Title: Low Power Design of Standard Cell Digital VLSI Circuits
1Low Power Design of Standard Cell Digital VLSI
- By Siri Uppalapati
- Thesis Directors
- Prof. M. L. Bushnell and Prof. V. D. Agrawal
- ECE Department, Rutgers University
2Talk Outline
- Motivation
- Background
- Prior Work
- Proposed Design Flow
- Results
- Conclusion and Future Work
- Increasing gate count increasing clock
frequency increasing POWER - Portable equipment runs on battery
- Power consumption due to glitches can be 30 70
4Motivation Chip Power Density
Source Intel?
5Motivation (contd)
- Present day Application Specific Integrated
Circuit (ASIC) chips employ standard cell based
design style - A quick way to design circuits with millions of
gates - Existing glitch reduction techniques demand gate
re-design not suitable for a cell-based design
6Problem Statement
- To devise a glitch suppressing methodology after
the technology mapping phase - Without requiring cell re-design
- Without violating circuit delay constraints
Design Entry
Technology Mapping
7Talk Progress
- Motivation
- Background
- Prior Work
- Proposed Design Flow
- Results
- Conclusion and Future Work
8Power Dissipation in CMOS Circuits (0.25ยต)
Ptotal CL VDD2 f0?1 tscVDD Ipeak f0?1
- Unnecessary transitions
- Occur due to differential path delays
- Contribute about 30-70 of total power consumption
Delay 1
10Standard Cell Based Style
- Standard cells organized in rows (and, or,
flip-flops, etc.) - Cells made as full custom
- All cells of same height
- Reasonable design time
- Due to automatic translation
- from logic level to layout
IO cell
11Talk Progress
- Motivation
- Background
- Prior Work
- Proposed Design Flow
- Results
- Conclusion and Future Work
12Prior Work
- Existing glitch reduction techniques
- Low power design by hazard filtering Agrawal,
VLSI Design 97 - Reduced constraint set linear program Raja et
al., VLSI Design 03 - CMOS circuit design for minimum dynamic power and
highest speed Raja et. al., VLSI Design 04 - Optimization of cell based design
- Cell library optimization Masgonty et al.,
PATMOS 01 - Cell selection Zhang et al., DAC 01)
13Prior Work Hazard Filtering
Reference V. D. Agrawal, Low Power Design by
Hazard Filtering, VLSI Design 1997
- Glitch is suppressed when the inertial delay of
gate exceeds the differential input delays. - Re-design all gates in the circuit for
inertial delay gt differential delay
Filtering Effect of a gate
14Prior Work A Reduced Constraint Set LP Model for
Glitch Removal
Reference T. Raja, V. D. Agrawal and M. L.
Bushnell, Minimum Dynamic Power CMOS Circuit
Design by a Reduced Constraint Set Linear
Program, VLSI Design 2003
- Gate variables d4..d12
- Buffer Variables d15..d29
- Corresponding window variables t4..t29 and
15Prior Work A Reduced Constraint Set LP Model for
Glitch Removal (contd)
- Objective function Minimize sum of buffer delays
inserted - Glitch removal constraint
- Maxdelay constraint
- Transistor sizing or other procedures used to
implement these delays
Objective minimize Sdj all buffers j
dg gt Tg tg all gates g
TPO gt maxdelay
16Prior Work Cell Library Optimization
Reference J. M. Masgonty, S. Cserveny, C. Arm
and P. D. Pfister, Low-Power Low-Voltage
Standard Cell Libraries with a Limited Number of
Cells, PATMOS 01
- Limited logic functions with greater cell sizing
can result in 20 - 25 savings in power - Transistor sizing for
- Multiple driving strength
- Balanced rise and fall times
- Power optimized by minimizing parasitic
capacitances - Limitations
- Discrete set of varieties
- Optimization of cells cannot be circuit-specific
17Prior Work Cell Selection
Reference Y. Zhang, X. Hu and D. Z. Chen, Cell
Selection from Technology Libraries for
Minimizing Power, DAC 01
- Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) to select
from different realizations of cells such that
power consumption is minimized without violating
delay constraints - Sum of dynamic and leakage power is minimized
- A set of variables for each cell to support
different - Sizes
- Supply voltages
- Threshold voltages
- Achieved 79 power saving on an average
- Limitation depends on diversity of the cell
18Talk Progress
- Motivation
- Background
- Prior Work
- Proposed Design Flow
- Results
- Conclusion and Future Work
19New Glitch Removing Solution
- Balanced the differential delays at cell inputs
- Using delay elements called Resistive Feedthrough
cells - Automated the delay element
- Generation
- Insertion into the circuit
20Proposed Design Flow
- Modified linear program
- Resistive feed though cell generation
- Fully automated
- Scalable to large ICs
- Layout generation of modified netlist
- Can use any place-and-route tool
Design Entry
Tech. Mapping
Remove Glitches
21First Attempt Did not work Modified Linear
- Changes from Rajas linear program
- Gate delays constants
- Wire delays only variables
- Constrained solution space
- Large number of buffers inserted
- Buffers consume power
- may exceed the power saved
Circuit gates bufs
4-bit ALU 90 36
c432 240 120
C499 618 396
C880 383 217
C1355 546 414
C2670 1193 162
22Comparison of Delay Elements
Delay element Average delay (ns) Delay/Power Delay/Area
I 0.28 0.22 .03
II 0.59 4.43 0.05
III 0.72 5.54 0.11
IV 0.63 1.05 0.16
- Resistor shows
- Maximum delay
- Minimum power and area per unit delay
- Hence, best delay element
- Resistive feed through cell
- A fictitious buffer at logic level
III. Polysilicon resistor
I. Inverter pair
II. n diffusion capacitor
IV. Transmission gate
23Resistive Feed-through Cell
- A parameterized cell
- Physical design is simple easily automated
- No routing layers(M2 to M5) used not an
obstruction to the router
R R?(length of poly)
Width of poly
24RC Delay Model
- Used to find the resistance value for a given
delay - Delay depends on load capacitance
- Number of fan-outs
- SPECTRE simulations done for varying R and CL
values - CL is varied in steps of transistor pairs
25RC Delay Model (contd)
- CL varies during transition
- Model not perfectly linear
- Measured data stored as a 3D lookup table
- Average of signal rise and fall delays
- Linear interpolation between two points
26Detailed Design Flow
Design Entry
Find delays from LP
Find resistor values from lookup table
Tech. Mapping
Remove Glitches
Generate feed through cells and modify netlist
27Talk Progress
- Motivation
- Background
- Prior Work
- Proposed Design Flow
- Results
- Conclusion and Future Work
28Experimental Procedure
- Extract cell delays from initial layout
- SPECTRE simulation
- LP solver CPLEX in AMPL
- C program to generate the input files
- Physical design of feed through cells and
insertion of fictitious buffers - PERL script
- Place-and-Route
- Silicon Ensemble from Cadence
29Power Estimation
- Logic level
- Event-driven delay simulator to count the
transitions - Power a transitions fanouts
- Post layout
- SPECTRE simulator to measure current through the
power rail - Average power calculated by integration
New Standard Cell Based Design New Standard Cell Based Design Raja et. al.
4 bit ALU 29.5 23.7 N/A
c432 114.0 50.0 35.0
C499 86.0 32.0 29.0
C880 98.0 43.0 44.0
C1355 22.0 68.3 56.0
C2670 14.0 30.0 31.0
Area Overhead()
Power Saved()
Power Saved()
31Glitch Elimination on net86 in the 4bit ALU
Source Post layout simulation in SPECTRE
32Energy Saving in 4 bit ALU
33Layouts of c880
Original layout of c880
Optimized layout of c880
34Talk Progress
- Motivation
- Background
- Prior Work
- Proposed Design Flow
- Results
- Conclusion and Future Work
- Successfully devised a glitch removal method for
the standard cell based design style - Does not require re-design of the mapped cells
- Does not increase the critical path delay
- Scalable with technology
- The modified design flow is well automated
- Maintains the low design time of this style
- On an average
- Dynamic power saving 41
- Area overhead 60
36Future Work
- Diverse target cell library
- Cells of different propagation delays
- LP model needs to be changed
- Might become an ILP
- 70 of necessary delays below 2 ns
- Interconnect delays can be used
- Placement and routing algorithms need to be
controlled - An NP complete problem
37Future Work (contd)
Reference 1997 International Technology Roadmap
for Semiconductors
- V. D. Agrawal, Low Power Design by Hazard
Filtering, VLSI Design 1997 - T. Raja, V. D. Agrawal and M. L. Bushnell,
Minimum Dynamic Power CMOS Circuit Design by a
Reduced Constraint Set Linear Program, VLSI
Design 2003 - Y. Zhang, X. Hu and D. Z. Chen, Cell Selection
from Technology Libraries for Minimizing Power,
DAC 2001 - J. M. Masgonty, S. Cserveny, C. Arm and P. D.
Pfister, Low-Power Low-Voltage Standard Cell
Libraries with a Limited Number of Cells, PATMOS
40Prior Work Existing Low Power Design Techniques
HW/SW co-design, Custom ISA, Algorithm design
Scheduling, Pipelining, Binding
RT - Level
Clock gating, State assignment, Retiming
Logic restructuring, Technology mapping
Fan-out Optimization, Buffering, Transistor
sizing, Glitch elimination