Client-Server%20Interaction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Client-Server Interaction Based on Chapter 28 in Computer Networks and Internets, Comer – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Client-Server%20Interaction

Client-Server Interaction
  • Based on Chapter 28 in Computer Networks and
    Internets, Comer

Network Applications
  • All of the lower layers of the network
    communication protocol stack exist so that
    applications on different computers can interact.
  • Applications are high-level software used
    directly by users.
  • The applications (e.g. Excel) sit on top of the
    application layer which provides various
    network-related services (e.g. FTP) to the
  • The basic paradigm for this application-to-applica
    tion interaction on an internet is the
    client-server model.

Application Software
  • Applications and the application layer hide all
    of the details of the network from the user.
  • Information hiding
  • In most cases the user does not have to know the
    IP address (let alone the MAC address) of the
    computer he or she is communicating with.
  • The application provides a user-friendly symbolic
    name, which is then translated into the
    corresponding number.
  • E.g. a domain name service

  • While TCP is in part responsible for establishing
    a session between two computers (the three-way
    handshake), the TCP does not establish a
    connection on its own volition.
  • The source application layer must direct its
    transport layer to do so.
  • The destination application layer must direct its
    transport layer to listen for others trying to
    connect to it.
  • In the phone analogy, the source must dial the
    number, the destination must hear the phone ring
    and answer it.

The client-server paradigm
  • The approach in which the source initiates
    contact with a listening destination is said to
    adhere to the client-server paradigm.
  • The initiating source is called the client.
  • Clients are active.
  • The listening destination is called the server.
  • Servers are passive.

Two meanings
  • In one sense, client-server is used to refer to
    the communication model
  • Client Active requester
  • Server Passive listener/responder
  • In another sense, client-server is used to refer
    to machines which are designed to act as clients
    or as (dedicated) servers
  • In this sense, a server is a machine capable of
    offering a such service to a number of clients.

What is a Server?
  • A server can refer to a program that passively
    waits for communication.
  • A server can refer to a computer dedicated to
    running server programs.
  • Your book uses the terminology server class
    computer for the latter case.
  • But most of the world uses the term server in
    both cases.
  • Servers or server-class computers are typically
    powerful machines which run server software.

Not the only paradigm in town
  • Client-server is not the only model for
    computer-to-computer communication.
  • Peer-to-peer A type of network in which each
    workstation has equivalent capabilities and
    responsibilities. Peer-to-peer networks are
    generally simpler, but they usually do not offer
    the same performance under heavy loads.
  • Master/slave master polls the slaves to see if
    they have anything to transmit.

Mainframe architecture
  • Mainframes are an example of the master-slave
  • Most of the data storage and computing power lies
    in the mainframe (a central computer).
  • Users interact with the mainframe via terminals
    (dumb terminals) which is little more than a
    monitor and keyboard.
  • In the early days of PCs, they were often
    disabled to work as dumb terminals in a

Thin and fat clients
  • There was an idea of returning to some extent to
    the notion of a dumb terminal.
  • In client/server applications, a client designed
    to be especially small so that the bulk of the
    data processing occurs on the server is called a
    thin client.
  • A client that performs the bulk of the data
    processing operations is called a fat client.
  • Although the term usually refers to software, it
    can also apply to a relative abilities of a
    network computer.

Client/Server Operating Systems
  • Often the version of the operating system one
    loads on a computer that mainly plays the client
    role will be different from the version of the
    operating system loaded on the server
  • E.g. Windows 2000 is different from Windows 2000

The client
  • Client software
  • Requests service but also performs its own
  • Is invoked directly by a user and executes only
    for one session
  • as opposed to starting automatically and running
  • Usually runs locally on a users PC
  • Initiates contact with a server.
  • May access multiple services, but only
    communicates with one server at a time.
  • Does not require special hardware (beyond
    standard communications hardware) or Operating

The Server
  • Server software
  • Is a special-purpose, privileged program
    dedicated to providing one service.
  • Can handle multiple remote clients at the same
  • Is invoked automatically (typically when a system
    boots) and continues to execute through many
  • Waits passively for contact from arbitrary remote
  • Accepts contact from arbitrary clients, but
    offers a single service.
  • Requires powerful hardware and a sophisticated
    operating systems.

Application Software
  • Applications (as opposed to services provided by
    the application layer) that communicate with
    other applications are often written with either
    the client role or server role specifically in
  • Thus one talks about client-side scripting and
    server-side scripting.

  • Client-side scripting is code written for the
    client end of a client-server system.
  • For example, JavaScript scripts are client-side
    because they are executed by your browser (the
  • Server-side scripting is code written for the
    server end of a client-server system.
  • For example, CGI scripts are server-side because
    they run on the Web server.
  • Java applets can be either server-side or
    client-side depending on which computer (the
    server or the client) executes them.

Client-Server Interaction
  • Information between client-server passes in both
  • Clients request, servers respond.
  • Sometimes the servers response is an ongoing
    communication based on one initial request.
  • Client-server applications lead the protocol
    suite to establish the session and send/receive
  • A computer needs all stacks of the software
    protocol suite to run as a client or server.

Multiple Services
  • A powerful computer can run multiple clients and
    servers at the same time.
  • You need sufficient hardware resources and an
    operating system which allows multiple
    application programs to execute concurrently
    (such as UNIX or WIN9x)

One connection/Many services
  • A computer with multiple servers still requires
    only a single physical connection for
  • Different services will be associated with
    different ports.
  • Since servers are often in passive modes, having
    one computer offer many services can help reduce
    administrative overhead and cost without a
    significant reduction in performance.
  • However, if many clients are expected for a
    particular service it may be worthwhile having a
    machine dedicated to it.

Some Server Types
  • A file server is a computer and storage device
    dedicated to storing files. Any user on the
    network can store files on the server.
  • A print server is a computer that manages one or
    more printers.
  • A network server is a computer that manages
    network traffic.
  • A database server is a computer system that
    processes database queries.

Multiple services
A thread for each request
  • In order to handle concurrency, that is, dealing
    with many clients at once, the server-class
    computer uses threads.
  • We mentioned certain services being associated
    with well-known ports.
  • Actually the main thread or listener (usually a
    daemon) is located at this port, but as soon as a
    request is made, a new thread is spun off
    (forked) for it.
  • This allows the main listening thread to await
    the next client.

  • A thread is the information needed to serve one
    individual user or a particular service request.
  • If multiple users are using the program or
    concurrent requests from other programs occur, a
    thread is created and maintained for each of

  • The thread allows a program to know which client
    is being served as the program alternately gets
    re-entered on behalf of different users.
  • One way thread information is kept is by storing
    it in a special data area and putting the address
    of that data area in a register.
  • The operating system always saves the contents of
    the register when the program is interrupted and
    restores it when it gives the program control

Types of Transport Protocols
  • The application services may be
    connection-oriented or connectionless.
  • Connection-Oriented
  • The applications must first establish the
    connection and then send the data across the
    connection. TCP requests the connection and once
    established the communication begins. Session
    must be terminated.

Types of Transport Protocols
  • Connectionless Interface
  • The application sends a message to the
    destination at any time. The sending application
    needs to specify the destination with each
    message sends. The UDP is the connectionless
    support mechanism in the TCP/IP protocol.
  • For a client request using the connectionless
    interface, servers often require the request to
    be sent in a single message. The server responds
    in a single message.

Service Connections Choice
  • Servers may provide a service through both
    connection methods.
  • The choice of transport is dependent on the
  • This choice requires the server to provide both
    transport implementations. This may be
    implemented by
  • Setting up 2 servers for the same service, one
    for connectionless transport and one for
    connection-oriented transport.
  • Setting up a single server that is able to
    interact with either type of transport protocol

Client-Server Interactions
  • A client application is not restricted to
    accessing a single service. A single application
    can become the client of several servers over
  • A client application is not restricted to
    accessing a single server for a given service. A
    client might send a request to multiple servers
    to improve performance.
  • A server is not restricted from performing
    further client-server interactions . A server
    for one service can become a client of another.

  • The term two-tier refers to client/server
    architectures in which the user interface runs on
    the client and the database is stored on the
  • The actual application logic can run on either
    the client or the server.

Three tier
  • A special type of client/server architecture
    consisting of three well-defined and separate
    processes, each running on a different platform
  • The user interface, which runs on the user's
    computer (the client).
  • The functional modules (business rules) that
    actually process data. This middle tier runs on a
    server and is often called the application
  • A database management system (DBMS) that stores
    the data required by the middle tier. This tier
    runs on a second server called the database

Three tier (Cont.)
  • The three-tier design has many advantages over
    traditional two-tier or single-tier designs,
  • The added modularity makes it easier to modify or
    replace one tier without affecting the other
    tiers. (Remember Layering and information
  • Separating the application functions from the
    database functions makes it easier to implement
    load balancing, i.e. spreading the processing out

Network Address Translation and Electronic Mail
  • Based on Chapters 26 and 32 in Computer Networks
    and Internets, Comer

Network Address Translation
  • NAT (Network Address Translation) is a scheme for
    a network to use one set of addresses internally
    but to have the outside world see a different set
    of addresses, possibly only one address.
  • It can be used as a security measure since it
    hides internal addresses from the outside world.
  • It can be used to expand ones address space.
    One can use non-routable addresses, and different
    networks can use the same internal addresses
    provided their external address is unique.

NAT Figure 26.4
NAT Tables
  • The translator understands the local addresses
    and the external address. It maintains a table
    of what internal addresses (computers) are
    communicating with which external addresses.

(No Transcript)
  • But what if two internal addresses are
    communicating with the same external address?
  • How would the translator know which internal
    address to deliver a message to?

Solution (NAPT)
  • Recall that beyond IP addresses there is an
    additional part of the addressing scheme the
    ports. The translator can associate different
    internal addresses with its different ports.
    Then it can distinguish differ incoming messages
    by which port they come in on.
  • This is known as Network Address and Port
    Translation (NAPT).

NAPT Table (Figure 26.4)
Another Dilemma
  • Associating internal addresses with ports is fine
    for sessions initiated by the internal machines,
    but what if the the outside wants to initiate?
  • The outside world will know the internal
    computers not by IP addresses but by domain
    names. Therefore this can be resolved by having
    the local DNS and NAT servers coordinate.

  • E-mail was designed to serve as an electronic
    version of the traditional office memo.
  • E-mail can be used to be used for one-to-one or
    one-to-many communication.
  • It can also handle automatic response to
    information requests.

Mail box
  • In order for a person to receive mail, they are
    assigned a mail box which is a location
    (typically a directory in storage) designated to
    hold incoming messages addressed to a particular
  • The email server is given permission to write
    files in this directory.
  • The user to whom the mail box is assigned is
    given permission to access these files.

Mail box
  • A mailbox is often associated with an account,
    thus someone with multiple accounts may have
    multiple boxes.
  • The mailbox is typically on the mail server and
    not on the users computer.
  • While the user may have most of the permissions
    in regard to his or her mail box, the amount that
    can be stored there and so on is controlled by
    the administrator of the mail server.

Email Addresses
  • Addresses have 2 parts, e.g.
  • The first part denotes the mail
    box (and in turn the person to whom it is
  • It allows the local administrators to assign
    mailbox identifiers independently (no central
  • The second part denotes the mail
    server at the domain, i.e. the computer to which
    the message should be sent.
  • It allows users on arbitrary computer systems to
    exchange email messages (is assigned by central

E-Mail Message Formats
  • An email message consists of ASCII code.
  • As with most information protocols we have
    studied, it has two parts
  • A header containing information about delivery
    the senders and recipients address along with
    various other information.
  • A body containing the actual message to be
  • The two parts are separated by a blank line
    (carriage return character).

Header and body
Some header fields
  • Most headers include a SUBJECT field
  • Typically it conveys information about the body
    to the recipient.
  • It can be used to send commands to certain
    automated processes, e.g. SUBJECT subscribe.
  • The CC (carbon copy) field allows the message to
    be sent to users other than the primary
  • BCC (Blind carbon copy) has a similar effect as
    CC except that a BCC recipients address does not
    appear in the message.
  • The primary recipient does not know that a blind
    carbon copy was sent

User and Transfer Agents
  • The Email system can be broken down into two
  • One part is a user interface for composing and
    reading messages. It is then placed in a queue
  • (Sometimes called mail user agent)
  • Another part for delivering messages to the
    intended recipient on another computer (or
    indicating if delivery was unsuccessful). It
    takes messages from the queue and delivers them
    to the recipients mail box.
  • (Sometimes called mail transfer agent)

Mail Transfer
  • Delivery may be
  • Local Sending a message to a user on the same
    computer simply requires that a copy of the
    message be placed in the recipients mailbox.
  • Remote Sending the message to a user on a remote
    computer requires that senders transfer software
    become a client of the recipients transfer
    program. The remote computer must append the
    message to the recipients mailbox.

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a set of rules
    for transferring email messages using a TCP
  • SMTP allows the sender to identify itself,
    specify a recipient and send an e-mail message,
    once the connection has been established.
  • SMTP requires reliable delivery of a message
    which means the sender keeps a copy of the
    message in storage (nonvolatile) until the
    receiver has stored the message.

(No Transcript)
Two Stage Delivery
  • Mail is not delivered directly to the typical end
    users computer
  • Mail might arrive at any time and the mail server
    must be ready to receive it at that time (its a
    TCP session), many users computers are turned
    off when not in use.
  • Plus, each computer would have to operate the
    mail server software.
  • The e-mail is delivered to a mail server and then
    the user must retrieve it, so there is a second
    stage in the delivery process.

  • One choice for this second stage of delivery is
    POP (Post Office Protocol).
  • The mail server (the computer with the mailboxes)
    also runs a POP server.
  • The POP server allows a user to run e-mail
    software from his PC to access the mailbox
  • The POP server can be accessed via a dial-up
    connection with the mailbox computer or via the
  • The POP server requires the client to
    authenticate itself (username and password).

  • Internet Message Access Protocol is another
    protocol for accessing e-mail from the mail
  • The e-mail client views just the messages header
    and then decide whether or not to download it.
  • IMAP also allows the client to create and
    manipulate folders or mailboxes on the server,
    delete messages, or search for certain parts or
    an entire note.

IMAP (Cont.)
  • IMAP is more sophisticated than POP.
  • IMAP requires continual access to the mail server
    while one is working with ones mail.
  • With POP3, when one reads mail, it is immediately
    downloaded to the users computer and is no
    longer maintained on the server.
  • IMAP can be thought of as a remote file server,
    whereas POP can be thought of as a
    "store-and-forward" service.

Multiple Recipients
  • E-mail message can be effectively multicast, that
    is, there may be more than one recipient of the
    same message.
  • The transfer programs do not send separate copies
    if more than one recipients mail box is on the
    same mail server.

Multiple Recipients
  • One message is sent, then copies are made by the
    end mail server. This saves internet bandwidth
    and is more egalitarian.
  • Recipients with mailboxes on the same mail server
    will all receive the message about the same time.
  • If the internet fails, either all recipients or
    none will receive a copy.

Exploders, Lists and Forwarders
  • A mail exploder, or forwarder, is a program that
    can forward copies of a message.
  • A mailing list is a database entry which is a
    list of email addresses.
  • If a message is sent to a list, the exploder
    forwards the message to each entry in the list.
  • If an individual wishes to receive mail for a
    group, the individuals email address must be on
    the list.

List server
  • A list server (mailing list server) is a program
    that handles subscription requests for a mailing
    list and distributes new messages, newsletters or
    other postings from the list's members to the
    entire list of subscribers as they occur or are

E-Mail Application Programs
  • When an email message arrives at a computer, the
    email software sends a copy of the message to the
    specified user. If the user is an application
    program, the email package sends the message to
    the application instead of the mailbox.
  • This allows the user to make a request in an
    e-mail message and the message to be sent
    directly to the query system (application).
  • The application will extract the request, look-up
    the answer and send an e-mail reply to the user.

Extending email
  • Originally email was for sending messages, so it
    used a simple ASCII (text) format, and to
    exchange files, one used FTP. But
  • Users were much more familiar with email and
    wanted to extend its capabilities rather than use
    an unfamiliar service.
  • FTP (file transfer protocol) is essentially a
    pull technology while email is a push technology.

  • E-mail attachments are the way in which one uses
    the e-mail system meant to handle ACSII to
    deliver non-ASCII files.
  • BinHex is one approach
  • All files are in binary a group of four binary
    numbers can be though of as a number between 0
    and 15 or in hexadecimal notation a number
    between 0 and F the hexadecimal numbers can be
    replaced by the corresponding ASCII code for the
  • This replaces 4 bits with 7 or 8 (for ASCII) and
    while simple is inefficient.

  • A more efficient binary-to-ASCII algorithm is
    called uuencode.
  • Originally, this was done as a separate step by
    the user before sending the file as an e-mail
    message. And the receiver had to uudecode the
  • But now with MIME, many of these steps are done
    automatically and hidden from the user.

  • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension was invented
    to coordinate and unify the encoding schemes used
    for transfer. MIME does not dictate a single
  • The sender and receiver exchange a convenient
    encoding sequence. If a message has several
    parts, the encoding sequence for each part may be
  • This allows transmission of graphics and plain
    text messages.
  • MIME is flexible. MIME is compatible with older
    e-mail systems.

MIME (Cont.)
  • In 1991, Nathan Borenstein of Bellcore proposed
    to the IETF that SMTP be extended so that
    Internet client and server could recognize and
    handle other kinds of data than ASCII text.
  • As a result, new file types were added to "mail"
    as a supported Internet Protocol file type.

MIME (Cont.)
  • Clients use a header to select an appropriate
    "player" application for the type of data the
    header indicates.
  • Some of these players are built into the Web
    client or browser (for example, all browser come
    with GIF and JPEG image players as well as the
    ability to handle HTML files) other players may
    need to be downloaded.
  • New MIME data types are registered with the
    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

  • Secure Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions is
    a secure method of sending e-mail attachments
    that uses the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
    encryption system.
  • S/MIME is included in the latest versions of the
    Web browsers from Microsoft and Netscape and has
    also been endorsed by other vendors that make
    messaging products.
  • An alternative to S/MIME is PGP/MIME.

  • A UNIX program that takes an e-mail address as
    input and returns information about the user who
    owns that e-mail address.
  • On some systems, finger only reports whether the
    user is currently logged on. Other systems return
    additional information, such as the user's full
    name, address, and telephone number.
  • Of course, the user (or system administrator)
    must first enter this information into the
    system. Many e-mail programs now have a finger
    utility built into them.

Finger blocked
Other References
  • http//
  • http//
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