2Course Objectives
- By the end of the course delegates will be able
to - Describe the complex role of the manager
- Assess the role of people management within a
managers role - Identify ways to motivate individual employees
and ensure their jobs are fulfilling - Analyse the effectiveness of different
communication techniques - Evaluate which tasks can be delegated
3Session Plan
- Session 1
- Management
- The characteristics of good managers and what
makes them good - Session 2
- Motivation - Getting the best out of people
- Session 3
- Communication Getting the right message across
- Session 4
- The art of delegation
4- Session 1
- Management
- The characteristics of good managers and what
makes them good
- to gain results through other people
6(No Transcript)
7Todays World Outside
- The only constant in todays world is change
- Quick and savage
- The Managers Challenge
- Manage the internal processes and people without
effecting service or output
8Leadership and Management Whats the Difference?
- Management
- Controlling or directing a group of people and
resources according to the principles and values
that have already been established
- Leadership
- Setting a new direction or vision for others to
follow - Leader is the spearhead
9- Leadership and Management - What's the
- Leadership
- Setting a new direction or vision for others to
follow - Leader is the spearhead
- Management
- Controlling or directing a group of people and
resources according to the principles and values
that have already been established
Leadership is knowing the right thing to do.
Management is doing it right
What happens if you have 1 without the other?
- Leadership without Management
- Sets a direction or vision without considering
how it will be achieved - Others have to work hard to make it work
- Management without Leadership
- Resources will be controlled and maintained
(status quo) - No movement or development
- Leadership with Management
- Direction is set and resources are managed
Drucker/ McGregor Say If youre not doing
both, drop the title and the salary
10People Management
11The Role of a Manager
- Getting others to want to do what you want them
to do - Get to know your staff - similarities and
differences - Everyones motivation is different. Treat them
differently to get the right results.
13The Role of a Manager
- Motivation
- Authority
- N
- A
- G
- E
- R
- Dont abuse. Its not a power trip
- It isnt all down to use but it is all up to you
- Do you make things happen, watch things happen or
wonder what on earth happened? - Dont blame others but be more demanding on
yourself - If it goes wrong, where did it go wrong and how
can I improve it - Managing without authority peers and bosses
15The Role of a Manager
- Motivation
- Authority
- Network
- A
- G
- E
- R
- Look outside your normal circle. Get to know
people in other departments because you never
know when you may need to manage without
authority - Network inside and outside the organisation
- Be interested, approachable and trustworthy
- Enthusiasm of people around your will rub off so
surround yourself with dynamic people
17The Role of a Manager
- Motivation
- Authority
- Network
- Assess
- G
- E
- R
- You cant affect it if you dont measure it
- Understand the key drivers to enable you to
change the performance - If something isnt working, dont protect it or
justify it, ADJUST it - Be careful to avoid analysis paralysis
19The Role of a Manager
- Motivation
- Authority
- Network
- Assess
- Goals
- E
- R
- Set them - make them SMART
- Ensure everyone can experience success
- Challenge and stretch
- Dont be afraid of failure we learn more from
failure than success -
- Where others have ceased, continue
- Have a mindset that obstacles are irrelevant
- Go under, go round, go over, go through
- The networking helps
- Learn to let go - allow others to do it
- Set clear parameters - give them the scope so
they feel they believe they are doing something
worthwhile - Delegate, dont abdicate
- Dont interfere but be supportive
- Let them take the credit
- Allow people to fail but work through to find out
where they went wrong
22The Role of a Manager
- Motivation
- Authority
- Network
- Assess
- Goals
- Empower
- Role Model
23Role Model
- Set an example of how you want other people to
behave - Just because youre having a bad day, doesnt
mean everyone else has to have a bad day - Its not all down to you, it is all up to you
- Be an inspiration
- Recognise, praise, pass on the credit
- Dont make it difficult for others to achieve
- You dont have to be serious dont lose your
- How does this compare to your initial findings?
25- Session 2
- Motivation - Getting the best out of people
- From the role of the manager, what key elements
involve people management?
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27People Management
- Management is
- getting things done through other people
- People are absolutely inherent in everything a
manager does
- Getting the best out of people
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30- Why do most people resist change at work?
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32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34Identify a work situation which satisfied /
dissatisfied you.
- Describe the situation
- What happened that made you feel satisfied /
35Herzberg Two Factor Theory
- Hygiene Factors
- Company policy and administration
- Supervision
- Interpersonal Relations
- Salary
- Status
- Job Security
- Personal Life
- Motivators
- Achievement
- Recognition
- Job Interest
- Responsibility
- Advancement
36- What strategies have you in place to ensure that
each person on your team enjoys Herzbergs
37(No Transcript)
38Dealing with Situations
- If you had to deal with or work within the
situation described, what would you do how
would you react how would you behave?
1A 2A
1B 2B
40Managers AssumptionsMcGregors Theory X /
Theory Y
Theory X believe Theory Y believe
The average employee dislikes work and will avoid it if possible Working is as natural as play or rest for the average employee
People must be controlled and directed and punished, if necessary, to put in a real effort at work The typical worker does not have an in-built dislike of work
The typical worker wants to avoid responsibility and has little ambition Other means exist to motivate workers rather than control and punishment
Employees look for security above all else at work In the right circumstances, workers seek responsibility
Most employees have imagination and creativity that may be used to help organisations achieve their goals
41- Session 3
- Communication Getting the right message across
43One Way One Way Two Way Two Way
You Your group You Your group
How confident are you that your drawing is exactly the same as that of the communicator (Scale 1 to 10. 1 not at all. 10 fully confident)
Were you frustrated during the exercise? (Tense unhappy displeased uncomfortable annoyed etc.) Y/N
If you did feel frustration, what was its nature, and with whom and/or with what were you frustrated?
Without looking at your watch, estimate to the nearest half-minute how long the communicating lasted. Est. Actual
When the communications have been completed, compare your drawings with the originals and estimate your accuracy. Concentrate on shape rather than dimensions. With 7 shapes, allow 15 per correct shape in the correct place
45- Session 4
- The art of delegation
46 Delegation
47- How do I decide what to do myself and what I can
allow others to do?
48Delegation Grid
49Rules of Effective Delegation
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