Title: Animal protection legislation ??????
1Animal protection legislation ??????
2The basis of legislation????
- ?????????????
- ????????????????????????????????????????????,????
??????,???????????? - ?????????????????,??????????????
Law(??) a rule established in the community by
authority or custom a body of such
rules?????????????????????????????? Legislation(
??) law making the body of law??????,????? Stat
ute(???) a specific law passed by a legislative
body ??? ????????????? Offence(??) an act
contrary to the law ??????? Defendant(??) a
person accused of an offence in a court of law??
?????????? Plaintiff(??) a person or body
bringing an action in a court of law ??
4A model law ????
- Identify aspects of the legal system within which
it must work ?????????????????????????(directive)?
??????? - Understand the different types of
legislation??????????? - Identify characteristics of different types of
statute ???????????
5Legal system characteristics??????
- Courts use both Statute and Case (Common)
Law????????????(??)? - E.g. UK, Commonwealth former Commonwealth
countries ????, ???? - Romano-Germanic Law, using solely Statute
Law??(???)??, ?????? - E.g., Continental European countries ?????????
- Theocratic Law, derived purely from religious
texts ??????????? - E.g. Saudi Arabia and Iran ????????
6Legal system - basic principles????????? (1)
- Status of the accused presumption of innocence
or guilt ?????????????(?????) - ??????????,??????????,????????
- ???????????,??????????,?????????
7Legal system - basic principles????????? (2)
- ???????,??????????????beyond reasonable doubt?
- ???,?????????on the balance of probability???????
- ?????????,????????????????
- ??????(???????)?????????????????????
8Interpreting statute the basis of
- Prohibitive e.g. The Animal Welfare Act 1966, USA
- what you must not do ??????,?????????(1966)
-????????? - Prescriptive e.g. The Laying Hens Directive
99/74/EC, EU - what you must provide
????,???????(99/74/EC, EU) -?????????? - Cost/Benefit e.g. The Animals (Scientific
Procedures) Act 1986, UK - is the likely benefit
justified by the harm caused ??/????,?????????(198
6) ????????????????
9Interpreting statute identify the offence
- The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960,
India - to cause unnecessary pain or suffering
??????????????????? - Code of Federal Regulations Chapter III, Part
313, USA - cause inhumane treatment????????313?
??????? - Council Directive 91/630/EEC the Pigs
Directive - Member States shall ensure that
conditions for rearing pigs comply with.
10Interpreting statute to which animals is it
applicable and where?????(2)???? ? ?????
- ????????? The Agriculture (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 1968, UK, applies only to farmed
livestock on agricultural land
??1968??(????)??,????????? - ???? The Animal Welfare Act 1966, USA, does not
apply to farmed animals ??1966??????????? - ???? The Laying Hens Directive, 99/74/EC, EU,
does not apply to ??????????(1)establishments
withlt350 hens ??350????(2)breeding laying hens
11Interpreting statute the nature of the
- Defendants mental state? ????????
- Subjective mens rea ???????
- Objective mens rea ???????
- Strict liability ????
- Mental state is not considered
- ?????????
- (?)
12The nature of the offence- Subjective mens
- The UKs 1996 Wild Mammals Protection
Act??1996??????????? - If any person mutilates, kicks, .any wild
animal WITH INTENT to inflict unnecessary
suffering?????????????????????????? - The offence is tested in terms of the intention
of the defendant ???? ?????????
13The nature of the offence- Objective mens
- ??????????????????(whether an offence has been
committed) - The Animal Welfare Act 2006 (England and
Wales).???????????????(2006) - An offence to cause unnecessary suffering
??????????? - The offence is tested against 5 points
including????????Whether the conduct was that
of a reasonably competent and humane person
?????? ????????,????????????
14The nature of the offence- Objective mens
- Was the conduct for a legitimate purpose?
??????????? - To benefit the animal? ??????
- To protect a person, property or another animal?
?????????????? - Was the suffering proportionate to the purpose of
the conduct concerned? ?????????????????????
15The nature of the offence- Objective mens
- Additional legal tests of unnecessary suffering
under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (England and
Wales).???????????????(2006)??????????????? - Could the suffering have been avoided or
reduced????????????????? - Was the conduct which caused the suffering in
compliance with any relevant enactment????????????
16The nature of the offence- Strict
- The UKs 1997 Welfare of Animals (Transport)
Order??1997?????? - An offence to transport an animal in a way which
causes, or is likely to cause, injury or
unnecessary suffering?????????????????????? - The views of the defendant and society are
irrelevant??????????? - If an animal is injured an offence has been
17Interpreting legislation the status of the
- Primary legislation????
- enacted through repeated debates in the National
Legislative body??????????????? - Secondary legislation????
- enacted by a Department of Government with
authority from primary legislation????????????? - Guidance documents????
- Codes of Practice????
18Interpreting legislation relevance of status to
effective protection?????(2)?????????
- Primary legislation ???????
- Expensive and time-consuming to amend in the
light of new scientific evidence and changing
public attitudes to welfare????????????????????? - Secondary legislation ???????
- Readily amended??????????
19Interpreting legislation relevance of status to
effective protection?????(3)?????????
- Guidance documents and Codes of Practice?????????
- May be used in the interpretation of statute but
failure to comply does not constitute an
20Interpreting legislation what powers are
- Use of force ??(????)
- Access ??????
- Stop and search ?????
- Seizure ??
- Detention ??
- Arrest ??
21Interpreting legislation what penalties are
available on conviction?????(5)???????
- Monetary fine - what level? ??-????
- Imprisonment ??
- Prohibition of ownership ?????
- Prohibition of care ????
- Prohibition of production ????
22Interpreting legislationThe legal status of
animals? ????(6)???????
- Property in all countries?????? ? / ??
- EU Protocol on Protection Welfare of
Animals???????????? - Recognises animals as sentient
beings??????????? - Requires Member States to pay full regard to the
welfare requirements of animals when formulating
and implementing legislation??????????????????????
???? - No requirement to take account of
economics??????? - Enforceable in law??????
23??????,???????????????100??0.42?????The reality -
pigs packed into lorries at less than 0.35 m2 per
100kg ????????????100????0.35?????????
Reproduced with permission of CBS Press
25Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective????????????? - 1
- Legal status of animals as property
????????(???????) - Prohibitive legislation not indicating the
provisions expected ???????????????? - Dependence on the status and circumstances of the
animal ????????????????
26Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective?????????????- 1
27Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective????????????? - 2
- Compromises in wording of text due to single
interest lobbying during consultation - For example, "a lying area which is clean..,
and either has well-maintained dry bedding or is
well drained"??????????,???????
28Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective????????????? - 3
- Reinterpretation of terms by industry
bodies?????????? - ????????,??????????????????????,??????????????????
???????,???????????,???????????????????????? - Danish Enlandsgriseproduktion Scheme
29Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective????????????? - 4
- Responsibility for enforcement being spread
between government departments, so reducing
co-ordination ?????????????,???? - Poor statute enacted in haste in response to
political pressure, e.g. ??????????????The
Dangerous Dogs Act, UK (1991)?????????
30Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective????????????? - 5
- The subjective nature of the offences causing
different interpretations between courts
????????????????? - ?????????????????????????????
31Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
- Poor enforcement due to ????????????
- Limited resources ?????????
- Variable enforcement ???????????
- Enforcement body sharing interests with those
policed ??????????? - Limits to powers of access, stop and search,
seizure and detention ?????????????,???????? - Commercial confidentiality????
32Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
- Statute has no provision for??????
- Power of seizure - defendants keep ownership of
animals during proceedings????????????????????? - Prohibition of ownership - convicted party
permitted to retain animals???????????????????? - Prohibition of care - ownership may be
transferred but care is still by convicted
33Reasons why animal welfare legislation may not be
effective?????????????- 8
- May have to accommodate?????
- Domestic, economic and political
pressures???????? - International agreements on trade
- ??????
- Other, conflicting legislation
- ???????
- See Module 28???8
34Summary A model welfare law????????
- A single Statute, single Department ????,??????
- Strict liability offences ???????
- Prescriptive ??
- Comprehensive and coherent ????
- Powers of stop, search, seizure,
detention??,??,??,????? - Penalties of prohibition of ownership and
care??????????? - National enforcement body???????
- In a form most readily enacted and
35Animal protection legislation (2)Enforcement
and political pressure ?????? 2???????
36This module will enable you to????????
- Identify obstacles to the effective enforcement
of statute????????? - Describe methods by which some of these obstacles
may be overcome????????????? - Outline ways in which pressure might be applied
to governments to improve???????????????enforcemen
t - Understand the role of an expert witness???????
37Practical enforcement of statute?????
- Click here for more details about taking an
animal welfare case to court - ????????,????????????
38But sometimes statute cant be enforced????????
39Why some statute may not be enforced????????????
- International agreements on trade (World Trade
Organisation)??????(????) - Clashes with other legislation??????
- Domestic economic and political
40WTO rules??????
- Encourage free trade by reducing import tariffs
or export subsidies ?????????????????????????
- Discrimination between goods on the grounds of
production methods is not generally permitted
although there is discussion on whether labelling
is allowed?????????????????????-???????????
Agreement on Agriculture Fixed, progressive
reduction in existing subsidies??????????????????
41WTO rules??????
- Currently no exceptions for animal
welfare????????????? - Render unilateral legislation or rigorous
enforcement to improve animal welfare, which
increases production costs, economically
non-viable ?????????????????,????????,????
42WTO rules Current exceptions???????????
- Article Twenty of GATT (General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade)????????(GATT)???? - Allows exceptions for measures to protect human,
animal or plant life under certain
conditions??????,??????????????????? - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement????????????
?????? - Allows exceptions to protect health where these
are based on science???????????????????????????? - Allows interim action where there is insufficient
43WTO rules Current exceptions???????????(?)
- Biosafety protocol???????
- Exceptions for Genetically Modified
Organisms??????????? - Some payments to producers allowed
- Green Box measures payments are
production-neutral and/or do not distort trade
????---?????????????? - Blue Box measures linked to reduced
production ????---??????
44WTO rules Current exceptions
Production neutral and/or non-trade
distorting ??????????
Linked to reduced production ???????
45Overcoming obstaclesRequired changes to WTO
rules (1)??????WTO?????(1)
- Recognition of distinction between production
methods ???????????? - Permission of total import restrictions under
Article Twenty of products from unacceptable
production systems??????,???????????????,???????? - Provision for mandatory labelling by production
46Overcoming obstaclesRequired changes to WTO
rules (2)??????WTO?????(2)
- Permission of preferential market access for
welfare friendly producers quotas or
preferential tariffs????????????????????????? - Permission for import border tariffs to offset
increased cost of welfare measures????????????????
47Overcoming obstaclesRequired changes to WTO
rules (3)??????WTO?????(3)
- Permission of current export subsidies to be
redirected towards welfare promotion (and these
subsidies to be excluded from the Agreement on
Agriculture reductions)???????????????????(??????
??????? - Reclassification of these payments to support
welfare as Green Box measures???????????????????
48Export subsidies to be redirected towards welfare
49Potential clashes with other laws??????????
- Human Rights law???
- access to premises for inspection purposes???????
- Health and Safety law??????
- banning goads??????(???)
- Environmental law???
- nose rings in sows?????
- Employment law???
- frequency and adequacy of inspection of broiler
50Potential clashes with other laws??????????
- Food Safety law?????
- fasting stock prior to transport to slaughter
plant?????????????? - Planning law???
- prohibition of free range units?????????
- Product Safety law?????
- legal requirement to test medicines on
51Overcoming clashes with other legislation
- Access to premises for inspection vs.
Privacy?????????? - Specify grounds for changed priorities????????????
???? - Banning goads vs. Safety of stockpersons?????
- Legally restrict use of goads to particular
species and class of stock specify the
frequency, duration and part of animal on which
they can be used?????????,??,????????????? - Nose rings in sows vs. Environmental
protection????? - Legally enforce pasture rotation, farm sites
provide substrates in indoor systems??????????????
?, ?????????????????
52Overcoming clashes with other legislation
- Frequency and adequacy of inspection of broilers
vs. Number of working hours??????????? - Legally restrict birdstockperson ratio????
???? ?????? - Food safety vs. Fasting stock prior to transport
to slaughter plant ???????????? - Legally restrict duration of fast and legally
reduce slaughter line speeds ????????????????
53Overcoming clashes with other legislation
- Prohibition of free range units vs. Planning
law????????? - Legally facilitate siting of units away from
urban areas subsidy support develop less
intensive indoor systems????????????????
???????? - Requirement to test medicines on animals vs.
Welfare of animals???????????? - Legally required licensing of premises,
procedures and personnel??????, ??, ?????? - Licence application form requires costbenefit
justification and three Rs?????????????????,
54Domestic/economic pressures??/????
- Insufficient enforcement personnel???????
- Legal expenses????
- Veterinary surgeons responsibility to
clients??????????? - Insufficient value of stock????????
55Overcoming obstacles Lobbying
- Improved animal welfare legislation more
comprehensive, stricter controls?????????????????
? - Increased number of enforcement
personnel????????? - Farm subsidies for high welfare
systems??????????????? - Provision for legal expenses in prosecutions of
welfare cases ?????????????? - Legal provision to improve access to enforcement
56Overcoming obstacles Lobbying
- Governments act with more or less autonomy
depending on how effectively and with what
intensity domestic groups make demands on them - ???????????????,?????????????????????
(Peterson and Bomberg 1999)
57Overcoming obstacles Lobbying
- In systems of governance that are
institutionalised, resource poor and have no
government yet which often take a strong lead
in governingthe capacity of individuals and
small groups to influence decisions remains
striking - ?????????,????????,????????????????????????
??????? - (Rosenthal 1975)
- e.g. European Union and many of the worlds most
important international institutions (Keohane
1998) - ??????????????? Keohane 1998
58Overcoming obstacles Lobbying
- Political agency at the sub-systematic level
requires considerable technical
and Bomberg 1999) - A scientific basis is generally regarded as
necessary to define such needs and thereby make
sensible decisions on animal welfare?????????????
???,??????????????,?????????? (Knierim and
Jackson 1997)
59Overcoming obstacles Lobbying governments
- Apply pressure at local authority, government and
supranational level ?????,???????????? - Join a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with
consultative status at international conventions
e.g. WSPA, Greenpeace, WWF???????????????????????
???,??????,????????? - Acquire technical expertise??????
- Practical enforcement requires attention to
detail on site and in court to avoid losing
welfare prosecution cases?????????????????????????
??? - WTO rules, clashes with other legislation and
economic pressures may prevent enforcement of
welfare law but there may be legal and practical
methods by which these problems may be overcome
?? - Apply pressure at various levels of government,
and at supra-state level to improve welfare
legislation and enforcement ????????????,
???????, ????????????
61Taking an animal welfare case to
court???????????Practical enforcement of
statute Avoiding pitfalls entry to
premises??????????? ??????
- Do you have the technical expertise to collect
evidence species-specific experience and
qualifications?????????-????????????? - Are you legally permitted to be on the premises
and collecting evidence? ???????????????? - On which parts of the premises are you legally
62Practical enforcement of statute Avoiding
pitfalls entry to premises??????????? ??????
- Should you accompany an authorised
person????????????? - Should you have written authorisation????????????
- Should you have given a suitable period of
63Practical enforcement of statuteAvoiding
pitfalls collecting evidence???????????????
- Always have a witness ??????
- Write down all your findings include date and
time ???????,??????? - Get your witness to sign it ???????
- Copy and keep original records ?????????
64Practical enforcement of statute Avoiding
pitfalls collecting evidence???????????????
- Take photographic evidence video or still??????
- ????? - Ensure traceability of photographic evidence
dated receipt by developer?????????????????? - Use an accepted method to assess welfare and use
it correctly (e.g. condition scoring)?????????????
????????(?????) - Look for evidence of????
- prolonged welfare problem (e.g. carcasses,
chronic lesions)?????????(???,????) - future welfare problem (e.g. sharp objects on
pasture)animals at risk?????????(?????????)-?????
65Collecting evidence Thin cow or condition
score 1?????????????
66Practical enforcement of statute Avoiding
pitfalls taking action??????????? ????
- Ensure you know what legal powers you
have?????????????? - e.g. to detain or seize stock????????
- Do only what is in the welfare interest of the
animals???????????? - e.g. detention of stock will they suffer if
transported?????,?????????? - Write down your actions with reasons and have the
record signed by your witness??????????????????? - If necessary, call for assistance????,??????
67Taking action To move or not to move????????????
68Practical enforcement of statute Avoiding
pitfallswriting a statement??????????? ????
- Write a factual account do an outline
immediately ???? ?????? - Do not include what others have told
you?????????? - Include everything you saw and did?????????????
- Include dates, times and names of
witnesses???????????? - Cross-reference to photographic evidence and
contemporaneous records?????????????????
69Practical enforcement of statuteAvoiding
pitfalls appearing in court??????????? ?????
- As far as possible report only what is in your
statement ????????????? - If you dont know something say so ????????
- Answer only the question asked and do not evade
it????????????? - Listen to the questions, allow time, and answer
in non-technical words ???,????,??????????? - Keep calm and do not argue ????????
70Practical enforcement of statute The expert
- One who has, by dint of training and practice,
acquired a good knowledge of the science or art
concerning that on which his opinion is sought
?????????????????,???????????,??????? - Gives an opinion as to technical matters on
behalf of his client??????????????? - Is not an advocate and will not allow lawyers to
influence the substance of his evidence???????????
71Practical enforcement of statute The expert
witness (contd)???????????(?)
- Identifies strengths and any weaknesses in his
clients case???????????????? - Aids the court by identifying the relevant facts
and interpreting them ?????????????? - Gives his own, reasoned opinion and must not
mislead by omission ????????????????(??) - Must be independent, impartial and objective
72Practical enforcement of statute The expert
witness (contd) ???????????(?)
- Only agree to be an expert if??????????
- The case is within your personal experience,
knowledge and competence?????????????????? - The evidence you provide will assist your