1 6.5
2Difference of Two Squares
- Another shortcut for factoring a trinomial is
when we want to factor the difference of two
squares. - a2 b2 (a b)(a b)
- A binomial is the difference of two squares if
- both terms are squares and
- the signs of the terms are different.
9x2 25y2
c4 d4
3Difference of Two Squares
Factor the polynomial x2 9. The first term is
a square and the last term, 9, can be written as
32. The signs of each term are different, so we
have the difference of two squares Therefore x2
9 (x 3)(x 3). Note You can use FOIL
method to verify that the factorization for the
polynomial is accurate.
4Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
- There are two additional types of binomials that
can be factored easily by remembering a formula.
- We have not studied these special products
previously, as they involve cubes of terms,
rather than just squares. - a3 b3 (a b)(a2 ab b2)
- a3 b3 (a b)(a2 ab b2)
5Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
- Factor x3 1.
- Since this polynomial can be written as x3 13,
- x3 1 (x 1)(x2 x 1).
- Factor y3 64.
- Since this polynomial can be written as y3 43,
- y3 64 (y 4)(y2 4y 16).
6Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
- Factor 8t3 s6.
- Since this polynomial can be written as (2t)3
(s2)3, - 8t3 s6 (2t s2)((2t)2 (2t)(s2) (s2)2)
- (2t s2)(4t2 2s2t s4).
- Factor x3y6 27z3.
- Since this polynomial can be written as (xy2)3
(3z)3, - x3y6 27z3 (xy2 3z)((xy2)2 (3z)(xy2)
(3z)2) - (xy2 3z)(x2y4 3xy2z 9z2).