Title: Automatic Program Repair With Evolutionary Computation
1Automatic Program Repair With Evolutionary
- Westley Weimer
- Computer Science Dept.
- University of Virginia
- Charlottesville, VA 22904
- weimer_at_virginia.edu
Stephanie Forrest Dept. of Computer
Science University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
87131 forrest_at_cs.unm.edu
Claire Le Goues Computer Science Dept. University
of Virginia Charlottesville, VA
22904 legoues_at_virginia.edu
ThanhVu Nguyen Dept. of Computer
Science University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
87131 tnguyen_at_cs.unm.edu
Presented by Teodoro Rosati CIS 601, Spring
2014 March 4, 2014
The material in this paper is taken from two
original publications, titled A Genetic
Programming Approach to Automated Software
Repair (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference, 2009) and Automatically Finding
Patches Using Genetic Programming (Proceedings
of the 2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on
Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society).
2Whats the Problem? Finding bugs is relatively
- Famous Costly Bugs
- FDIV Intel Pentium processor (1994) 500 million
- floating point unit had a flawed division table
- Y2K (1999). Cost 500 billion
- 2 digit YR storage (e.g. 95) and 00 1900
- Mars Climate Crasher (1998). Cost 125 million
- Imperial Units (lbs of force) ? Metric Units
(Newtons) - Many techniques and software solutions for
detecting and mitigating software errors - Syntactic Bug Pattern Detection
- Decompilation and Data Flow Analysis
- Automated Theorem Proving
- Model Checking
3I Found The Bug, Heres the catchnow I have to
fix it
4One solution
- Manual Program Repair
- Up to 90 of total cost of a software project for
maintenance after delivery - Modifying existing code, repairing defects,
maintaining code during its lifecycle
- Products often are shipped with known and unknown
bugs because lack of development resources
5A better solution
Traditional Program Analysis Methods
Evolutionary Computation (Genetic Programming)
6Experimental Design
- Genetic Programming
- Evolves computer programs tailored to a task
- Meaning a program is modified using similar
pathways to genetic evolution (mutation/crossover)
- GP techniques have been applied to unannotated
off-the-shelf legacy C programs - Individual variants V with the highest fitness
are selected for continued evolution
7Evolutionary Computation Genetic Programming
- Inspired by biological natural selection
- Endlers guppy experiment
- Diverse source population
- Guppies variously colored
- Natural selection on population
- Habitat variation, coarse vs. fine gravel
- Predator presence, sight based
- Evolution of drug resistant bacteria
- Source normal resistant bacteria
- Antibiotics promote resistant bacteria
8Evolutionary Computation Genetic Programming
- Natural selection and programs
- Population of Program Variants
- Variants/Individuals
9Genetic Programming Repair Technical Approach
- What is it doing wrong?
- Input a set of negative (-) test cases that
characterizes a fault - What is it supposed to do?
- Input a set of positive () test cases that
encode functionality requirements - Where should we change it?
- Program locations of the (-) test cases
- How should we change it?
- Insert, delete and swap program statements and
control flow. Insertions are preferred - When are we finished?
- First variant that passes () and (-) cases
- Minimize differences between variant and original
10Automatic Program Repair Representation
- Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
- C programs
- Genes Statements are basic units
- Conditional if (xgty) max x
- Expressions within a statement
- max x
- Selection Actions
- Insert, Delete, Swap of Genes
- ____________________________
- If ( x gt y )
- max x
11Genetic Programming Mutation Operators
- Mutation Operator
- Insert, Delete or Swap a gene
12Genetic Programming Crossover Operators
- Crossover Operator
- Between 2 Parent Sub-Trees
- Crossback Operator
- Between Variant V and Parent
13Measuring Fitness
- Variants are compiled
- Testcase evaluated in virtual machine/sandbox
- Fitness measured using formula
- fitness(P) WPosT ? ? t ? PosT ? P
passes t ? -
- WNegT ? ? t ? NegT ? P passes t ?
- Note
- WPosT weight of each successful positive test
- WNegT weight of each successful negative test
14For example
- December 31, 2008
- A bug was reported in Microsoft Zune media
players - Zune would freeze when the value of the input
days is the last day of a leap year (e.g. 10,593)
Infinite loop
151. What is it doing wrong? ? Negative
Test Cases
- Negative Test Case
- input days set to 10,593 (last day of leap year)
- program executes lines 1 16
- then repeats lines 3, 4, 8 and 11 infinitely
Infinite loop
162. Whats it supposed to do? ? Positive
Test Cases
- Positive Test Case
- input days set to 1,000 (non-leap year)
- program executes lines 18, 11-18 once as expected
173. Where should we change it?
- Program Locations visited when executing the
negative test cases - lines 3, 4, 8 and 11
184. How should we change it? ? INSERT
- Insert an entire statement or gene
- stmtj is added to stmti
194. How should we change it? ? DELETE
- Delete an entire statement or gene
- stmti is transformed into an empty block
204. How should we change it? ? SWAP
- Swap an entire statement or gene
- Second statement stmtj is chosen uniformly at
random from anywhere in the program to replace
215. When we are finished? ? Minimize
- Variant V program passes all the test cases
- Minimization Step to discard unnecessary changes
- Average repair time 42 seconds
22Performance of the Zunebug Repair
- Evolution of the Zunebug repair 1 GP trial
- The darker curve plots the average fitness of the
population - The lighter curve plots the fitness of the
individual V primary repair
23Performance of the Zunebug Repair
- Evolution of the Zunebug repair with 20 positive
and 4 negative test cases (equally weighted) - The boxes represented the average over 70
distinct trials - The error bars represent one standard deviation.
24Performance of the GP Algorithm
Eleven defects repaired by Genetic Programming
25Performance of the GP Algorithm
- GP search time scales with weighted path size.
- 18 programs successfully repaired by GP (ave. of
100 runs) - x-axis log10 of the weighted path length
- y-axis log10 of the total number of fitness
- Limitations (assumptions)
- defect is reproducible
- program behaves deterministically on test cases
- postive test cases encode program requirements
- no overlap in path taken by negative and postive
test cases - existing program can provide repair statements
- Evolution
- Not rigorously tested (parameter values,
selection strategies, and operator design) - Fault Localization
- critical to find viable fixes, but poorly
understood - Fitness Function
- Oversimplification
- Repair Quality
- dependent on a high-quality set of positive test
27Future work
- Generic set of repair templates for GP as source
code for mutations - Extend with data structure definitions and
variable declarations - Assembly- and bytecode-level repairs
- Testing on more sophisticated errors
- Race conditions
- Assessing size and distribution of bugs for