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QUESTION FOR CONSIDERATION: In today s society, what are some of the greatest concerns and changes taking place in the following areas? List several for each category: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • In todays society, what are some of the greatest
    concerns and changes taking place in the
    following areas? List several for each category
  • gt Politics
  • gt Medicine
  • gt Education
  • gt Technology
  • What are some ways people respond to these
    concerns and changes?
  • What are some potential solutions to the concerns?

  • Question What if society demands change, but
    authority refuses to allow it?
  • All Write How To _____ In Five Easy Steps
  • (Each step must be described in a 7-10 sentence
    paragraph. Must refer to one non-fiction
    credible source and provide source information.)
  • A Live Happily in Isolation from Society
  • B. Solve the Problem of Death
  • C. Be Educated (Without Being Formally Educated)
  • D. Renounce Liberty and Be Enslaved to Authority
  • E. Live Happily Among the PeopleWithout a
    Governing Authority
  • F. Allow Technology to Control Society

The Romantic Period(1798 1832)
  • English 11 Indicators
  • Reading Applications Literary Text 2 Analyze
    the historical, social, and cultural context of
  • Reading Applications Literary Text 6
    Recognize characteristics of subgenres and
    explain how choice of genre affects the
    expression of a theme or topic.

  • The Romantic Age was full of change. It was an
    age of political revolution (the American
    Revolution had succeeded along with an ongoing
    revolution in France). It was also an age of
    industrial and agricultural revolution,
    particularly for Britain.
  • In 1807, gas street lights began to appear in
    London just over 20 years later, the principles
    of electromagnetic induction were discovered,
    which led to the Age of Electricity. Between
    1798 and 1832, railroads sprang up in England and
    continental Europe, photography was invented, and
    the first U.S. patent was granted for a device
    known as the typewriter.

Romanticism A Movement of Protest
  • Romanticism was the movement that reflected upon
    and responded to these dramatic changes. It
    dominated intellectual and artistic life well
    into the early 19th century and was considered a
    movement of protest.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
  • Father of Romanticism
  • Human society is based on a contract between
    the government and the governed.
  • His ideas helped inspire the French Revolution.
  • Humans, left in their natural state, are
    essentially good and happy. (Noble savages)
  • Evil is not a result of human nature, but of
    societys influence.

  • AssignmentBackground Reading
  • By Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Book IParts 1-9
  • http//
  • Select 5 quotes from the reading that evoke a
    response from you (agree, disagree, compare to
    today, relate to Frankenstein, say what you think
    it means, etc.). Write down each quote and write
    your response beneath it.

Other Influential Intellectuals
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Britain)Rejected the
    world of science and industry
  • William Wordsworth (Britain)Englands greatest
    Nature Poet friends with Coleridge
  • William Blake (Britain)Poet who contrasted the
    innocence of childhood to the destructive effects
    of the Industrial Revolution
  • Noah Webster (America)Made it his goal to prove
    that the new nations language was as good as its
    mother tongue.
  • George Gordon Byron (Britain)Lord Byron British
    poet leading figure in Romanticism
  • Mary Wollstonecraft (Britain)Philosopher,
    feminist, mother of Mary Shelley

Lord Byron (1788-1824)
  • Considered one of the greatest British
  • poets and philosophical rebels
  • Celebrated for his wealthy indulgences
  • including extreme debt and numerous
  • affairs and scandals
  • Respected by his followers for his
  • radical and extreme rebellion (was
  • once described as mad, bad, and dangerous to
  • Contemporary of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
    (Shelley), Percy Byssche Shelley
  • Best Known Works She Walks in Beauty, When
    We Two Parted, and Don Juan

Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-97)
  • She published Vindication on the Rights of Women
    (1792), which advocated equality of the sexes,
    and the main doctrines of the later women's
    movement. This work made her both famous and
    infamous in her own time.
  • She ridiculed prevailing notions about women as
    helpless, charming adornments in the household.
    Society had bred "gentle domestic brutes."
  • She believed that education held the key to
    achieving a sense of self-respect and a new
    self-image that would enable women to put their
    capacities to good use.
  • Wife of William Godwin, philosopher and writer
    mother of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley
    (author of Frankenstein)

Mary Shelley (1797-1851)
  • Daughter of William Godwin Mary
  • Wollstonecraft
  • Her mother died shortly after Mary was
  • born raised by her liberal father
  • Married Percy Bysshe Shelley, philoso-
  • pher Romantic poet
  • She Percy spent a summer with Lord Byron near
    Geneva, Switzerland, where she was inspired to
    write Frankenstein
  • Wrote Frankenstein when she was 18 years old
  • Lived a life surrounded by death (see handout)

Key Characteristics of Literary Romanticism
  • Focus on the Imagination Romanticism turned
    away from 18th century emphasis on reason and
    pretense and embrace imagination and genuineness.
    Many Romantics turned to a past or an inner
    dream world that they felt was more picturesque
    and magical than the ugly industrial age in which
    they lived.
  • Focus on the Individual Romantic-era poets and
    writers rejected the public, formal, and witty
    works of the previous century they preferred
    language that spoke of personal experiences and
    emotions. Romantic writers championed the value
    of the individual human being. Because of this,
    Romantic writers turned away from organized
    authority and strove for individual freedom.

Key Characteristics of Literary Romanticism
  • The Byronic Hero Because of the focus upon
    the individuals freedom and the turning from
    pretensions, the heroes of Romantic literature
    were often passionate yet flawed individuals
    intellectually searching, incapable of
    compromise, forever brooding over some mysterious
    past sin, painfully yet defiantly alone.
    Romantics celebrated heroes such as Cain,
    Faust, Prometheus, and Napoleon. These rash
    rebels were hailed or resurrected in reaction to
    a world in which order and restraint ruled the

Key Characteristics of Literary Romanticism
  • Focus on Nature Romantics though of nature as
    transformative they were fascinated by the ways
    nature and the human mind mirrored each others
    creative qualities. They saw nature as
    beautiful, but they were more concerned with how
    nature could evoke strong emotions. Romantic
    writers had a strong sense of natures mysterious

The Gothic Novel
  • With the focus on the imagination in Romantic
    literature grew a stronger and stronger
    concentration on the supernatural and the
    mysterious. A whole new genre of literature of
    this type became known as the Gothic. The
    earliest Gothic tales included The Monk by M.G.
    Lewis, The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe,
    and Frankentstein by Mary Shelley. The intention
    of the Gothic novel?To make readers blood run

Characteristics of Gothic Tales
  • Eerie Subject Matter Gothic tales focus on the
    mysterious the eerie, the fantastic, the
    supernatural and the macabre (morbid). The
    Gothic novel was one way in which people of the
    Romantic Age expressed a sense of helplessness
    about forces beyond their control frightening
    revolutions and industrializations unsettling
    economic changes.
  • Isolated Settings The Gothic setting is
    usually remotehaunted castles, eerie forests,
    graveyards, ruins, and wildly picturesque and
    often overgrown landscapes. Imperfection is, in
    a sense, glorified and ruin is enhanced. The
    unpredictable aspects of nature reflect human
    aspirations and failures.

Characteristics of Gothic Tales
  • Melancholy Atmosphere Gothic tales use dark
    atmosphere to create mood. The remote setting
    creates an often gloomy or pessimistic atmosphere
    and sense of despair for the reader. (Ex Mary
    Shelley uses the icy mists of the Arctic and the
    bleak windswept Alpine glacial fields to
    emphasize spiritual and social isolation of the
  • Rebellious Protagontist (Byronic Heroes)
    Gothic heroes are usually trapped in gloom and
    unable to appreciate uplifting circumstances.
    They are descendants of Cain, Satan, and
    Prometheus. They are heroic in their rebellion
    but pathetic in their destiny.

  • Suppose you were invited to join a scientific
    project led by a very successful scientist and
    dedicated to discovering the secret of creation.
    You could become empowered with the knowledge of
    how to generate life. You could invent a new
    kind of being, eliminate aging, and perhaps even
    conquer death. You might give life to a new
    species, which would credit you forever as its
  • Would you be willing to dedicate your energy and
    intellect, forsake your friends, and give up your
    youth for the sake of such an experiment?
  • What kinds of devastating results would such a
    discovery have on society?
  • What good could such power bring to humanity?
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