"Methodology" of research in computer science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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"Methodology" of research in computer science


Title: Design et syst mes num riques (r flexions autour de l informatique pervasive) Author: Lionel Brunie Last modified by: Lionel Brunie Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: "Methodology" of research in computer science

"Methodology"ofresearch in computer science
Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied
Sciences (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team UMR
CNRS 5205 Lyon, France http//liris.cnrs.fr/lione
  • (Disclaimer)
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • How is research evaluated?
  • And now?

  • ? Disclaimer
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • How is research evaluated?
  • And now?

  • This is NOT a lecture !
  • I apologize not to be an epistemologist
  • I am just a practitioner of computer science that
    have co-authored some research papers and
    read/evaluated several hundreds ones
  • This open discussion is absolutely NOT objective
  • Goal open the windows and discuss how we
    ACTUALLY work (and not how we should work)
  • All questions, remarks, contradictions are

  • Disclaimer
  • ? Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science ?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • How is research evaluated?
  • And now?

Discovery vs. Invention
  • My feeling is that there are two main ways of
    practicing science discovery vs. invention
  • Biologists, physicists, chemists, researchers in
    psychology are discoverers
  • (at least, software) Computer scientists,
    researchers in nanotech, researchers in process
    engineering or in industrial engineering are
  • However inventing often needs a priori
    discoveries (e.g., of your target/domain of
    interest) discovering often needs inventing
    (e.g., measuring instruments)
  • Mathematicians are mathematicians -)

Discovering (just two words)
  • Understanding the world what are atoms
    constituted of, why a disease in inherited, why
    do people have dreams, etc.
  • Understanding means first asking questions, then
    observing, inquiring, modeling, evaluating
  • At the end of the research process, one has an
    answer to the initial question (question of
  • An answer is the most often not definitive. It is
    an explanation of a small piece of the natural
    world under some hypotheses
  • Famous recent example the proof of the
    existence of Higgs boson at CERN/LHC

Inventing (1/2)
  • Software computer science produces inventions
  • Computers do not exist by themselves. They have
    been created by human beings gt there is nothing
    to discover in a computer or in a software
  • The objective of research in CS is just to make
    computers/computer networks and computer
    applications more efficient, more easy to use,
    more reliable, more powerful i.e. more

Inventing (2/2)
  • As a consequence, a research result in (software)
    CS has no (real) intrinsic value. It has only the
    value that the research community and/or the
    society gives to it. A useless invention has no
  • This has to be moderated when one considers
    research in fundamental and theoretical CS where
    people study formal problems gt context actually
    close to research in maths
  • This has also to be moderated when one considers
    social- or bio- or something-inspired CS where
    researchers attempt to understand and model an
    external (social or biological or) phenomenon

  • Disclaimer
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • ? What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • How is research evaluated?
  • And now?

A difficult answer
  • The endless debate about fundamental research,
    basic research, applied research, finalized
  • A first and definitive answer a result has some
    scientific value as soon as it has been accepted
    by a scientific publication (a scientific
    committee), i.e., research is a social activity
    (hence, fashions, trends)
  • A second answer a result has some scientific
    value if it interests people and if it is novel
    (original) (and if it has some genericity) i.e.,
    refer to the scientific method
  • The most difficult (and so the most interesting)
    problems have often been raised by applications,
    e.g. medical applications. Investigating these
    problems have allowed going through theoretical
    scientific developments

  • Disclaimer
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • ? What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • How is research evaluated?
  • And now?

Structure of a research paper in CS
  • Introduction-Motivations
  • State of the art
  • Proposal
  • Experiments
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion and future work
  • gt Computing the D (or d or e)!

3 (1) key sections (1/4)
  • Having 1 very good idea in a scientists life is
    very good having two is exceptional
  • One paper gt one problem and at most one (two)
    contribution(s) to defend
  • A first key section the statement of the problem
  • Why is the problem important? Remark notion of
    fashion (e.g., Big Data)
  • Why is the problem difficult (? link to the state
    of the art)?
  • What are the hypotheses? What is/are the
  • What are the objectives i.e., what are the
    performance/quality criterions with respect to
    which the contribution should be evaluated?
  • Then, add the outline of the contribution

3 (1) key sections (2/4)
  • A second key section the state of the art
  • A state of the art must not be flat or general
  • It must be focused on your scientific and
    applicative targets and critical and
  • Critical the contribution/limitations of each
    cited paper should be analyzed wrt your problem
  • Compared papers should be organized in
  • The state of the art establishes/describes the
    scientific basis wrt which your work should be
    compared, i.e., your ?/?/? will be evaluated
  • Ideally, all pertinent papers should be analyzed.
    Practically, it is often untracktable
  • Making the bibliography is a key component of
    the scientific method

3 (1) key sections (3/4)
  • A third key section the discussion
  • Goal of the discussion analyzing your
  • Wrt to your initial objective/motivation
  • Wrt to the state of the art
  • Wrt the experiments you have run and have not
  • Wrt the implementation choices you have made
  • Wrt genericity
  • A discussion is not a conclusion
  • The discussion is often distributed over the
    paper ( -( ?)
  • Do not believe authors make your personal

3 (1) key sections (4/4)
  • A fourth obvious section your contribution
  • Must be sound
  • Must be comprehensive and complete
  • Should allow people to reproduce the experiments
    you use
  • Must be self-contained

A short focus on theIntroduction Motivation
  • Inventing some thing that interests nobody has
    no real sense
  • Inventing some thing that addresses a problem
    that has an existing satisfactory solution has a
    limited interest
  • To be interesting, a work/paper should address a
  • With a high (scientific or economic or social
    or) value
  • And no solution
  • (already noted) A paper should list the criteria
    wrt which authors consider that their proposal is
    to be evaluated

Experiments (1/3)
  • The often dark side of research in CS
  • A first reason cultural/educational computer
    scientists have an unsatisfactory education in
    statistics/experiment planning/performance
  • However, things become better -)

Experiments (2/3)
  • A second reason real life experiments are often
    intractable because comparing two inventions is
    often intractable
  • Concurrent software are often not available
  • Concurrent complex systems/softwares cannot be
    re-develop from scratch at a reasonable price
  • Evaluation criteria are different
  • Users of your software are reluctant to
    spend/waste their time on alpha versions
  • It often exists no benchmarks
  • Research works often address very small
    range/specific issues that are part of a complex
    systems but integration is often not realized
  • Research teams have neither the manpower nor the
    competence to develop products and limit their
    development to demonstrator or prototypes that
    cannot be tested by real end users

Experiments (3/3)
  • However experiments are mandatory to evaluate the
    pertinence of your work
  • Experiments should allow
  • To evaluate the performance/pertinence/efficiency
    of your proposal wrt your initial objective and
    wrt all the possible contexts (not only in the
    best case)
  • To evaluate the influence of the various
    parameters on the performance
  • To compare your proposal wrt the state of the art
  • Experimental conditions must be made completely

  • Disclaimer
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • ? Searching for black boxes, traps and black
  • How is research evaluated?
  • And now?

Reading a paper as an investigation
  • A key behavior criticism (cf. methodical doubt
    by Descartes)
  • A first obvious step analyze what is written
  • is the proposal scientifically sound?
  • are the performances good?
  • is the problem really important?
  • is the state of the art exhaustive?
  • etc.
  • A second step analyze what is not written

Black boxes and assumptions
  • Computer systems/applications/software are too
    complex/too large so that a single team/paper can
    address the entire problem
  • gt Focus on a small part or specific issue
  • gt Assumptions on the other parts
  • inputs it exists/will exist (soon) some
    system can can provide your prototype with the
    data/information it needs
  • outputs the data produced by your prototype
    could be/will (soon) be used by the end-user side
    of the global system
  • Assumptions are not always explicit
  • Always ask yourself if these assumptions are
    valid/realistic, what do they imply

Analyzing experiments (1/3)
  • The border line
  • Science definitely condemns treachery and
    falsification modifying the result of an
    experiment is beyond the red line
  • Experimental measurements that are presented in a
    paper are (supposed to be) true (I personally
    have always supposed it)
  • The question is about omitted/forgotten results
  • The question is about uncertainty and statistical
    errors on the measurements
  • The question is about some generalization of
  • From a scientific point of view, a negative
    result is often as interesting as a positive
  • However, as CS has to deal with invention, a
    negative result is usually considered as a
    depreciated fact

Analyzing experiments (2/3)
  • So the temptation to avoid including negative
    measurements often exists
  • This measurement is not really important but as
    I do not have enough space to explain it, it is
    more important, from a scientific point of view
    (of course), to discuss in deep other more
    important experiments
  • The situation that leads to this bad result
    never happens in the real life
  • With a slight modification of the prototype, it
    is obvious that one would never get such a
    result, so let us focus on the results concerning
    the core of the prototype
  • etc.
  • are reasons that a scientist may use to
    self-persuade him that presenting this experiment
    is not pertinent

Analyzing experiments (3/3)
  • Where is the yellow line? Where is the red line?
  • Always
  • analyze if experiments are exhaustive
  • If not, always analyze if the missing experiments
    are important to evaluate the performance of the
  • and try to infer what could be the behavior of
    the prototype wrt these experiments

  • Disclaimer
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • ? How is a research paper evaluated?
  • And now?

Evaluation of a research paper
  • Is the topic of the paper in the domain of
    interest of the conference/journal?
  • (Is the bibliography complete, critical and
  • Is the contribution original?
  • Is the paper technically sound/correct?
  • Is the paper easy to read?
  • Is the contribution significant?
  • What is the level of expertise of the evaluator /
    what is the confidence of the evaluator in his
  • Discussion within the program or scientific

  • Disclaimer
  • Discovery vs. invention
  • What is a research result in computer science?
  • What is a research paper in computer science?
    General structure(s) of a research paper in CS
  • Searching for black boxes, traps and black holes
  • How is research evaluated?
  • ? And now?

  • Read, read, read, read!
  • Be positively critical
  • Never admit supposed evidences. Always doubt
  • All questions are good
  • Be modest

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