Title: Maggie Alvarado
1Tri-generation System Scope Progress Report
- Maggie Alvarado
- Diego Azevedo
- Raphael Santos Cavalcanti
- Natalie Levings
- Richard Robards
- Bruno Vieira
- Status at End of Fall Design Choices Solidified
- Current Status
- Scope of Work for Spring
- Heat Regulation
- Water-heating Unit
- Alternative Fuels Engine Conversion
- Expansion
- Testing
- Collaboration with Brazil Expansion
- Major Difficulties
- Schedule/Plan
- Spring Schedule
- Conclusion
3Status at End of Fall
- Heat Regulation for Refrigeration Unit
- The heat bypass for the refrigerator to be
automated and determined by refrigerator
temperature - Water Heating Unit
- Bypass water-heating unit and distiller to be
added. - Alternative Fuel
- A conversion kit to be added that will allow the
engine to run off of compressed natural gas (CNG)
and gasoline. - Gas Expansion
- The expanding gas from the natural gas tank to
be used to aid in cooling the current cool space.
4Current Status
- Design choices have been made
- All component have been ordered except for the
natural gas tank. - 80 of the components have been received.
- Preliminary expansion calculations from Brazilian
teammates have been completed. - Design of second cool space.
5Scope of Work for Spring Heat Regulation
Late January- Early Febuary
Tasks Machine Valves, install Piping and Install
Electronic Components for Automation.
Bypass Piping
Rotary Actuator
6Scope of Work for Spring Water Heating Unit
Late January- Early Febuary
Tasks Install Bypass Piping, machine valve, add
distiller and heating element.
Location of Distiller Unit
Bypass Piping
Copper Heating Element
Copper Piping
Insulated Sides
Water Distiller
7Scope of Work for Spring Alternative Fuels
Engine Conversion
Late January- Early Febuary
Tasks Install conversion kit and piping for
natural gas supply Obtain natural gas
8Scope of Work for Spring Expansion
Tasks Route expanding gas to cool distiller
collection container.
See Video
9Scope of Work for Spring Testing
- Temperature K-type thermocouples
- Flow Velocity Flow-meter
- Data Collection LabVIEW
Locations of Thermocouples
Legend 1. Water Reservoir Inlet 2. Water
Reservoir Outlet 3. Refrigeration Space 4.
Conduction Circuit End 5. Exhaust 6. Bypass
Piping Inlet to Distiller 7. H/X Exhaust Inlet 8.
H/X Exhaust Outlet
10Collaboration with Brazil Expansion
- The team has accomplished the following via
weekly video conferences, e-mails and file
exchange - Preliminary calculations for cooling effects of
rapidly expanding gas - Design of second cool space around distiller
collection unit.
11Major Difficulties
- Electronic Components
- Assembly
- Scheduling
12Schedule/Plan Proposed Spring Schedule
- Status at End of Fall Design Choices Solidified
- Current Status
- 80 of components in house ready to be assembled
- Change to how expansion will be used
- Scope of Work for Spring
- Assembling and modification to take place in
January and February - Testing to begin in March
- Collaboration with Brazil
- Expansion will be used to cool water from
distiller - Schedule/Plan