Title: The Industrial Age
1The Industrial Age
- The Industrial Revolutions effects on science,
communication, transportation, medicine,
education, culture, and the arts.
- Michael Faraday
- Developed the dynamoelectric generator
- Powered by steam engine
- Used to power machines
3Advances in Technology
Thomas Edison
- Incandescent light bulb
- 1879
- (lasted 2 days)
- Phonograph
- Kinetoscope
- Menlo Park Lab
- 1000 patents
- Marconis radio
- Wireless
- Electromagnetic waves
- Ship to ship
- Ship to shore
5Internal Combustion Engine
Wright Brothers
- 1903
- First successful powered airplane flight (12
seconds) - aerodynamics
6The Automobile
First gasoline-driven auto
- Move to industrialized cities for jobs
- Travel was easier and safer
- Oppression (Armenian genocide by Muslims)
- Discrimination (Jews Slavs
- Economic hardship (Irish Potato Famine)
- Settle territories
8(No Transcript)
9Shift to Cities
Cities are forced to deal with crowed streets,
sanitation issues, garbage, crime, etc.
10Move to the Suburbs
Public transportation, (like trolleys and trains)
and automobiles make it possible.
Sewer systems and flushing toilets.
12Atomic Theory
John Dalton develops the theory.
Mendeleyevs classification of elements.
13Lamarcks Evolution
Living things changed their form due to their
Survival of the FittestNatural Selection
Tree of lifeall things originate from one common
ancestorhumans evolved from animals.
15Effects of Darwinism
- Separated science and religion
- Social Darwinism--natural selection applied to
society - Used as an argument for the necessity of
poverty - Racism
- Genocide/Euthanasia (intentional killing of a
dependent human being for their alleged benefit) - Eugenics (genetically engineering a better human)
16Fight Against Disease
Pasteurization heating liquids to prevent
bacteria and fermentation
Louis Pasteur
Anthrax and rabies vaccines
17Other medical developments
- Edward Jenner
- Smallpox vaccine
- 1796
- Robert Koch
- Discovers germs that cause tuberculosis Asiatic
cholera - 1882
- Aspirin Sulfa drugs
- Alexander Fleming
- Penicillin
- 1928
18Bacterial Diseases
Typhoid/ Salmonella
Walter Reed
Yellow Fever
19Antiseptics Anesthesia
- Joseph Lister
- publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice
of Surgery
- Long Morton
- "Gentlemen, this is no humbug.
- Ether is used as anesthesia
20Florence Nightingale
- Crimean War
- The very first requirement in a hospital is that
it should do the sick no harm. - Founded the worlds first nursing school.
21Diet and Refrigeration
The first electric refrigerators.
Children with rickets (caused by a vitamin D
22- How do the advancements in medicine impact
23Public Education
- Universal
- Compulsory
- Need for literate workers
24Womens Education
- Womens education movement is linked to the
womens suffrage (vote) movement.
Emily Davies womens education advocate
25Leisure Urban Renewal
Public Parks
26War Correspondent Matthew Brady
27Capturing Poverty
28Social Gospel Movement
- Artists dealt with reality
- Observe record
- Detailed ordinary life
- Social and economic themes
- Rejected the exotic and emotional
- Dismissed as ugly provocative crude by many
Everyday life in a certain region.
Mark Twain
Thomas Hart Benton a mural made for a Kansas
City department store.
Focused on the ugly sordid parts of life.
George Eliot
Tried to give vivid impressions of people and
places, paying close attention to light and color.
Monet Renoir
34Georges-Pierre Seurat A Sunday Afternoon on the
Isle of La Grande Jatte 1886
Edgar Degas The Rehearsal Onstage 1874
35Art for arts sake
Did not require art to have purpose or even
meaning. Art becomes more abstract.
36Radioactivity and X-rays
Wilhelm Rontgen X-ray
Curies Radioactivity