Understanding Soy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding Soy


Understanding Soy Soy has been consumed by Asian cultures for thousands of years. Soy is a legume that is so nutritionally complete that it sustained Eastern ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding Soy

Understanding Soy
  • Soy has been consumed by Asian cultures for
    thousands of years.
  • Soy is a legume that is so nutritionally complete
    that it sustained Eastern populations through
    drought and famine.
  • Composed of
  • Protein - Carbohydrate
  • Fat - Fiber
  • Phytonutrients - Isoflavones
  • Other isoflavone rich foods include garbanzo
    beans and sprouts (Red Clover)

The forms of soy
  • Soy has been used and studied in various forms
  • Whole soybeans-raw and cooked
  • Protein isolates-with balanced and unbalanced
    isoflavone content
  • Balanced isoflavone isolates
  • Single isoflavone isolates
  • The more imbalanced the isoflavones the greater
    the chance for negative affects.

Why is their confusion around soy?
  • Negative articles regarding soy typically focus
    on only one particular study.
  • Thorough evaluation of existing research will
    reveal the positive health benefits of soy.
  • Also, certain companies and/or individuals are
    exploiting negative research as a marketing

Frequently Asked Questions about Soy
  • Is GMO soy is used in Metagenics products?
  • Do Metagenics soy products have the proper
    balance of isoflavones?
  • Is soy beneficial for tissue health? Menopause?
    Bone health?
  • Do you think people are eating too much soy?
  • Do soy products compromise male reproduction?
  • Isnt it better to use a more complete protein?
  • Do I have to use fermented soy products to
    achieve therapeutic benefits?
  • Does soy inhibit thyroid function?
  • How common is soy allergy?

Is GMO soy is used in Metagenics products?
  • NO. We use only DNA identified soy to guarantee
    the purity of our ingredients.
  • We test every batch to ensure we are using only
    the purest soy protein.
  • Our Identity Preserved soy allows us to trace
    the source of the raw material and ensure it is
    not genetically modified.
  • Being certified by regulatory agencies of NNFA,
    NSF and TGA shows how seriously we take the
    quality of all of our products.
  • Over 2 million spent in 2005 on QC/QA

Do Metagenics soy products have a natural balance
of isoflavones?
  • Yes. Our soy products are evaluated to verify
    they have natural ratios of the isoflavones
    Genistein and Daidzein.
  • Isoflavones from soy are 100 to 1000 times weaker
    than estradiol.
  • Collins. Steroids 199762365
  • Our soy products carry a 11 ratio of these
    isoflavones which is identical to what is found
    in tofu.
  • Our 35 full-time scientists led by Dr. Jeffrey
    Bland are involved in every aspect of product
    formulation, research and testing.
  • Over 5 million spent in 2005.

Is soy beneficial for tissue health?
  • Yes. Soy contains various beneficial agents for
    tissue health
  • Kennedy AR. The evidence for soybean products as
    cancer preventive agents. J Nutr 1995125(3
  • Cultures that eat soy have shown an improvement
    in colon and specific hormone-related tissue
    health issues.
  • Shu XO, Jin F, Dai Q, et al. Soyfood intake
    during adolescence and subsequent risk of breast
    cancer among Chinese women. Cancer Epidemiol
    Biomarkers Prev 200110(5)483-88.
  • Lamartiniere CA, Moore JB, Brown NM, Thompson R,
    Hardin MJ, Barnes S. Genistein suppresses mammary
    cancer in rats. Carcinogenesis 199516(11)2833-40
  • Human trials involving post-menopausal women
    demonstrate a significant shift in healthy
    estrogen metabolism.
  • Xu X, Duncan AM, Merz BE, Kurzer MS. Effects of
    soy isoflavones on estrogen and phytoestrogen
    metabolism in premenopausal women. Cancer
    Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19987(12)1101-08.
  • Xu X, Duncan AM, Wangen KE, Kurzer MS. Soy
    consumption alters endogenous estrogen metabolism
    in postmenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiol
    Biomarkers Prev 20009(8)781-86.

Is soy beneficial for breast health?
  • Research is far from conclusive on this issue and
    researchers are urging caution for women
  • However, a distinction should be made between the
    clear benefit of soy protein for cardiovascular
    health and the inconclusive role of isoflavones
    for breast tissue health.
  • Henkel J. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Soy
    Health claims for soy protein, questions about
    other components. Available at
    . Accessed August 4, 2004.
  • Messina M, Erdman J Jr, Setchell KD. Introduction
    to and perspectives from the Fifth International
    Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and
    Treating Chronic Disease. J Nutr
  • Xu X, Duncan AM, Merz BE, Kurzer MS. Effects of
    soy isoflavones on estrogen and phytoestrogen
    metabolism in premenopausal women. Cancer
    Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19987(12)1101-08.
  • Xu X, Duncan AM, Wangen KE, Kurzer MS. Soy
    consumption alters endogenous estrogen metabolism
    in postmenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiol
    Biomarkers Prev 20009(8)781-86.

Does soy benefit menopausal women?
  • Yes. The research shows a great correlation with
    reducing hot flashes and other menopausal issues
    by consuming soy products.
  • Consumption of soy protein containing isoflavones
    decreased the intensity of hot flashes.
  • Washburn S, Burke GL, Morgan T, Anthony M. Effect
    of soy protein supplementation on serum
    lipoproteins, blood pressure, and menopausal
    symptoms in perimenopausal women. Menopause
  • The majority of studies in menopausal women have
    shown improvement of hot flashes following soy
  • The role of isoflavones in menopausal health
    consensus opinion of The North American Menopause
    Society. Menopause 20007(4)215-29.
  • Eden J. Phytoestrogens and the menopause.
    Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab
  • Dalais FS, Rice GE, Wahlqvist ML, et al. Effects
    of dietary phytoestrogens in postmenopausal
    women. Climacteric 19981(2)124-29.

Is soy beneficial for bone health?
  • Yes. Studies have shown that the isoflavones
    that are found in soy stimulate bone formation
    and reduce bone breakdown.
  • Soy isoflavones have been found to have a
    positive effect on bone health.
  • Migliaccio S, Anderson JJ. Isoflavones and
    skeletal health are these molecules ready for
    clinical application? Osteoporos Int
  • Isoflavones stimulate osteoblastic bone formation
    and inhibit osteoclastic bone breakdown.
  • Brynin R. Soy and its isoflavones a review of
    their effects on bone density. Altern Med Rev

Do you think people are eating too much soy?
  • Americans eat very little soy products when
    compared to Asian populations.
  • While Asian populations consume an average of 10
    to 50 grams of soy per day, Americans generally
    consume only 1 to 3 grams daily.
  • Limer JL, Speirs V. Phyto-oestrogens and breast
    cancer chemoprevention. Breast Cancer Res
  • In fact, one-quarter of Americans reported
    consuming soy foods once a week or more, while
    38 admitted to never consuming soy products.
  • United Soybean Board. National Report, 2004-2005.
    Consumer attitudes about nutrition Insights
    into nutrition, health, and soyfoods. Available
    at http//www.talksoy.com/pdfs/ConsumerAttitudes2
    004.pdf. Accessed August 5, 2004.

Do soy products compromise male reproduction?
  • NO. Studies done with balanced soy isoflavones
    do not show negative impact on male
  • These studies done with one isoflavone or by
    injecting isoflavones directly into the blood
    create much of the negative concern on soy.
  • Genistein was shown in cell cultures to
    negatively impact human sperm's ability to
    fertilize the female egg.
  • Professor Lynn Fraser of King's College London,
    European Society for Human Reproduction and
  • Only when plant estrogens are injected, leading
    to high blood levels are adverse effects seen in
    research animals.
  • US Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human
    Reproduction (CERHR) or the National Institute of
    Environmental Health Services and National
    Toxicology Program March 20, 2006.

Do soy products compromise male reproduction?
  • Four published clinical trials investigating the
    effects of soy isoflavone consumption in men and
    reported that there are no adverse effects of soy
    isoflavone consumption on sperm quality.
  • Persky VW, Turyk ME, Wang L, et al. Effect of soy
    protein on endogenous hormones in postmenopausal
    women. Am J Clin Nutr 200275(1)145-53.
  • Consumption of isoflavone supplements at the
    level of 40 mg daily had no effect on semen
  • Mitchell JH, Cawood E, Kinniburgh D, Provan A,
    Collins AR, Irvine DS.Publication Clin Sci
    (Lond). 2001 Jun100(6)613-8.
  • There is no evidence of increased rates of
    fertility disorders among the Asian population
    due to soy consumption.
  • Medical foods with soy deliver 17mg of balanced

Should soy be used for prostate health?
  • Yes. Research shows overwhelming evidence of the
    positive benefits in supporting prostate health
    without adverse effects.
  • Peterson G, Barnes S. Genistein and biochanin A
    inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer cells
    but not epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine
    autophosphorylation. Prostate 199322(4)335-45.
  • Geller J, Sionit L, Partido C, et al. Genistein
    inhibits the growth of human-patient BPH and
    prostate cancer in histoculture. Prostate
  • Barnes S. Effect of genistein on in vitro and in
    vivo models of cancer. J Nutr 1995125(Suppl)777S
  • Adlercreutz CH, Goldin BR, Gorbach SL, et al.
    Soybean phytoestrogen intake and cancer risk. J
    Nutr 1995125(3 Suppl)757S-70S.
  • Nagata C, Takatsuka N, Shimizu H, Hayashi H,
    Akamatsu T, Murase K. Effect of soymilk
    consumption on serum estrogen and androgen
    concentrations in Japanese men. Cancer Epidemiol
    Biomarkers Prev 200110(3)179-84.
  • Habito RC, Montalto J, Leslie E, Ball MJ. Effects
    of replacing meat with soyabean in the diet on
    sex hormone concentrations in healthy adult
    males. Br J Nutr 200084(4)557-63.
  • Mitchell JH, Cawood E, Kinniburgh D, Provan A,
    Collins AR, Irvine DS. Effect of a phytoestrogen
    food supplement on reproductive health in normal
    males. Clin Sci 2001100(6)613-18.
  • Hussain M et al. Soy isoflavones in the treatment
    of prostate cancer Nutr Cancer 200347(2)111-7.

Isnt it better to use a more complete protein?
  • Early studies suggested that soy was not a
    complete protein source. These early findings
    have been shown to be inaccurate.
  • Soy has the same score as egg white and milk
  • Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score
    (PDCAAS), which has been adopted by both the FDA
    and World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Sarwar G, McDonough FE. Evaluation of protein
    digestibility-corrected amino acid score method
    for assessing protein quality of foods. J Assoc
    Off Anal Chem 199073(3)347-56.
  • FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Energy and
    Protein Requirements. Geneva World Health
    Organization 1985 (WHO technical report, series
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Federal
    Register. 21 CFR, Part 101, et al. Part III. Food
    Labeling, 1991.

Does soy inhibit thyroid function?
  • Well-designed human clinical studies have
    demonstrated that soy has a minimal effect on
    overall thyroid function in healthy individuals.
  • Duncan AM, Underhill KE, Xu X, Lavalleur J,
    Phipps WR, Kurzer MS. Modest hormonal effects of
    soy isoflavones in postmenopausal women. J Clin
    Endocrinol Metab 199984(10)3479-84.
  • Persky VW, Turyk ME, Wang L, et al. Effect of soy
    protein on endogenous hormones in postmenopausal
    women. Am J Clin Nutr 200275(1)145-53.
  • UltraMeal Medical Food Program Containing soy
    protein (15 grams) with a comprehensive
    vitamin/mineral blend
  • Patients using the UltraMeal product had no
    change in their TSH levels after 10 weeks.
    Patients using the popular retail product showed
    a significant elevation (150 above baseline) in
    their TSH levels.
  • Bland JS, DiBase F, Ronzio R. Physiological
    effects of a doctor-supervised versus and
    unsupervised over-the-counter weight-loss
    program. J Nutr Med 19923285-93

Does soy inhibit thyroid function?
  • Amounts greater than 200 mg of isoflavones per
    day may inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis in
    susceptible people. (thyroid issues/low iodine)
  • Certain studies suggest that soy and soy
    isoflavones inhibit the production of thyroid
    hormones in individuals with thyroid issues.
  • Chang HC, Doerge DR. Dietary genistein
    inactivates rat thyroid peroxidase in vivo
    without an apparent hypothyroid effect. Toxicol
    Appl Pharmacol 2000168(3)244-52.
  • Approximately 10 million Americans or 3 of the
    population have thyroid issues.
  • Alternatives to soy based medical foods are
    available for these individuals.

Isnt soy more allergenic than other proteins?
  • Soy proteins tend to be less reactive than many
    other food proteins. In fact, soy has been used
    as an alternative for infants with allergies to
    cows milk.
  • Cordle CT. Soy protein allergy incidence and
    relative severity. J Nutr 2004134(5)1213S-19S.
  • A meta-analysis of 17 studies of allergy patterns
    of high-risk infants revealed soy allergy
    occurring in 3 to 4 of subjects versus 25 for
    cows milk.
  • Cantani A, Lucenti P. Natural history of soy
    allergy and/or intolerance in children, and
    clinical use of soy-protein formulas. Pediatr
    Allergy Immunol 19978(2)59-74.

Do I have to use fermented soy products to
achieve therapeutic benefits?
  • No. The majority of studies around the world
    show beneficial effects of soy.
  • Our research studies confirm those findings for
    areas including
  • Blood Sugar
  • Body composition
  • Preserving muscle mass during weight loss
  • Cardiovascular risk reduction

The Functional Medicine Research Center
  • We are the only company in the professional
    market to operate a patient clinic.
  • In 2004-2005 the FMRC conducted over 5,000
    patient visits.
  • It allows us to test our products for safety and
    efficacy before they reach your patients.
  • Many companies use your patients to test their

UltraGlycemX medical food positively affects
blood sugar
  • UltraGlycemX Medical Food
  • Contains soy protein (15 grams) with a
    comprehensive vitamin/mineral blend
  • Clinically Shown to
  • Significantly improve
  • fasting and 2-hour postprandial insulin
  • Triglycerides and cholesterol levels
  • Body composition
  • Study lasted 8 weeks and 37 insulin resistant
    patients participated

UltraMeal medical food positively affects body
  • UltraMeal Medical Food
  • Contains soy protein (15 grams) with a
    comprehensive vitamin/mineral blend
  • Published Peer Review Study
  • A 10 week study with 34 patients showed Patients
    on UltraMeal lost an average of 13 lbs with zero
    muscle lost.
  • Compared to a popular retail product in which
    patients lost similar weight but lost 85 of it
    as muscle.
  • Bland JS, DiBase F, Ronzio R. Physiological
    effects of a doctor-supervised versus and
    unsupervised over-the-counter weight-loss
    program. J Nutr Med 19923285-93

UltraMeal medical food positively affects body
  • UltraMeal Medical Food
  • Published Peer Reviewed Study
  • A University of Oregon study showed significant
    change in body composition over 7 weeks.
  • 34 patients lost an average of 14.1 lbs of fat
    while gaining 0.9 lbs of muscle.
  • Hackman RM, Ellis BK, Brown RL. Phosphorous
    magnetic resonance spectra and changes in body
    composition during weight loss. J Am Coll Nutr
    1994 13(3)243-250

UltraMeal Plus program affects body composition
and cardiovascular health
  • UltraMeal Plus Medical Food
  • Incorporates soy protein and phytosterols with a
    comprehensive vitamin and mineral blend
  • Published Peer Reviewed Study
  • 42 post-menopausal women were studied for 12
    weeks and the results showed statistically
    significant improvement in 14 independent
    cardiovascular risk markers
  • Lukaczer D, Liska DJ, Lerman RH. et al. Effect of
    a low glycemic index diet with soy protein and
    phytosterols on CVD risk factors in
    postmenopausal women. Nutrition 2006 104-113

UltraMeal Plus shows significant changes in key
cardiovascular markers
  • Weight -14.8 lbs
  • Lean Muscle 2.28 lbs
  • Total Cholesterol -16
  • LDL Cholesterol -15
  • HDL Cholesterol 6
  • tChol/HDL -20
  • TG/HDL -56
  • hsCRP -34
  • HA1C -3.4
  • Insulin -26

We support the use of soy

Due to the large amount of reported safety and efficacy studies.
Its long history of safe consumption by Asian populations.
The FDA health claim regarding soy protein and its potential to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Substantial data regarding the benefits of soy in cardiovascular health, prostate health, menopausal symptom relief, and osteoporosis prevention as well as other important areas.
We have options to benefit every type of patient
  • Many companies just say why one protein or
    ingredient is better than another.
  • Thyriod issues and soy allergy patients
  • UltraMeal Whey
  • UltraMeal Rice
  • UltraClear Medical Food
  • UltraClear Plus Medical Food
  • UltraInflamX Medical Food
  • Breast tissue health options
  • Estrium Medical Food
  • UltraMeal Whey
  • UltraMeal Rice
  • UltraClear Medical Food
  • UltraClear Plus Medical Food
  • UltraInflamX Medical Food

Decisions must be based on a balanced review of
  • Metagenics will always select the best
    ingredients and method of delivery to meet the
    needs of your patients
  • Variety of proteins in our medical foods
  • Use of powders, tablets, capsules and liquids in
    different products to ensure effectiveness as
    well as improved compliance.

At Metagenics, we're in the health business - Not
the pill business
  • In the health business, safety and effectiveness
    are top priority because there is a lot riding on
    the quality of the products we make
  • Your patients health.
  • The success of the nutritional therapy you
  • Your credibility as a health professional.

Genetic Potential Through Nutrition
  • We invest more in research and quality than
    anyone else in our industry.
  • Our medical foods are just one example of how we
    distinguish ourselves in this industry.
  • Always True to Our MissionSince our inception in
    1983, we have never deviated from our founding
    idea - "the patient's best interests must be
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