Informality and Women - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Informality and Women


Informality and Women s Work Head, Dept of Economics, 4th Floor, Annexe Building, SNDT Women's University, Smt. Nathibai Road, Churchgate Campus, Mumbai 400020, India – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Informality and Women

Informality and Womens Work
  • Head, Dept of Economics,
  • 4th Floor, Annexe Building, SNDT Women's
    University, Smt. Nathibai Road, Churchgate
    Campus, Mumbai 400020, India
  • Mobile 91-93210 40048
  • Email

Macro Policies
  • Dual Economy model
  • Unequal relations between dependent and dominant
  • Globalisation Triangles
  • SEZs, EPZs and FTZs
  • Role of State-complicity in perpetuating super
  • subversion of protective labour standards
  • Labour reforms

Dynamics of Informal labour Market
  • The shift from a stable/organised labour force to
    a flexible workforce has meant hiring women
    part-time, and the substitution of better-paid
    male labour by cheap female labour.
    Sub-contracting, home-based production, the
    family labour system, all have become the norm.
    This is being called an increase in efficiency'
    and productivity'.  
  • Informal rules and norms impact the transactions
    between women's productive activities and their
    environment, specifically the availability and
    costs to women of labor time, skills, productive
    assets, credit, organization, and marketing.

Dr. Arjun Sengupta Committee
  • Dr. Arjun Sengupta Committee Report on Condition
    of Work and Promotion of Livelihoods in the
    Unorganised Sector, 2006 revealed that there are
    tendencies of a higher concentration of women
    workers in low productivity and declining
    industries, belying the impression that with
    economic reforms, employment opportunities in
    more modern sectors would grow.
  • The Unorganised Workers Social Security Act,

Urban Women in the Poverty Groups
  • The percentage of women living in poor households
    was 34 in 1993-94 and 25 in 2013-14 in urban
    areas. Out of all women in the urban areas, 25
    are in the poverty groups as per NSS 68th round.
  • There has been lot of debate on inadequacy of
    income criteria as an indicator of poverty. Even
    the focus on per capita income/expenditure is
    based on a false premise that household is a
    harmonious unit where each and every members
    needs are taken care of judiciously and

Women Headed Households
  • As per 2011 Census, 27 million households,
    constituting 11 per cent of total households in
    the country, are headed by women.
  • Several studies have pointed out that
    intra-household discrimination in education
    against girls, which results in girls possessing
    less skill than boys, contributes to fewer
    economic opportunities for women, resulting in
    higher poverty rates among women-headed

Interstate and Rural-urban Migration
  • Due to shrinking job opportunities in rural
    areas, mass of poor women have been migrating to
    urban areas with or without their family members.
  • Here starts their de-skilling process as their
    skills of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries,
    forest-based occupations and artisans become
    either redundant or rated as lowly.
  • Occupations where poor women are employed have
    been dead-end jobs - domestic work, care of
    children, elderly and terminally ill people, and
    scavenging, vending and informal sector
    manufacturing jobs.

Distress Driven Employment Growth in Informal
  • The burden of supporting the family is
    increasingly falling on women as large proportion
    of poor men are becoming involuntarily or
    voluntarily unemployed in a fast-changing and
    technologically advancing economy.
  • sign of economic distress and sheer helplessness
  • The survival needs of the family often has its
    toll on women with household work and
    reproductive responsibilities still entirely seen
    as womens work outside the sphere of production.

Service Sector Work Mostly Domestic Work
  • Due to burgeoning middle class and thriving upper
    class that have enjoyed the fruits of iniquitous
    economic growth unleashed by policies of
    liberalization, privatization and globalization,
    the demand for paid domestic workers has been on
    the rise.
  • Among women and girls, paid domestic workers are
    the most disadvantaged group of women who spend a
    significantly higher portion of the day on unpaid
    care work and degrading and unsafe paid work as
    domestic help.

Need for Labour standards
  • Public Health and Reproductive Rights Concerns
  • Deplorable Quality of Life Education, Health,
    Nutrition and Sanitation
  • Labour intensity
  • Occupational Health Safety
  • Self Employed Poor Women in informal Sector
  •  Women Vendors Waste pickers
  • Sexual Harassment at Workplace
  • Special concerns of elderly women-Pension, night
    shelter, community based half way homes

Social Security Social Protection
  • Social protection needs to be seen as a long term
    investment in the productive capacities of the
    present and future generation of workers.
  • Decent and safe work should be a fundamental
    consideration of economic, trade, financial and
    social policies.
  • Social protection provision should be seen as an
    inalienable right connected to work. Schemes and
    legislations concerning health insurance,
    maternity benefits, pension, crèches, and
    workplace safety need to look at context-specific
    ways of combining contributions from different
    stakeholders, and combining statutory with
    voluntary provision.

  • Effective implementation of The Unorganised
    Workers Social Security Act, 2008 must be the
    topmost priority for both the state and social
  • The state should acknowledge private employers
    responsibility for eroding social protection as a
    serious concern and raise the awareness of
    employers of the productivity-lowering effects of
    poor employment practices.
  • Responsibility for social provision for informal
    workers needs to be shared by the state and
    employers however at present the stakeholders
    with the least responsibility are the employers/
    owners of capital.
  • Thank you
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