First Law for A Control Volume - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First Law for A Control Volume


Title: Engineering Thermodynamics Author: abc Last modified by: hp Created Date: 1/12/2004 10:50:19 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: First Law for A Control Volume

First Law for A Control Volume
  • P M V Subbarao
  • Professor
  • Mechanical Engineering Department

Modeling of True Engineering Systems..
Laws of Nature for A Control Mass
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Momentum
First law of thermodynamics
Rate Equations for Laws of Nature for A Control
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Momentum
First law of thermodynamics
The Family of Thermodynamic Systems
Engineering Symptoms of Civilization
The Pinnacle of Civilization
The Onset of Civilization
An Important Innovation
Development of Reactors
CVs for Day to Day Use
Supply Use of LPG through Cylinders
Domestic Using of LPG
Control Mass or Control Volume
  • A Representation for Engineering Convenience

CM CV Representation of a Device
  • Control Mass representation of Can
  • The total Deodorant
  • Control Volume representation of Can
  • Deodorant in side the can
  • At time t 0, (before spray).
  • The total mass of Deodorant Mass of Deodorant
    in side the can
  • Control mass is same as control volume

CM CV Representation of a Device
  • At t dt (after spraying)
  • Control mass control volume spray
  • It is possible to relate CM and CV of a device at
    any instant!
  • Principle of Conservation mass says that the rate
    of change of mass for a control mass is always
  • What about control volume?

The Thermodynamic Control Volume
  • In real engineering devices, we are usually
    interested in a region of space, i.e, control
    volume and not particular control mass.
  • The laws of nature are connected to Control Mass.
  • Therefore, we need to transform Laws of
    Conservation for a control mass to a control
  • This is accomplished through the use of Reynolds
    Transport Theorem.
  • Specially derived in thermodynamics for CV .

Flowing Fluid Through A CV
  • A typical control volume for flow in an
    funnel-shaped pipe is bounded by the pipe wall
    and the broken lines.
  • At time t0, all the fluid (control mass) is
    inside the control volume.

  • The fluid that was in the control volume at time
    t0 will be seen at time t0 dt as           .

The control volume at time t0dt           .

The control mass at time t0 dt        .
There will be differences between the fluid
(control mass) and the control volume at time t0
dt        .
A Generalized Functional Model for CV
  • Consider a control mass and a control volume
    (C.V.) as follows
  • the control mass occupies region I and C.V.
    (region II) at time t0.
  • Fluid particles of region I are trying to enter
    C.V. (II) at time t0.

  • the same control mass occupies regions (IIIII)
    at t0 dt
  • Fluid particles of I will enter CV-II in a time
  • Few more fluid particles which belong to CV II
    at t0 will occupy III at time t0 dt.

Reynolds' Transport Theorem
III has left CV at time t0dt
I is trying to enter CV at time t0
The control volume may move as time passes.
For and infinitesimal time duration
A Simple Accounting !!!
The above mentioned change has occurred over a
time dt, therefore Time averaged change in any
general property of a control mass, BCM is
  • The rate of change of property B of the system.

Conservation of Mass
  • Let B mass of the system, m.

The rate of change of mass in a control mass
should be zero.
Conservation of Momentum
  • Let B momentum of the system, mV.

The rate of change of momentum for a control mass
should be equal to resultant external force.
First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Let B E, Energy of the system, me.

The rate of change of energy of a control mass
should be equal to difference of work and heat
transfer rates.
Rate Equations for Laws of Nature Control Mass
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Momentum
First law of thermodynamics
First Law for A Control Volume
  • Conservation of mass
  • Conservation of momentum
  • Conservation of energy

More Mathematical Definitions for A CV
Thermodynamic Nature of Variables of CV
  • Incoming and outgoing mass flow rates are steady.
  • Properties of incoming and outgoing flows are
    homogeneous and invariant.
  • Properties of CV can be inhomogeneous and
  • Following features for CV are possible.
  • Inhomogeneous and variant Difficult to solve
    using thermodynamics.
  • Homogeneous and invariant A trivial situation
    for a CV. No heat or work interactions required.
  • Inhomogeneous and invariant Steady State System.
  • Rate of work and heat interactions must be
    invariant too.
  • Homogeneous and variant Transient System.
  • Rate of work and heat interactions are variant.

Applications of CV Analysis
  • A means to estimate the size of engineering

First Law for CVSteady State Steady Flow
Properties of CV are Invariant
  • Conservation of mass

NO accumulation or depletion of mass of a CV.
  • Conservation of energy

NO addition or removal of energy for a CV.
Rate of Work and Heat Transfers SSSF
Both rate of heat transfer and rate of work
transfer are invariant. The work done per unit
mass and heat transfer per unit mass are
invariant. The specific work transfer at
various parts of a CV can be different. The
specific heat transfer at various parts of a CV
can be different.
The Steam Power Plant
Executes a Thermodynamic Cycle using an assembly
of CVs
Multiple Inflows Multiple Outlets !!!
Complex Engineering Control Volume SSSF
SSSF Conservation of mass
First Law
Comparison of A control mass and SSSF CV during a
change of state
Consider compression processes using CM and CV
Reciprocating compressor A Control Mass mCM
Initial State p1,v1 and T1.
Final State p2,v2 and T2.
Centrifugal compressor A Control Volume _at_SSSF
Outlet State pout,vout and Tout.
Inlet State pin,vin and Tin.
Various parts of A CV are at different states
during SSSF process !!
Salient Features of CV _at_SSSF Process
  • Rate of mass inflow Rate mass outflow.
  • Work done per unit mass is invariant.
  • Heat transfer per unit mass is invariant.
  • Change of state or process is not for the CV!
  • The incoming fluid changes its state from inlet
    to exit conditions.
  • A CM possesses different states at different time
  • A CV possesses All states at any time but at
    different spatial locations.
  • A CV with SSSF process is an inhomogeneous
  • A CV can work continuously without changing its
  • A CV lowers the importance of time !
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