Title: An Energy-Efficient Architecture for DTN Throwboxes
1An Energy-Efficient Architecture for DTN
- Nilanjan Banerjee, Mark Corner, Brian N. Levine
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2 What are Disruption Tolerant Networks ?
- DTNs are sparse networks with low node density
- Transfer data through intermittent contacts
- Nodes are largely disconnected
- Come naturally from the applications they support
- Wildlife tracking
- Underwater exploration and monitoring
- Or from fragility and failures in the network
itself - Major natural disasters
- Jamming and Noise
- Power Failure
3Examples of DTN
UMass DieselNet Burgess et al. Infocom 06
4Limitations of Mobile DTNs
- Do you have enough capacity in your DTN?
- what can you do about it?
- Most influential factor in DTN performance?
- the frequency and number of contact opportunities
- How can we increase contacts?
- more mobile nodes
- change the mobility pattern of nodes
- mobility patterns inherent to a particular
Place a relay and create a virtual contact
Route A
Route B
6Solution Throwboxes
- Throwboxes stationary battery powered relays
- has radios and storage
- cheap, small, easy to deploy
- solar powerperpetual operation
- Challenges
- where do we place these boxes ? Wenrui et al.
Mass 06 - make them ultra low power for perpetual
operation -
7Solution Throwboxes
- Throwboxes stationary battery powered relays
- has radios and storage
- cheap, small, easy to deploy
- solar powerperpetual operation
- Challenges
- where do we place these boxes ? Wenrui et al.
Mass 06 - make them ultra low power for perpetual
operation -
- Design Goals
- Throwbox Architecture
- Mobility Prediction Engine
- Lifetime Scheduler
- Throwbox Prototype and Deployment
- Experimental Results
- Power Savings
- Routing Performance
- Conclusions
9Throwbox Design Goals
- Small form factor, portable and cheap
- Can be placed practically anywhere in the
network - Design should be general
- Applicable to wide variety of DTNs
- Should not use prior information about
mobility patterns - Run perpetually on solar panels of the size of
the box - Translates to a small average power constraint
- Optimization goal maximize the number of packets
forwarded - for now, purely a local metric, not end-to-end
10Present Approches
- Use PSM on the 802.11 card Anand et. al
MobiCom 2005 - Neighbor Discovery Cost is huge (gt 95 of
total energy cost) - Huge idle cost of the platform hosting the
card - Wasted Energy due to wakeups on brief contacts
- Use Dual Radio platforms Jun et. al Chants
2006 - Huge idle cost of the platform hosting the
radios - Short range radio cannot detect a large
number of contacts -
Energy consumption too high for perpetual
operation !
11Our Approach Tiered Architecture
- Neighbor Discovery
- DTNs are sparse discovery is extremely
expensive - Energy is wasted when waking the platform
- Data Transfer
- Requires a powerful WiFi Radio
- High power platform
- Tier-0 (low power) search peers , decide tier-1
wakeups - Tier-1 (high power) data transfers and routing
13Mobility Measurement and Prediction
- Buses transmit pos, dir, and speed.
- Throwbox predicts
- if bus will reach data-range before tier-1 can be
woken? - length of time in range
- Track the probability the node enters data-range
given series of cells it must traverse - Statistics kept on each cell
- Markovian assumption allows simple calculation
- Each contact incurs fixed cost to wake tier-1
platform. - Most efficient strategy wake for largest
contacts - saves energy, but mostly designed to limit power
- 0-1 Knapsack problem reduces to this scheduling
problem - choose items to carry s.t. (?weight capacity)
and maximizes ?value. - C1 ... Cn events, each has
- total energy cost ei (weight), bytes transferred
di (value) - Energy constraint P t (capacity)
- Solution is subset of events s.t. (?ei Pt) and
maximizes ?di
15Token Bucket Approach
- Take this event, next event, or both?
- Token rate average power constraint
- Estimate the size energy cost
- ignore if insufficient tokens
- Compute tokens generated till next event
- based on tracking inter-arrival times
- If sufficient tokens for both events
- take current event
- If current event larger than next connection take
it - otherwise wait for next one
16Prototyping Throwbox
- TelosB Mote (sensor)
- 900 MHz XTend radio
- 8 MHz microcontroller
- Stargate
- 802.11b CF card
- 400MHz PXA255 Xscale
- All DieselNet code
- Rechargeable cells, solar power, energy
monitoring - some custom hardware
17Experimental Setup
- How effective is our energy management design?
- compare with single platform periodic wake up
(PSM) - Two-platform with mobility prediction (WoW)
- Can we really run it on solar-power?
- At reduced consumption does it still help?
- use the successful delivery metric
- Use trace-based simulation and deployment
- equipped 40 busses with XTend radios
- placed three Throwboxes for several weeks
- record contact opportunities with buses (both
18Throwbox Placement
Throwbox deployed on bikes in UMassDieselNet
19Power Savings (equivalent transfers)
- 20x less power than periodic
wakeup - 5x less power than just mobility
20Routing performance
- Throwbox at 80mW equivalent to best case.
- Placing relays in DTNs can produce huge
performance boost - Motivates studies on adding Meshes or
Infostations to DTN - Tiered Architecture can produce substantial
energy savings - Can lead to 31 times less energy
consumption - Need for systems to adapt to variable
solar power - Multi-radio systems are energy efficient in
sparse networks - Need for more efficient use of the XTend
channel - Low bitrate radio can be used to gather packet
info - Need to integrate power management into routing
22An Energy-Efficient Architecture for DTN
- Nilanjan Banerjee, Mark Corner, Brian N. Levine
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
23Throwbox Vs Infostations
- Infostations are hotspots connected to the
Internet. - Throwboxes are untethered routers in a DTN.
- Infostations build to provide mobile users with
data of interest. - Throwboxes act as routers to improve capacity of
DTNs. - Infostations designed with the motivation of
providing always available service for urgent
messages in cellular networks. - Throwboxes designed with the motivation to
engineer large number of contacts in disruption
tolerant networks.
24Energy performance
- Need larger cell, but perpetual operation
possible - Unanswered questions about solar variation