Risk Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Risk Assessment


Risk Assessment Types Of Risk Assessment Human Health Risk Assessment - The characterization of the probability of potentially adverse health effects from human ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Types Of Risk Assessment
  • Human Health Risk Assessment - The
    characterization of the probability of
    potentially adverse health effects from human
    exposures to environmental hazards.
  • Ecological Risk Assessment A process that
    estimates the likelihood of undesirable
    ecological effects occurring as a result of human

Problems With Risk Assessments
  • A basic problem with both human and ecological
    risk assessments is the sparseness and
    uncertainty of the scientific data. Also -
  • Variability within dose-response curves
  • Extrapolation of animal data to humans
  • Extrapolation from high-dose to low-dose effects

Four Steps To A Risk Assessment Document
  • Hazard Identification
  • Dose-Response Assessment
  • Exposure Assessment
  • Risk Characterization

Hazard Identification
  • Hazard identification involves gathering and
    evaluating toxicity data on the types of health
    injury or disease that may be produced by a
    chemical and the conditions of exposure under
    which injury or disease is produced.
  • The subset of chemicals selected for the study is
    termed chemicals of potential concern.

Hazard Identification Data
  • Data from acute, subchronic, and chronic
    dose-response studies are used.
  • a H.R.A. would have a priority ranking of studies
    that would involve humans and other mammals.
  • an E.R.A. would use different species in
    different tropic levels the test species
    selected are generally representative of
    naturally occurring species with practical
    considerations such as ease of culture,
    sensitivity, availability, and existing databases
    also involved.

Dose-Response Assessment
  • The dose-response assessment involves describing
    the quantitative relationship between the amount
    of exposure to a chemical and the extent of toxic
    injury or disease.
  • The description is different for non-carcinogenic
    versus carcinogenic effects.

Non-Carcinogenic Effects
  • Allowable Daily Intake - The US Food and Drug
    Administration, the World Health Organization,
    and the Consumer Product Safety Commission use
    the Allowable Daily Intake (ADI) to calculate
    permissible chronic exposure levels.
  • The ADI is determined by applying safety factors
    to the highest dose in chronic human or animal
    studies that has been demonstrated not to cause

Non-Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
  • Reference Dose - The US Environmental Protection
    Agency has slightly modified the ADI. For the
    EPA, the acceptable safety level is known as the
    Reference Dose (RfD)
  • an estimate of a daily exposure level for human
    populations, including sensitive subpopulations,
    that is likely to be without an appreciable risk
    of deleterious health effects during a lifetime

Non-Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
  • The position of the EPA is that humans are as
    sensitive as the most sensitive test species
    unless other data are available.
  • UF1 x UF2 x Ufx

Non-Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
  • Safety/Uncertainty Factors
  • x10 Human Variability
  • x10 Extrapolation from animals to humans
  • x10 Use of less than chronic data
  • x10 Use of LOAEL instead of NOAEL
  • x10 Incomplete database
  • x0.1 to 10 MF Modifying Factors

Non-Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
  • Minimum Risk Levels (MRLs), used by ATSDR, are
    similar to the EPA's Reference Dose (RfD) and
    Reference Concentration (RfC).
  • An MRL is an estimate of the daily human exposure
    to a hazardous substance that is likely to be
    without appreciable risk of adverse noncancer
    health effects over a specified duration of

Non-Carcinogenic Effects Continued
  • For a H.R.A. any toxic effect can be used for the
    NOAEL or LOAEL so long as it is the most
    sensitive toxic effect and it is considered
    likely to occur in humans.
  • For an E.R.A. chief measurement endpoints are
    mortality, growth and development, and
    reproduction. In E.R.A.s one must sometimes
    extrapolate effects from a surrogate species to
    the species of interest, or from acute data to
    chronic data.

Carcinogenic Effects
  • Mathematical models are used to extrapolate from
    the high doses used in animal experiments to the
    low doses to which humans are normally exposed in
    a chronic setting.

Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
  • The key risk assessment parameter derived from
    the carcinogen risk assessment process is the
    slope factor. The slope factor is a toxicity
    value that quantitatively defines the
    relationship between dose and response.
  • a plausible upper bound estimate of the
    probability that an individual will develop
    cancer if exposure is to a chemical for a
    lifetime of 70 years.

Carcinogenic Effects - Continued
  • Slope Factor a plausible upper-bound estimate
    of the probability of a response per unit intake
    of chemical over a lifetime
  • Risk per unit dose
  • Units of Risk (mg/kg-day)-1
  • Symbol for Slope Factor q1

Cancer Assessment Categories
Exposure Assessment
  • Exposure assessment involves describing the
    nature and size of various populations exposed to
    a chemical agent, and the magnitude and duration
    of their exposures.
  • Without exposure there can be no toxicity.

Steps In Exposure Assessment
  • Characterization of exposure setting
  • Identification of exposure pathways
  • Quantification of exposure

Characterize The Exposure Setting
  • What are the situations which could lead to
  • What would lead to high exposure, medium
    exposure, and low exposure?
  • Describe the situations for the various exposure
  • Who are the people / animals exposed?

Identification of Exposure Pathways
  • Contaminated groundwater ingestion (drinking
    water), dermal contact (bathing), and inhalation
    of volatile organic compounds (showering)
  • Surface water and sediments incidental
    ingestion and dermal absorption of contaminants
    (people in bodies of water)
  • Contaminated food ingestion of contaminated
    fish tissue, vegetables and fruit grown in
    contaminated soil or covered with contaminated
    dust, meat, and dairy products

Identification of Exposure Pathways
  • Surface soils ingestion and dermal absorption
    of contaminants by children playing in dirt
  • Fugitive dust and VOC emissions inhalation by
    nearby residents or onsite workers
  • Subsurface soil and air-borne contaminants
    future land-use conditions during construction
  • Contaminated breast milk nursing infants whose
    mothers were exposed to highly toxic lipophilic

Exposure Pathways - Continued
  • All potential exposure pathways are considered
    with an analysis of
  • the contaminants released
  • the fate and transport of the contaminants
  • the population exposed to the contaminants

Quantification of Exposure
  • General statement
  • Of Chemical x Intake x Retention Factor x
    Length of Exposure
  • For Noncarcinogens
  • Maximum Daily Dose (MDD)
  • For Carcinogens
  • Lifetime Average Daily Dose (LADD)

Lifetime Average Daily Dose
  • Of The Chemical x Contact Rate x Contact
    Fraction x Exposure Duration _____________________
  • Body Weight x Lifetime

LADD Calculation Example
LADD Calculation Example - Continued
Important Note to Calculation of LADD
  • Be aware of the units used for consumption of the
    chemical (How often the chemical is obtained).
  • You may need to back calculate the number to
    mg/kg/day averaged over 70 years (a lifetime)
  • If the units are already in mg/kg/day, then no
    back calculation is needed, if units are
    mg/kg/month, then you only need to calculate back
    from months to days.

Risk Characterization
  • Exposure Assessments and Toxicity Assessments are
    integrated to give a probability of a negative
  • Risk characterization is conducted for individual
    chemicals and then summed for mixtures of
    chemicals Additivity is assummed.

Risk Characterization - Continued
  • For Noncarcinogenic chemicals
  • The Maximum Daily Dose is compared to the RfD.
    If MDD is lt RfD, then no problem- except when
    dealing with multiple chemicals.
  • For ecological issues
  • Estimated Environmental /Toxic Endpoint
    Quotient, Quotients approaching or exceeding 1.0
    represent increasing risk

Risk Characterization - Continued
  • For Carcinogenic Chemicals
  • You determine the upper confidence Limit on
  • UCL Risk Slope Factor x LADD
  • Units for Slope Factor are (mg/kg/day)-1
  • Units for LADD are mg/kg/day
  • Therefore units cancel and you get a unit-less
  • This unit-less number represents the increase in
    the number of cancer cases per year due to

Risk Characterization - Continued
  • Virtually Safe Dose
  • This was initially defined (1961) as 1 extra
    cancer death per 100 million people exposed
  • Found unenforceable by FDA in 1977
  • Currently the EPA uses 1 extra cancer death per 1
    million people exposed.
  • California uses 1 extra death per 100,000 people
    exposed (Proposition 65)
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