Title: The period of European history from 500-1500.
1The period of European history from 500-1500.
2The coin, paper or gold used as money in a
3A diagram that presents information in a way that
is easy to understand.
4King of Songhai in West Africa in the late 1400s.
5A fast sailing ship that could be steered easily
and hold large amounts of cargo.
6People who buy and sell to earn a living.
7Emperor of China who encouraged exploration in
the early 1400s.
8A graph that shows patterns and amounts of change
over time.
9Portuguese navigator who was the first European
to sail from Europe to Asia in 1498.
10A group of people traveling together for safety,
especially through desert areas.
11A Portuguese explorer who was the first to sail
around the south tip of Africa.
12An Italian merchant whose book about his travels
through China stirred European interest in Asia.
13A journey made for a special purpose.
14A Chinese, Muslim sea captain who was in command
of many ships that explored many lands in South
East Asia.
15The ruler of China who befriended Marco Polo.
16A graph that shows how something can be divided
into parts.
17Prince of Portugal who established a school for
sailors known as the Navigator.
18The science of determining a ships sailing
direction and location.