Title: Introduction to the Freshman Lab
1Introduction to the Freshman Lab
2Lab Instructors
- Dr. Fred R. Beyette, Jr.
- beyette_at_ececs.uc.eduRhodes 836A556-4588
- Dr. James Caffery, Jr.
- jcaffery_at_ececs.uc.eduRhodes 811M556-2971
- We are here to help you with any problems you may
be having (in or out of class). - Please do not hesitate to come to one of us if
you need help regarding this course or anything
else that could impact your studies at UC
3Lab Structure
- In the lab component you will spend time doing
laboratory exercises that are related to various
specialties in electrical and computer
engineering. - In addition to giving you hands-on experience
with ECE topics, the lab component of the course
is designed to build teamwork skills that are
vital to success in both your academic and
professional careers.
4Course Web Page
- There is a web page for this course
- http//www.ececs.uc.edu/ececs110/
- On the page you will find
- Important announcements
- Reading materials for both lecture and lab
- Weekly laboratory manuals
- Please check the page often!
- Check it very often!!!
5Graders and Teaching Assistants
- Currently 3 graders are assigned to ECES 110
- Evan Jones jonesef_at_ececs.uc.edu
- 2 others TBD
6Laboratory Topics/Schedule
Week Laboratory Topic
1 Overview, (this meeting)
2 Crystal Radio Lab
3 Photonics Lab
4 Digital Signal Processing Lab
5 Digital Electronics Lab
6-10 Robolab, Lego-robot design, programming, problem solving
All Labs are held in the Intro to ECE Lab 804
Rhodes Hall
7Laboratory Grading
- You will need a laboratory notebook that makes
carbon copies as you write in it. (Required
before your lab meets next week) - Each week you will be required to write in your
laboratory notebook. - At the end of the lab period you will turn in
your carbon copy for grading. - In addition to the weekly lab notebook, you will
be required to write 2 formal laboratory reports.
Missed Labs May Not be Made Up
8Lecture Homework Assignment 1
- Due by Friday October 4th at noon
- Send an email using your bearcat account to
- Your lecture Professor
- Your Lab Professor
- On the subject line put your section number (1-6)
- In the message body write
- Your Name, Your SSN
- A paragraph describing why you choose EE or CompE
as your major. - Investigate the roots of the words Engineering
and Engineer, and write a 1-2 paragraph essay,
with references, e.g., dictionary or encyclopedia
This assignment earns you points for both
the Lecture Laboratory components of the course
9Lab Homework Assignment 2
- Before you first lab section next week
- Go to the course web page (http//www.ececs.uc.edu
/ececs110/) - Read (from the laboratory section of the page)
the guide Format For Laboratory Notebook
Entries - Read (from the laboratory section of the page)
the lab manual description for the Crystal Radio
Lab - Write in your laboratory notebook the
- Vital Information section
- Introduction and Background section
- as described in the Format For Laboratory
Notebook Entries laboratory guide.
Points will Be assigned at the beginning of Lab
Class Based on Completion of the above
10Attention Electrical and Computer Engineering
Undergraduate Freshmen
- A required meeting for all Electrical and
Computer Engineering Undergraduate Freshmen will
be held - Date Friday, September 27, 2001
- Time 100 PM
- Place Baldwin Engineering Auditorium (544
Baldwin) - Refreshments will be served
- Topics of the meeting include
- Welcome to the Department/College
- Meet the professors for your ECE110 Lab and
Lecture - Find out what the ECE110 course is all about
- Social and Refreshments!
- For Further Information Contact
- Dr. Beyette (836A Rhodes Hall or 556-4588)
- Dr. Fernandez (837 Rhodes Hall or 556-4785)
- Also note that the ECE110 lab sessions will not
meet until the week of September 25th.