Title: Formal management process
1Job reviewWhat is it?
- Formal management process
- Review planning
- Objectives
- Development opportunity
- Participative
- Empowerment
- Prepare
- Discuss Review Explore Agree
- Follow-up Support Review
3Purpose - manager
- Future objectives
- Agree success of past objectives
- Decide on job progress/ promotion
- Who needs training - what sort?
- Consider needs of employees
4Purpose - employee
- Career development exercise
- Clear job/ tasks/ objectives
- Chance to think about potential- how to reach
it? - Think about own career own needs- can company
provide them?
5Attitudes skills
- Clear about purpose
- Discuss performance, not person
- Atmosphere
- Who talks most?
- Give feedback
- Suggestions for improvement
- Summarise
- Shut up listen!
- Fairness
- Openness
- Equality
- Trust
- Planned performance
- Improved performance
- Planned personal development
- Problem-solving
- Plan next steps
- Motivate
- Empower
8Job review form
State your understanding of your main duties responsibilities
1. Has the past year been good/bad/satisfactory or otherwise for you, and why?
1. Has the past year been good/bad/satisfactory, and why?
3. What do you like and dislike about working for this firm?
4. What elements of your job do you find most difficult?
5. What elements of your job interest you the most, and least?
6. What are your most important aims and tasks next year?
7. What action could you take to improve your performance in your current position by you. What could your boss do?
98. What kind of work or job would you like to be doing in one/two/five years time?
9. What sort of training/experiences would benefit you in the next year? Not just job-skills - also your natural strengths and personal passions you'd like to develop
10List the objectives you set out to achieve in the past 12 months with standards agreed .Comment on achievement with reasons where appropriate. Score against each objective (1 poor, 10 excellent) List the objectives you set out to achieve in the past 12 months with standards agreed .Comment on achievement with reasons where appropriate. Score against each objective (1 poor, 10 excellent) List the objectives you set out to achieve in the past 12 months with standards agreed .Comment on achievement with reasons where appropriate. Score against each objective (1 poor, 10 excellent) List the objectives you set out to achieve in the past 12 months with standards agreed .Comment on achievement with reasons where appropriate. Score against each objective (1 poor, 10 excellent)
Objectives Measure Score Comment
11Score your own capability or knowledge of your
current role (1-3 poor, 10 excellent).
Bring evidence to support your assessment
- commercial judgement
- product/technical knowledge
- time management
- planning, budgeting and forecasting
- reporting and administration
- communication skills
- delegation skills
- IT/equipment/machinery skills
- meeting deadlines/commitments
- creativity
- problem-solving and decision-making
- team-working and developing others
- energy, determination and work-rate
- steadiness under pressure
- leadership and integrity
- adaptability, flexibility, and mobility
- corporate responsibility and ethics
12- In light of your current capabilities, your
performance against past objectives and your
future personal growth and/or job aspirations,
what tasks would you like to focus on next year.
Think of development and experiences outside of
job skills - personal aims, fulfilment, passions.
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.