Software Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Engineering


Software Engineering Part1 - Introduction – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Engineering

Software Engineering
  • Part1 - Introduction

Software Engineering Part 1
  • State what is meant by the term software
  • Describe the software process or lifecycle
  • Explain the importance of Software Development
  • List the attributes of well designed software
  • Describe the following Software Development
    process models
  • Waterfall
  • Evolutionary or iterative development
  • Prototyping
  • Extreme programming
  • Spiral

Problems with Software
  • Developing software for large-scale systems is
    much more difficult than development for smaller
  • Complexity the more complex a task the more
    likely errors will be introduced. Modularisation
    of a large, complex task into smaller sub-tasks
    can reduce the overall complexity
  • Sizeas the size of a project increases, the
    number of individuals involved increases leading
    to increased communicational complexity and thus
    higher probability of errors occurring. This
    requires a clear medium of communication that is
    reliable and complete.
  • TimescalesQuality of software versus cost of
  • Costsoftware is now the predominant factor in
    computer system cost, far exceeding hardware
  • ManagementGood project planning vital to
    development of quality software on time.

Case Study from SommervilleTherac-25
  • Linear accelerators create high- energy beams
    that can destroy tumors with minimal impact on
    the surrounding healthy tissue
  • Therac 25 was the first linear accelerator with
    dosage controlled solely by software (as opposed
    to hardware)

Ref sommerville
1983 Pre-release Safety Analysis
  • Programming errors have been reduced by extensive
    testing on a hardware simulator and under field
    conditions on teletherapy units. Any residual
    software errors are not included in the analysis.
  • Program software does not degrade due to wear,
    fatigue, or reproduction process.
  • Computer execution errors are caused by faulty
    hardware components and by "soft" (random) errors
    induced by alpha particles and electromagnetic

Ref sommerville
and then
  • 1983 First Therac 25 installed
  • 1985-1987 Six massive-overdose accidents due to
    software error are reported. Overdoses caused
    severe burns and death.
  • 1987 Recalled for extensive design changes,
    including hardware to safeguard against software
    errors in dosage.

Ref sommerville
US Federal Aviation Administration
  • 1981 FAA announced plans to modernize
    air-traffic control.
  • 1985 IBM awarded contract. System estimate to
    have 1.5 million lines of code, cost 2.5
    billion, and be deployed by 1991.
  • 1987 Revised cost 4.3 billion, deployment
    slipped to 1995.
  • 1994 FAA decided that the project would never be
    completed, and cancelled it. Net loss 1.5
  • Main issue causing project delay and cost growth
    was the lack of coordination between the FAA and
    air traffic controllers and service technicians
    during the early stages of development - led to
    design that could significantly impact the
    controllers ability to control aircraft.

Ref sommerville
Stats on software projects
  • 31.1 are cancelled before they are finished
  • 52.7 overrun their cost estimates by at least
  • 33.3 overrun their time estimates by 100-200
  • 94 of all projects do a restart

J. Johnson, Creating Chaos, American
Programmer, July 1995
Ref sommerville
So why do projects fail
  • Unrealistic Schedules
  • Inappropriate Staffing
  • Changing Requirements During Development
  • Poor-Quality Work
  • Believing in Magic

Ref sommerville
What is Software Engineering?
  • Software engineering is concerned with
    theories, methods and tools for the systematic
    production and maintenance of software products
    that are developed and maintained on time and
    within cost estimates.

Ref sommerville
Software Engineering
  • A systematic approach to the development of
    medium to large-scale software systems, usually
    involving teams of programmers.
  • Good software development techniques required to
    minimise programming errors and localise the
    scope of errors.
  • The development of the documentation necessary to
    install, use, develop and maintain the programs
    is crucial
  • Cost-effective software development
  • A technological and a managerial discipline.
  • Aims to reduce cost of software development by
  • Placing greater emphasis on systematic
  • Finding out the users requirements
  • Specifying the system requirements in some
    formal/semi-formal way
  • Producing prototypes
  • Trying to ensure error free code

Software Cost!
  • Bear in mind that
  • it is 100 times more expensive to redesign a
    problem after delivery of the product than to
    identify the users requirements correctly at the
    start of the design,
  • maintenance costs are typically twice the
  • about 15 of development costs are in coding
    software is more than CODE.
  • and it is obvious that effort spent in a
    systematic approach (i.e. engineering) from the
    start of a project will not be wasted.

Aim of software engineeringThe aim is to develop
software which is
  • Software should perform as expected by the user.
    This is particularly important in safety or
    life-critical areas such as Avionics, chemical
    plant, medical systems.
  • Software should be written so that changes can be
    made without undue cost.
  • Software should not make wasteful use of system
  • Software should have an appropriate user
    interface. For example, ease of use, ease of
    learning, presentation, attractive.
  • This includes confidentiality and access rights.

What is a Software Process/Software LifeCycle?
  • A set of activities whose goal is the development
    or evolution of software.
  • Generic activities in all software processes are
  • Requirement specification/analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Evolution

Life Cycle Model
  • Several different activities may be carried out
    in each life cycle phase.
  • Entry and exit criteria defined for every phase.
  • A phase can start only if its phase-entry
    criteria have been satisfied.
  • A phase is considered to be complete only when
    all its exit criteria are satisfied.

Software Development Lifecycle Models
  • There are a number of models for software
    development lifecycle, for example
  • Build and fix model
  • Classic Waterfall Model
  • Incremental model
  • Spiral model
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Extreme Programming

Build and fix model
  • trial and error approach
  • adequate for simple software programs
  • unacceptable for large and complex systems

Waterfall Model
Waterfall Model
  • Advantages
  • Organised approach, provides robust separation of
  • Reflects common engineering practice
  • Disadvantages
  • Doesnt cope well with changes required by the
  • Development teams might wait for each other
  • A working version of the product is available
    only late
  • Applicability
  • When requirements are well known and few changes
    are likely to be needed
  • Can be used also for parts of larger software

Process Iteration
  • System requirements ALWAYS evolve in the course
    of a project so process iteration where earlier
    stages are reworked is always part of the process
    for large systems.
  • Iteration can be applied to any of the generic
    process models.

Iterative Development
  • Waterfall model breaks down a project based on
  • requirement analysis, design, coding and testing.
  • Iterative development breaks down a project by
    subsets of functionality.
  • Overall lifecycle composed of several iterations
  • each iteration a self-contained mini-project
    composed of activities such as requirement
    analysis, design, coding and testing.
  • Iteration Release
  • At the end of each iteration
  • a stable integrated and tested system with a
    subset of the final functionality completed.
  • provide a baseline for the developer
  • usually not released to the customer until the
    final iteration.

Iterative Development Approaches
  • Evolutionary
  • Incremental
  • Spiral

Evolutionary development
  • Main characteristics
  • The phases of the software construction are
  • Feedback from the user is used throughout the
    entire process
  • The software product is refined through many

Evolutionary development
  • Exploratory development
  • Objective is to work with customers and to evolve
    a final system from an initial outline
    specification. Should start with well-understood
    requirements and add new features as proposed by
    the customer.
  • Throw-away prototyping
  • Objective is to understand the system
    requirements. Should start with poorly understood
    requirements to clarify what is really needed.

Evolutionary development
  • Advantages
  • Deals constantly with changes
  • Provides quickly an initial version of the system
  • Customer input throughout development yields
    system closer to their (immediate) needs
  • Problems
  • Lack of process visibility, not well-supported by
  • Systems structure can be corrupted by continuous
  • Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid
    prototyping) may be required.
  • Applicability
  • For small or medium-size interactive systems
  • For parts of large systems (e.g. the user
  • For short-lifetime systems.

Incremental delivery
  • Rather than deliver the system as a single
    delivery, the development and delivery is broken
    down into increments with each increment
    delivering part of the required functionality.
  • User requirements are prioritised and the highest
    priority requirements are included in early
  • Once the development of an increment is started,
    the requirements are frozen though requirements
    for later increments can continue to evolve.

Incremental delivery advantages
  • Customer value can be delivered with each
    increment so system functionality is available
  • e.g. ATM 1)withdraw cash 2)lodge cash 3)show
    balance 4)print statement 5)change PIN number
    6)Top-up mobile phone
  • Early increments act as a prototype to help
    elicit requirements for later increments.
  • Lower risk of overall project failure.
  • The highest priority system services tend to
    receive the most testing.

Spiral development
  • Combines features of the rapid prototyping and
    waterfall models.
  • Process is represented as a spiral rather than as
    a sequence of activities with backtracking.
  • The project starts at the centre of the spiral
    and builds progressively more complete version of
    the software as the spiral expands outwards.
  • Each loop in the spiral represents a phase in the
    process and is split into 4 sectors.
  • No fixed phases such as specification or design -
    loops in the spiral are chosen depending on what
    is required.
  • Risks are explicitly assessed and resolved
    throughout the process leading to a risk based
    development model.

Customer review
Spiral model of the software process
Spiral model sectors
  • Objective setting
  • Specific objectives for the phase are identified.
  • Risk assessment and reduction
  • Risks are assessed and activities put in place to
    reduce the key risks.
  • Development and validation
  • A development model for the system is chosen
    which can be any of the generic models.
  • Planning
  • The project is reviewed and the next phase of the
    spiral is planned.

Spiral model features
  • Advantages
  • Risk reduction mechanisms are in place
  • Supports iteration and reflects real-world
  • Systematic approach
  • Disadvantages
  • Requires expertise in risk evaluation and
  • Complex, relatively difficult to follow strictly
  • Applicable only to large systems
  • Applicability
  • Typically used for large, expensive projects.

  • Construction of prototypes is standard practice
    in engineering.
  • Requirements can be validated by prototyping,
    thus reducing risk.
  • Prototypes are used during feasibility studies
    and are often constructed from reusable parts.
  • Typically used for 4GL development projects.

Extreme Programming
  • This is a so called agile method developed in
    the 1990s for smaller systems which have to be
    developed quickly
  • allow the development team to concentrate on the
    software rather than on the design and
  • Agile methods rely on an iterative approach as in
    the Incremental Model but with the end user
    involved very closely with the developers
    throughout the development process the user is
    a member of the development team.
  • The user is continually monitoring output,
    providing feedback and modifying his requirements
    specification as required.
  • The customer is involved to extreme levels in
    frequent iterative development - hence the title.
  • It is approached through the use of scenarios-
    what will happen if?. 
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