the
general assembly were locked delegates had to
relocate to an empty tennis court.
20(No Transcript)
21Tennis Court Oathnever to separate, and to meet
wherever circumstances demand.The delegates
pledged to continue to meet until a constitution
had been written, despite the royal
prohibition.King was forced to accept it.
- Supplies were needed gun powder.
- Bastille was a guarded prison.
- If the 3rd estate could break into the Bastille,
steal supplies and free prisoners they could
easily continue their rampage throughout Paris.
23Marquis de Launay- head of Bastille
- 20,000 gun powder to go away.
- Lowers draw bridge in defeat, he and his men are
taken hostage. - Dragged through the streets of Paris, most
beheaded. - July 14, 1789
24- King Louis XVI, who was residing at Versailles,
was reported to have asked an informer "Is this
a revolt?" and La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt said,
"No, Sire, it is a revolution."