Title: Turning Forces
1Turning Forces
2Turning Forces
- You know that forces are a push or pull
- A turning force is another force you come across
in everyday life - Opening a Coke can, turning a door handle, or a
tap, using a tin opener
3The See Saw
- There are two turning forces on a see saw
- The principle of moments states that if a see saw
is balanced the clockwise moments are equal to
the anti- clockwise moments
Clockwise Moment
Anti-Clockwise Moment
4Turning Forces
- Turning Forces are called Moments
- To work out a moment you use
- Force (N) x Distance from the Pivot (m)
- The units for moments are Newton metres (N m)
- Moments can turn clockwise or anti- clockwise
5The See-Saw
- The see saw is not balanced, because they are
both the same distance from the pivot - This means that the heavier kid has the biggest
turning force
6The See-Saw
- Now it is balanced (in equilibrium) because the
bigger kid is close to the pivot giving him a
smaller turning force - The further away from the pivot the bigger the
turning force
7Questions on Moments
- If the see saw is balanced, how far from the
pivot is the 20N?
5 m
10 N
20 N
- How much force is needed to balance the
anti-clockwise side?
10 N
20 N
20 N
8More Questions on Moments
- What are moments measured in?
- Newton metres
- Work out if the following is balanced
20 m
7.5 N
5 N
Anti- clockwise moment Clockwise moment F x D
F x D 5 x 20 7.5 x 15 100 N m 112.5 N m No it
is not balanced it tips clockwise with a moment
of 12.5 N m
- If you wanted to open this tin you would use a
This screwdriver is too small to open the lid
This crowbar is bigger so it can multiply the
force you exert
10Labelling Lever Diagrams
- Our body joints have levers
- The pivot can also be called
- the fulcrum
11The Wheelbarrow
- This wheelbarrow can lift more than we can
- The lever from the handles to the fulcrum
multiplies our effort
12Questions on Levers
- What is the other name for the pivot?
- The fulcrum
- Look at the nutcracker, where is the pivot, load
and effort
- Stable objects are difficult to knock over
Formula 1 cars have a low centre of gravity so
that they dont topple over
Maradona had a low centre of gravity allowing him
to turn quickly
14Making something stable
Give it a wide base
15How to make things stable
Give it a low centre of gravity
16Unstable objects
The tightrope walker needs the pole to lower his
centre of gravity
Ice Skates have a narrow base
The unicyclist has a high centre of gravity
17Questions on Stability
- Sort these shapes according to their stability
starting with the most stable
- In each of the following diagrams the arrow is
the centre of gravity, will these shapes fall
- http//www.skoool.ie/skoool/junior.asp?id3403
- http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/p