??C 93121309 ??? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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??C 93121309 ???


... and of English language and literature, also at Oxford, ... han accusative form san When the direct objective is after the verb, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ??C 93121309 ???

  • ??C 93121309 ???
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  • Brief introduction to J. R. R. Tolkien and Elvish
  • Elvish verbs
  • Elvish adjectives and pronouns
  • Elvish pronunciation

  • J. R. R. Tolkien
  • John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (January 3, 1892
    September 2, 1973) is best known as the author of
    The Hobbit and its sequel The Lord of the Rings.
    He was a professor of Anglo-Saxon language at
    Oxford from 1925 to 1945, and of English language
    and literature, also at Oxford, from 1945 to
    1959. He was a strongly committed Roman Catholic.

Elvish languages
Author J. R. R. Tolkien created many languages
for Elves to complement his books set in the
fictional world of Arda. His interest was
primarily philological, and he said his stories
grew out of his languages. Indeed, the languages
were the first thing Tolkien ever created for his
mythos, starting with what he originally called
Qenya(????), the first primitive form of
elvish. This was later called Quenya(???)
(High-elven) and, along with Sindarin(????)
(Grey-elven), is one of the two most complete of
Tolkien's languages. In addition to these two he
also created several other (partially derived)
Sindarin lt????gt--??????
? Sindarin is an artificial language (or
conlang) developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In
Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most
commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.
? Tolkien based the sound and some of the
grammar of his Sindarin on Welsh. (????)
Elvish languages are constructed languages used
typically by elves in a fantasy setting
EnglishA verbsI verbs ltthe third persongt
English A verbs I verbs
Add to before the verbsto-V Eg. 1.playgtto play 2.begetgtto beget 3.lickgtto lick 4.keepgtto keep 5.flygtto fly Delete the verbs suffix a and plus o Eg. 1.telia- (play) gt telio (to play) 2.onna- (beget) gt onno (to beget) Add i to the verbs, but it will cause the vowels change 1.a gt e 2.e gt e 3.i gt i 4.o gt e 5.u gt y 6.y gt y Eg. 1. lav- ( lick) gt levi (to lick) 2. yr- (run) gt yri (to run)
Present/present continuous tenselthe she it gt
English A verbs I verbs
Present tense Vses Present continuous tense Ving Eg. 1.playgtplaysgtplaying 2.stopgtstopsgtstopping 3.keepgtkeepsgtkeeping The present tense and present continuous tense are not change V Eg. 1.telia- (play) gt telia (plays, be playing) 2.dilia- (stop up) gt dilia (stops up, be stopping up) The original vowels in verbs change into long vowelsa gt â, e gt ê, i gt î Eg. 1.lav- (lick) gt lâv ( licksbe licking) 2.heb- (keep) gt hêb ( keeps be keeping) 3.tol- (come) gt tôl (comes be coming) 4. rib- (fly, rush) gt rîb (flies, rushes be flying, be rushing)
Past tenselthe she itgt
English A verbs I verbs
NormalVded eg. 1.disturbgtdisturbed 2.watchgtwatched V-ydelete y and -ied eg. 1.studygtstudied 2.saygtsaid unormal eg. 1.comegtcame 2.getgtgot unchangeable readgtread hitgthitgthit Vnt Eg. 1.telia- (play) gt teliant (played) 2.presta- (disturb) gt prestant (disturbed) The past tense will change according to the consonant suffix 1.-r gt -rn 2.-n gt -nn 3.-l gt -ll 4.-d gt -nt 5.-g gt -nc 6.-dh gt -dhant (modern), -nd (old) 7.-b gt -mp 8.-v gt -m (modern), -mp (old) eg. 1. tir- ( watch) gt tirn (watched)
Future tense lthe she itgt
English A verbs I verbs
1. willV 2. be going toV eg. 1.I will go to movie tomorrow. 2. I am going to leave for America. V-tha Eg. 1.telia- (play) gt teliatha (will play) 2.beria- (protect) gt beriatha (will protect) V-itha , and the vowels in verbs will change. Eg. 1.lav- (lick) gt levitha (will lick) 2.heb- ( keep) gt hebitha (will keep) 3.rib- (fly, rush) gt ribitha (will fly, will rush) 4.tol- (come) gt telitha (will come )
English A verbs I verbs
V It is put in the head of sentences. Eg. 1.Open your book. 2.Close the door, please. 3.Listen! Delete the vowel suffix a and plus o (the same as the infinitive) eg. lasta- (listen) gt lasto (listen!) The imperative is used in orders, claims,and anticipation. V o eg. 1.lav- ( lick) gt lavo (lick!) 2.yr- ( run) gt yro (run!)
English A verbs I verbs
Ving Eg. 1.fillgtfilling 2.rungtrunning 3.comegtcoming V d Eg. 1.gweria- (betray) gt gweriad (betraying) 2.pathra- (fill) gt pathrad (filling) V ed Eg. 1.lav- (lick) gt laved (licking) 2.yr- (run) gt yred (running)
  • Noun adjective
  • E.g. A yellow dog. -gt Hû valen.
  • Plural Noun Plural Adjective
  • E.g.
  • "A young and fair woman" adaneth neth a vain
    -gt "Young and fair women" edenith nith a vain.

Indefinite Adjective
  • All -gt singular-gt pân
  • -gt plural-gt pain
  • E.g. i nen bân (all the water)
  • i nîn bain (all the waters)

Comparative Superlative
  • An Adjective( Comparative )
  • E.g.
  • an- bain (beautiful) gt anvain (more

  • beautiful)
  • Adjective wain( Superlative )
  • E.g.
  • iaur(old) -wain gt iarwain(oldest)

Demonstratives , Cardinal, and Ordinal Numbers
  • sen -gtthis sin -gtthese te,tan -gtthat ti, tain
    -gt those( Demonstratives )
  • E.g. min coron "one ball"

  • ( Cardinal Numbers )
  • E.g. i ven ganthui "the fourth road"
  • (
    Ordinal Numbers )

  • Independent Pronoun(????)
  • the Nominative and the Accusative
  • (1) English He eats a lambas.
  • Sinoarin E mâd lambas.
  • (2) Aragorn orthor han.
  • (orthor ??, ????? orthor-)
  • han accusative form? san
  • When the direct objective is after the verb,
  • the sound will be soften.

  • the Possessive Pronoun
  • the grammar
  • the definite articlenounpossessive case
  • (1) Sinoarin i arnad lín
  • Englishthe kindom thy
  • When the nouns are embellished by the pronouns,
  • must add the articles i or in.

  • 3. Pronouns Appended to Nouns
  • Englishmy heart
  • Sinoarin(1)i 'ûr nín
  • the definite
    articlenounpossessive case
  • gûr gt 'ûr heart
  • (2)gûr -n gt guren
  • three rules1. when the last word of the noun is
  • consonant, it must
    insert e
  • 2. it doesnt need an
    article before a noun
  • 3. if the noun has only
    one vowel and its
  • the long vowel, it
    will be cut down to a
  • short vowel

Ex.???? saw -n gt sawn
gt i haw nín

  single plural
the first person -n (?...) -m (??...)
the second person (the usual form) -ch (?...) -ch (??...)
the second form (the formal form) -l (?...) -l (??...)
the third person ( ? ) -r (??...)
  • Pronouns Appended to Verbs- after the A verbs
  • the grammar do not change when it is the
    present tense or the future present
  • ex.(1) elia -m -gt teliam (we play)
  • (telia telia-(?)??????)
  • (2)teliatha -m -gt teliatham (we will
  • (teliatha telia- ??????)
  • the grammar
  • teliant -gt telianne -m -gt teliannem
    (we played)

  • the present tensethe original formgttelia
  • telion (I play, ???)
  • teliam (we play, ????)
  • teliach (you play, ???)
  • teliar (they play, ????)
  • the past tensethe original formgtteliant
  • teliannen (I played, ???)
  • teliannem (we played, ????)
  • teliannech (you played, ???)
  • telianner (they played, ????)

  • the future tensethe original formgtteliatha
  • teliathon (I will play, ????)
  • teliatham (we will play, ?????)
  • teliathach (you will play, ????)
  • teliathar (they will play, ?????)

  • ?Six vowels in Sindarin
  • a ?a e.g. park sad, adan
  • e ?e e.g. pet, tell le, pêd
  • i ?i e.g. fit, thick lim, mîr
  • o ?a e.g. BEtop ionn, noro
  • u ?U e.g. put, hook dúnadan
  • y e.g. pýd

  • ?Diphthongs Pronounce clear and complete within
    a period of a vowel
  • ai ?ai e.g. tide edain
  • ei ?e e.g. take meigol
  • ui ?muil, suilad
  • ae ?aer
  • oe ?foeg, oear
  • au ?loud caun

Bilabial (???) Labiodental (???) Interdental (???) Alveolar (???) Palatal (???) Velar (???) Glottal (???)
Stop (??) -voiced voiced p b t d k (c) g (g) ?no/s/ ?no/ /
Nasal (??) m?(mh) n (ng)
Fricative (??) -voiced voiced f ?(ph) v ?(bh) ?(_-f ) ?th ?dh s ?z ? ? h(ch ) ? ?
Affricate (???) -voiced voiced ? ?
Glide (??) -voiced voiced M (hw) w hw? ?? j w h
Liquid (??) d (?) (lh ) --v l r (???) (rh) --v
Aragorn and Arwen in Imladris. The Fellowship of
the Ring
Arwen A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn. (Arwen
The Shadow does not hold sway yet. Lit. Till
now the Shadow not masters, Aragorn.) Arwen Ú
or le a ú or nin. (Arwen 'Not over you and not
over me.) Arwen Renich i lú i erui
govannem? (Arwen Do you remember the time when
we first met?)
  • Aragorn Nauthannen i ned ôl reniannen.
  • (Aragorn I thought I had strayed into a dream.)
  • Arwen Gwenwin in enninath...
  • (Arwen Long years have passed...)
  • Arwen Ú-'arnech in naeth i si celich.
  • (Arwen You did not have the cares you carry
  • Arwen Renich i beth i pennen?
  • (Arwen Do you remember the word I told you?)

a si   adv. 'as yet' 'up to the present time'
cf. an 'to, towards' si 'now'. i-Dhúath   n.
'the Shadow' lenited form of dúath 'darkness,
shadow'. ú-orthor   v. pres. 'it doesn't
conquer' cf. orthor- 'master, conquer'. ú   adv.
'not'. or   prep. 'above , over'. le   pron.
'you'. a   conj. 'and' nin   pron. 'me' renich  
v. pres. 'you remember' ren- 'remember.  i lú  
n. 'the time' cf. lû 'time, occasion'. i  pron.
conj. 'that here when'. erui   adj. adv.
'first' govannem   v. pt. 'we met' cf. govad-
'meet'. nauthannen   v. pt. 'I thought' cf.
nautha- 'conceive think.
  • Sindarin http//home.kimo.com.tw/michiru_benson/Ed
  • Tolkiens Languages in LOTR http//www.elvish.org/
  • Ardalambion http//lucifer.fantasy.org.tw/lotr/99_
  • Elvish Language http//lucifer.fantasy.org.tw/lotr

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