Title: VB Decisions
1VB Decisions Conditions
2Covered Tipics
- Conditions defined
- Relational operators
- Logical Operators
- If Blocks
- Read Create Flowcharts (Logic)
3A Condition
- Definition
- Condition is an expression involving relational
operators (such as gt or ) or logical operators
(and or) that is either true or false. - Example
- Frog Frog
- 12 gt 8
4Relational Conditions
- gt greater than
- lt less than
- equal to
- ltgt not equal to
- gt greater than or equal to
- lt less than or equal to
5Examples of Conditions
- txtName.text ltgt "Frockmeister"
- Val(txtAge.Text) gt 25
- optPrintForm.Value True
- chkDiscardStyles.Value False
- (Val(txtInterestRate.Text) / 12) lt 0.05
6Mathematical Relational Operators
7Is the Condition True
- 1 lt 1
- 1 lt 1
- car lt cat
- Dog gt dog
- Remember the ASCII Table
8Are These Conditions True?
- Let a 4 and b 3
- Let c hello and d bye
- (a b) lt (2 a)
- (Len(c) b) (a / 2)
- C lt (good d)
- The function Len() returns a numeric value that
indicated the number of characters in the string,
inside the function.
9Logical Operators
- The three main logical operators are
- And
- Or
- Not
- Some programming conditions require more
complicated comparison then just true or false
10Logical Operators allow us to..
- Evaluate condition1 and condition2 based on the
following - condition1 and condition2
- condition1 or condition2
- condition1 not condition2
11With Relational and Logical Conditions We Can
- Comparing Numeric Variables Constants
- Comparing Strings
- Comparing text property of text boxes
- Uppercase and lowercase character comparisons
- Compound conditions
12Comparing Numbers Strings
- If txtPrice.Text
- curRetailPrice Then ...
- If Val(txtPrice.Text) curRetailPrice Then ...
- Compare these two slightly different conditions
- If txtLastName.Text Smith
- If Lcase(txtLastName.Text) smith
13Are these conditions T/F?
- Let the string variable answ Y
- (answ Y) or (answ y)
- (answ Y) and (answ y)
- Not (answ y)
14Using Parentheses
- Using parentheses can improve readability.
- Place parentheses in this equation to help
evaluate it. -
- a lt b c Or d lt e And Not f g
- a lt (b c) Or (d lt c) And (Not f g)
- A condition involving numeric variables is
different from an algebraic truth. - The condition (a b) lt 2 a is not a valid
algebraic truth because it is not true for all
values of a and b - VB will evaluate it as true if it is correct for
the current values of the variables
16Compound Conditions
- If a1 lt a2 or a3 gt a4 and a5 lt a6 Then
- And has precedence over Or
- All comparison operators have precedence over all
logical operators - Use parentheses () to alter the order of
- Parentheses alter the order of evaluation, are
good for explicitly documenting groupings, and
are good if you are unsure of precedence. - If (curValue gt 100) and (curValue lt 200) Then
- lblMessage.Caption "Value
- between 101 and 199"
- End If
18IF Statement Structure (1)
19IF Statements Structure (2)
If School Day
Stay In Bed
Go to Class
20If Examples in VB
- If Then (all on one line)
- If strName "Jamie" Then lblMessage.Caption _
- "Hello Jamie"
- Block If Then End If
- If strName "Sam" Then
- lblMessage.Caption "Hello Sam"
another statement - End If
21Block IfThenElseEnd If
- If strName "Connie" Then
- lblMessage.Caption "Hello Connie" another
statement - Else
- lblMessage.Caption "Hello Stranger"
another statement - End If
22IfthenElseIfthenend if
If School Day
If Sunny
Stay In Bed
Play Tennis
Go to Class
23Example of Nested IF
If costs revenue Then picResult.Print Break
even Else If costs lt revenue Then profit
revenue costs picResult.Print Profit is
_ FormatCurrency(profit) Else
loss costs revenue picResult.Print Loss is
_ FormatCurrency(loss) End
if End if
24If Block and Logic Operators
- The If Block can be combined with logic operators
to compare more than one condition - If (answer gt .5) and (answer lt 1) Then
- picSolution.Print Good
- Else
- picSolution.Print No
- End if
25Additional Information
- It is not necessary to indent If Blocks
- We indent to improve readability
- Some times the use of relational operators make
the If Block structure easier to understand - If condition1 Then
- If condition2 Then
- action
- End if
- End if
- If condition1 and condition2 then
- action
- End if
26The Select Case Block
- Executes a statement based on the value of a
variable - Select Case bytMonth
- Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
- number_of_days 31
- Case 2
- number_of_days 28
- Case 4, 6, 9, 11
- number_of_days 30
- End Select
27Looking for a Number
- Select Case Score Case is 0
- ' Score is still 0
- lblMsgbox ("Keep trying!") Case 1To 4
- ' Score is between 1 and 4.
- lblMsgbox ("Making a good start!") Case 5,
6,7 - ' Score is either 5, 6, or 7.
- lblMsgbox ("Nearly there!") Case Is gt 7
And Number lt 11 - ' Score is 8 ,9, or 10
- lblMsgbox ("Getting close! ") Case Else
- ' Score is one of the other values.
- lblMsgbox (Number is to large! ") End
28The Problem
- In New Jersey the state income tax is based on a
persons base income at three different interval
levels - The tax on Income lt 20,000
- is taxed at 2 of income
- The tax on Income gt 20,000 but lt 50,000
- is 400 plus 2.5 of (income -20,000)
- The tax on income gt 50,000
- is 1150 plus 3.5 of (income - 50,000)
29(No Transcript)
30For Next Block
- For index lower limit to upper limit
- Coding statements
- This could be code to print the records in a
file. - Print one record from a file
- May contain condition blocks
- Next index
31Action of For...Next structure
Counterltending value
Countergtending value
For counter start To end statement1 statement2
. . .
For counter start To end statement1 statement2
. . .
Increment counter
Next counter
Next counter statement
The Index can also be called the counter.
32Iterations of a For...Next loop
- Private Sub cmdForNextTest_Click()
- Dim X As Integer define the index
- For X 1 To 3 1 lower limit
- picDisplay.Print X, 3 upper limit
- Next X
- End Sub
What will be the value of X when the loop
terminates? What will be inside the picture box?
33Problem Check
- Any Questions about the homework problem?