Tess of the D - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tess of the D


Tess of the D Urbervilles Phase the Fourth The Consequence (Chaps 25 - 34) Overview Develops the complex relationships between family, class, history ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tess of the D

Tess of the DUrbervilles
  • Phase the Fourth The Consequence
  • (Chaps 25 - 34)

  • Develops the complex relationships between
    family, class, history, and gender
  • Culminates in the double confession on the
    wedding night
  • Highlights Victorian double standards regarding
    sexual morality that reproduce systems of
    patriarchal oppression

Class and family
  • Angels rejection of Tess and her passive
    acceptance of his judgement rooted in their
    mutual idealization that is largely conditioned
    by class differences.
  • Culmination of earlier hints in the text of the
    tensions between Angels professed
    liberal-mindedness and his deep-seated
  • Use of irony to highlight Angels hypocrisy and
    subconscious class prejudices
  • Angel, who claims to hate old families, seizes on
    Tesss dUrberville bloodline as her social
    salvation, but later partly bases his rejection
    of Tess on this same bloodline

Class and family
  • p.210 the grand card (ie her bloodline) ?
    recalls Mrs Durbeyfields conversation with her
    husband about Tesss trump card
  • Different assets that can be played in the
    matrimonial game
  • p.189 Mistress Teresa dUrberville
  • p.232 Different societies, different manners.
    You are an unapprehending peasant woman Decrepit
    families postulate decrepit wills, decrepit

Class and family
  • Dissonance between Angels professed and actual
    beliefs, his frustrated class aspirations ?
    highlighted through the symbolic use of clothing
  • Class anxieties revealed in his response to the
    gift of godmothers jewellery
  • p.220 He remembered His wife was a
    dUrberville whom could they become better than
  • Angels hypothetical remaking of Tess as a woman
    of fashion decked out in evening wear instead of
    her peasant attire (p.220-1)
  • Recalls Angels gift of a whole stock of
    clothing, from bonnet to shoes (p.206) for the

Class and family
  • Angels visit to his family in Emminster
  • Setting contrast between the Clares vicarage
    at Emminster and the Durbeyfields cottage in
  • Highlights the class and cultural differences
    between the two families
  • The Clares middle class Evangelical Christians,
    serving the poor (ironically, those in a similar
    financial position as the Durbeyfields)

Class and family
  • Use of free indirect discourse
  • shows Angels awareness of the way he is
    transgressing class boundaries in his
    relationship with Tess and his pride in this
    apparent sign of his freedom from convention
  • p.118 The typical and unvarying Hodge ceased to
  • p.154 Whose was this mighty personality? A
  • p.156 He loved her ought he to marry her?
    Dared he to marry her? What would his mother and
    his brothers say? What would he himself say a
    couple of years after the event?

Class and family
  • Shifting narrative perspectives juxtaposed
    against each other to show the changes in Angels
    worldview and personality
  • p.158 On their part they saw a great difference
    in him, a growing divergence from the Angel Clare
    of former times He was getting to behave like a
  • VS
  • p.168 It was with a sense of luxury that he
    recognized his power of viewing life here from
    its inner side and much as he loved his parents,
    he could not help being aware that to come to
    Talbothays, after an experience of home-life,
    affected him like throwing off splints and

Class and family
  • Angels conscious construction of an idealized
    image of Tess for his parents (and his own)
    consumption ? assumes the right to remake her in
    his own image
  • p.164 while as to her reading, I can take
    that in hand. Shell be apt pupil enough Shes
    brim full of poetry And she is an unimpeachable
  • p.189 after I have made you the well-read
    woman that I mean to make you

Class and family
  • Class assumptions reinforced by patriarchal power
  • Tess as a willing blank upon which Angel
    imposes his aspirations ? her assimilation of
    his vocabulary, his accent, and fragments of his
    knowledge (p.175)
  • Her assumption of his intellectual superiority
    renders her incapable of resistance against his
    damning judgement of her after her confession

Class and family
  • Marriage as a means of social advancement for
  • Minor characters function as a chorus (similar
    to Greek tragedy) providing different
    perspectives on the issue
  • The Talbothays milkmaids ? recognize their
    commonality of experience with Tess and the
    unlikelihood of marriage to a man of Angels
  • Tesss continued identification with her fellow
    dairymaids eventually drives her to making her

Class and family
  • The Clare and Durbeyfield mothers reinforce
    class structures and attitudes towards sexual
  • Both attempt to socialize their children into
    accepting conventional gender norms and
    ironically reproduce the norms that hold women in
  • p.264 Angel is she a young woman whose
    history will bear investigation?... there are few
    purer things in nature than an unsullied country
  • Mrs Durbeyfield ? p.191 Many a woman some of
    the Highest in the Land have had a Trouble in
    their time and why should you trumpet yours when
    others dont Trumpet theirs?

Class and family
  • Contrast between Tess and Mercy Chant ? shows the
    extent to which marriage to Tess would go against
    the Clare familys expectations
  • Symbolic name indicates a Puritanical nature, an
    inhibition at odds with Tesss natural sensuality

Tess duality, history and destiny
  • Repeated references to Tesss DUrberville
  • Point to the weight of history that Tess cannot
    escape and that will determine her future both
    her personal sexual history, and her family
  • The wedding night - Symbolic setting
  • At Wellbridge, a farm-house which was once the
    manorial seat of the dUrberville family (cf.
    ch1, p.9)
  • Highlights the decay of the DUrberville family
    fortunes, and the duality in Tesss character

Tess duality, history and destiny
  • Use of foreshadowing
  • Portraits of the DUrberville women literally
    hanging over Tess and Angel ? symbolic of a
    specifically female history that is oppressive
    and ominous (p.216)
  • Disturbs the notion of Tesss purity by drawing
    attention to those aspects of Tesss character
    that parallel those of her ancestors
  • Cant be removed (p.217) ? inescapability of
  • Ominous references to the legend of the
    dUrberville coach

Tess duality, history and destiny
  • Animal imagery ? surfaces a wildness / potential
    savagery in Tess
  • Juxtaposed against the narratives original
    insistence on Tesss essential innocence and
  • Complicates the notion of Tess as a pure woman
  • Reversal of the woman-as-prey / victim motif
  • p.169 he saw the red interior of her mouth as
    if it had been a snakes
  • p.187 the suspended attitude of a friendly
    leopard at pause
  • p.173 All the girls drew onward. the bevy
    advancing with the bold grace of wild animals
    the reckless unchastened motion of women
    accustomed to limitless space in which they
    abandoned themselves to the air as a swimmer to
    the wave (note pun on unchastened)

Tess duality, history and destiny
  • Tesss contradictory impulses towards
    self-abnegation and self-fulfillment are rooted
    in the conflict between the natural and the
  • Natural imagery ? reminders of the equally strong
    opposing forces of social convention and natural
    impulse that Tess is caught in between, and that
    eventually destroy her
  • p.195 keeping back the gloomy specters that
    would persist in their attempts to touch her
    doubt, fear, moodiness, care, shame. She knew
    that they were waiting like wolves just outside
    the circumscribing light

Tess duality, history and destiny
  • Water imagery ? suggests the inexorable nature of
  • p.180 Men had been cutting the water-weeds
    higher up the river, and masses of them were
    floating past her moving islands of green
  • p. 194 Her feelings almost filled her ears like
    a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes.
  • p.201 The water was now high in the streams,
    squirting through the weirs, and tinkling under
    culverts the smallest gulleys were all full
  • p.211 the mastering tide of her devotion to him

Tess duality, history and destiny
  • The difficulty of understanding Tesss
    contradictory behaviour and personality is
    stressed using metaphors of reading and
  • p.175 Clare conned the characters of her face
    as if they had been hieroglyphics.
  • p.217 Looking at her silently for a long time
    She is a dear dear Tess, he thought to himself,
    as one deciding on the true construction of a
    difficult passage.
  • Use of shifting narrative perspectives ?
    juxtaposes Tesss subjective experience with
    Angels attempts to comprehend her

Sexual morality
  • Angels narrative framed by attestations of his
    virtue, morality and honesty (buttressed by
    quotations from both Christian and pagan St
    Paul and Horace)
  • Deceptive apparent doubling that highlights the
    hypocrisy of the Victorian double-standard
    (p.224 He seemed to be her double.)
  • A symbolic silencing of the womans voice ?
    narrative silence that obliterates Tesss story
    while allowing Angels to be told in full

Sexual morality
  • p.74 An immeasurable chasm was to divide our
    heroines personality thereafter from that
    previous self of hers
  • p.214 she you love is not my real self, but
    one in my image the one I might have been!
  • p.228 You were one person, now you are
    another. Echoes other points in the text when
    Tesss identity is tied to her chastity (or lack
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