OSCR Survey Results - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OSCR Survey Results


OSCR Survey Results (Survey conducted Oct / Nov 2003) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OSCR Survey Results

OSCR Survey Results
  • (Survey conducted Oct / Nov 2003)

  • The OSCR survey was conducted over the period
    mid-Oct to late-Nov 2003. It was run online, via
  • The questions were chosen to give a rounded
    picture of the various aspects of OSCR
  • There were 250 respondents, roughly 18 of RGU
  • Validation checks (see next slide) indicate that
    the sample is a reasonable representation of the
    RGU staff population
  • The results give a comprehensive picture of OSCR
    implementation status at RGU

Validation checks
  • Survey RGU overall
  • Areas of work
  • Prof / support 54 55
  • Academic 31 33
  • Ac Research 9 8
  • Managerial 4 5
  • Gender
  • Female 63 56.4
  • Part / full time
  • Full time 89 67.6
  • Supervisory
  • Reviewers 25 17 (est.)

Overall result
  • 95 of employees are currently participating in
    the OSCR process, having been through the
    objective setting process
  • 50 of employees have had a mid-year review
  • 32 of employees have had a full-year review
  • The process is well-established, with a high of
    employees in the process. However there is a
    significant lag effect with a
    disproportionately low of employees having
    completed the 2nd and 3rd phases

  • There is a strong sense of alignment of personal
    job objectives with both team and school /
    department objectives
  • New employees are being inducted into OSCR
    effectively (71 Agree / Strongly Agree, versus
    only 16 Disagree / Strongly Disagree)
  • Overall, the OSCR process is seen as effective by
    50 of respondents, versus 26 disagreeing. This
    is an encouraging result just one year on from

Development areas
  • There is a significant lag effect, with only
    60 of possible total population having done
    mid-year or full-year reviews
  • Improvement in communication as a result of OSCR
    (40 agree, 30 disagree) leaves significant room
    for further improvement
  • For research staff, the process of regular
    quarterly review meetings is not yet well
    established only 26 agree and 55 disagree
    that the process is working effectively
  • Reviewers feel that the OSCR process has helped
    to some degree to improve focus on objectives and
    development needs, but there is still significant
    improvement potential. 41 agreed and 31
    disagreed with this proposition

Training development
  • 44 of respondents have had some form of
    development discussion with their supervisor or
    reviewer in the last 2-3 months (either as part
    of OSCR or not). This is consistent with the
    lag in completing mid-year and full-year
    OSCRs. There is significant scope to improve the
    alignment of, and focus on, personal development

New employees since July 2003
The OSCR process has been explained to me, and I
have had an initial objective setting meeting
with my supervisor / reviewer
An excellent result the process is clearly
being explained to new employees
When employees started in the process
243 responses in total. 95 of employees in the
process. Launched in Aug 2002 Cross check with Q
2 (Have you had an objective setting
meeting.... 91 said yes
OSCR implementation status, Dec 2003
96 (of theoretical max)
Very high of participants, but lag effect
becoming significant as process matures
OSCR implementation status, detail
Variable levels of sticking with it
of employees
Overall view of process
Taking everything into account, the OSCR
process has been effective for me in helping
clarify my work objectives and establish any
associated training and development needs
Alignment to team objectives
My OSCR objectives are aligned to the objectives
of my immediate work team
An excellent result strong alignment
Alignment to school, etc objectives
My OSCR objectives are aligned to the objectives
of my school, department, or faculty
An excellent result strong alignment
Researcher quarterly reviews
In addition to the OSCR process, I have regular
1/4ly reviews with my supervisor, and have had
at least one such review meeting
Significant feedback that quarterly reviews are
not yet normal practice
How do reviewers feel about OSCR?
I believe the OSCR process has significantly
helped to improve the focus on key objectives
and development needs of employees
Not bad, but could do better
I believe the OSCR process has been effective
in improving communication
Trend is good, and undecided group may well be
more ve than ve, but room for improvement
Recent development conversations?
I have had a recent (last 3 months) discussion
with my supervisor / reviewer regarding my
training and development needs
Comments paraphrased and grouped
  • There is a significant view that the process is
    much less effective where reviewers are not
    direct supervisors mainly due to a lack of
    openness, fear of non-confidentiality, and lack
    of knowledge of the individual concerned
  • There is a significant view that reward should
    be more closely linked to performance
  • Some employees still seem not to understand the
    process, even though they have been through at
    least one OSCR meeting with their reviewer. There
    is a continual need to reinforce the process, at
    all levels
  • There was evidence that some senior employees
    are conducting OSCRs yet have not started their
  • There is a view that more effort needs to be
    made by reviewers to discuss training and
    development needs and to follow up effectively to
    action them where appropriate

Comments paraphrased and grouped - 2
  • OSCR induction although the data indicates a
    relatively high level of induction into the
    process for new employees (only 15 of employees
    who have joined in the past 3 months havent had
    an initial objective setting meeting) some people
    complained that they had still not been
    introduced to OSCR. It is important to ensure all
    new employees get effective induction and an
    initial OSCR meeting in their first 3 months
  • There are comments that the OSCR process is
    being used as a substitute for management,
    implying that the process is sometimes being used
    as a stand alone management tool
  • Several comments indicate a perceived lack of
    flexibility in the OSCR process. This seems to be
    because objectives are being set but not updated
    regularly enough as priorities shift
  • There was a comment that more effort should be
    put into developing the interpersonal skills of
    team leaders

Comments paraphrased and grouped - 3
  • There is a view that OSCR objectives sometimes
    do not relate closely enough to a persons job
    and that this can make feedback and review less
    meaningful. This implies that more effort is
    needed to explain how OSCR objectives should tie
    directly to major job objectives. A rule of
    thumb would be for the OSCR to reflect roughly
    80 of what a person actually does
  • There were comments that indicated some people
    only see their reviewer at OSCR review meetings.
    This makes it difficult to build rapport or to
    know enough about individual progress and
    performance in order to conduct a successful OSCR
  • There is a significant view that the OSCR
    process is not applied consistently
  • Some people appear to get little feedback, or an
    opportunity to discuss their performance against
    objectives. The process at times seems to focus
    on completing the form versus open discussion
    and dealing with issues raised

Comments paraphrased and grouped - 4
  • Some people seem to have had an objective setting
    meeting, but no follow-up meetings and no
    mid-year review meeting
  • Some OSCR meetings appear to include minimal
    discussion about personal development or career

The focus group
  • This was set up to review the OSCR survey results
    and provided feedback on status of OSCR at RGU
    in effect validating the results
  • A cross-section of RGU employees were chosen for
    the focus group
  • Overall the team broadly validated the findings
    of the survey. A summary of key additional
    discussion points raised by the team appear on
    the following 2 slides

Themes from the focus group
  • Training versus development we need to focus
    more on the overall development need (into which
    training may fit)
  • We need to broaden reviewers awareness of
    developing people a more comprehensive
    approach is needed, focusing on enhancing roles
    and peoples capability, and the support /
    development they need over the longer term
  • Development may be seen as a rigid process,
    with not enough flexibility around development
    for what?
  • May be too current reviewer dependent not
    enough notice taken of previous OSCR (or even
    SDCR) reviews with regard to development needs
    need to have the full picture to be effective
  • There is a feeling that culture is localised
    within RGU, and that this is reflected in OSCRs
    and buy-in to the process
  • Higher level buy-in may be a problem in some
    areas. Reinforcement by cascading from EG
    downwards will help to improve this

Themes from focus group - continued
  • There is a perception that not enough is overtly
    stated about how employees are valued by RGU.
    This is critical to an effective OSCR process as
    it sends a signal about the importance of people
  • Some people still see objective setting as a
    meaningless process maybe because those same
    people are not encouraged to have meaningful
    objectives. Good role modelling is critical to
    success with OSCR
  • The leadership development programme offers an
    opportunity to drive better overview and cascade
    of performance management influence on
  • We may need greater customer focus, versus task
    focus, in objective setting. I.e. greater
    consideration of the needs of people impacted by
    personal objectives
  • Consider group meetings / workshops for reviewers
    to share experiences and learn from each other

Next steps
  • A concerted communication effort to ensure
    mid-year and full-year reviews are completed and
    new objectives set. In progress, initially
    through EG and SMG
  • Full involvement by all senior managers. Ensuring
    a high profile of OSCR role modelling. As above
  • Quality of review meetings - improvement in
    communication and feedback. New workshop
    currently being rolled out by HR
  • Ensure researcher quarterly reviews are held
    regularly ongoing communication effort via
    research leaders and HR Advisors

Next steps - continued
  • Update the web page guide on OSCR. Specifically
    add more about how versus what. More guidance
    for reviewers. To be completed shortly
  • Possibly hold informal reviewer workshops
    learning from each other. To be considered
    assess need
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