Title: Ancient Greece: The Classical Spirit Part II
1Ancient Greece The Classical SpiritPart II
2Rise of Ancient GreecePart II
- Bronze Age and Mycenaean Civilization end 1100
BCE (Dorian Invasion) - New civilization begins in 1000 BCE
- Geometric period 1000-700 BCE
- Orientalizing period 700-600 BCE
- Archaic period 600-480 BCE
3Rise of Ancient GreeceGEOMETRIC PERIOD
- Also known as the Heoric Age
- No political center independent city states
- Polis ruled by council of aristocrats
- Independent
4Rise of Ancient GreeceGEOMETRIC PERIOD
- Pottery
- Geometric style
- decorative geometric bands cover the surface
- Shows concern for proportion and thoughtful
composition and placement of elements - Commonly narrate funeral procession
- Krater large vase with a wide mouth, used as a
burial marker
5Rise of Ancient GreeceGEOMETRIC PERIOD
What are the differences between the Geometric
style and the Aegean style?
6Rise of Ancient GreeceGEOMETRIC PERIOD
- Sculpture
- Not much exists because the material was
perishable - Mostly animals
- Most likely used as sacrifices to the gods in
place of real animals - What exists was found in burial tombs
- Simple, abstract and sophisticated
7Rise of Ancient GreeceGEOMETRIC PERIOD
- Sculpture
- Abstract style
- Hat and belt
- Pinched waste
- Exaggeration of important features
8Rise of Ancient GreeceGEOMETRIC PERIOD
- Known as the Heroic Age because of Iliad and
Odyssey - Becomes the basis for Greek education because of
model of conductof heroism and pride, of cunning
and loyalty (Benton and Yanni 69). - Iliad great deeds on the battlefield, military
glory, narrow view - Achilles tale of purely physical strength
- Odyssey values of home and hearth, patience and
wisdom - Odysseus tale of wisdom gained through suffering
- Conflict to return home as prince or experience
adventure and test himself as a hero
(700-600 BCE)
- Polis begin trading with the East (Egypt, Persia
and Phoenicia) - First see human form sculptures
- Unified language with introduction of an alphabet
10Rise of Ancient GreeceORIENTALIZING PERIOD
(700-600 BCE)
- Pottery
- Inspired by the oriental
- Move away from geometric as form more important
(animals, human, etc) - Color reveals origin of vases
- Symmetry evident
- Human form influenced by Egypt and animal form
influenced by Mesopotamia
11Rise of Ancient GreeceORIENTALIZING PERIOD
(700-600 BCE)
12Rise of Ancient GreeceORIENTALIZING PERIOD
(700-600 BCE)
13Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
- Study of human form, naturalism
- Pottery
- Sculpture
- Architecture
- Literature
14Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
- Pottery
- Black Figure Vases
- Black glaze over a natural red clay vase
- Designs etched in and filled with color
- Imperfect silhouettes
- Symmetry
- Human form vs. animals
- Limited by tools
15Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
Narratives told stories of mythology, battles and
winners of olympic games
16Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
- Pottery
- Red Figure Style
- Background around subject is glazed in black and
figures are painted on with a brush - Details are no longer etched in more detail and
17Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
Composition is detailed and in rectangle to
follow the shape of the vase.
18Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
- Architecture
- Doric style simple, severe, powerful and not
decorative - Appears disproportionate and awkward
19Thick heavy columns. Shaft abruptly tapers at the
capital bulge look of the column
20Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
- Sculpture
- Kouros life-size representation of nude male
youth, standing with one foot forward and arms at
sides - Koré softer or female version. Clothing
softened statue - Eastern influences
- Stylized, painted and decorated
- Later became more naturalistic (true human form)
- Proportions become natural (waist)
21Rise of Ancient GreeceARCHAIC PERIOD (600-480
22(No Transcript)
23Art in Early Greece
- The Archaic period 650-490 B.C. Progression
from the Egyptian models - Naturalism attempt to represent objects as they
appear in nature - Vase painting red-figure technique figures left
unpainted - Greeks range of feelings and actions
24Early Greek Poetry
- Homeric epics long narrative poems heroic
deeds hero who brings pride to country. Iliad
and Odyssey First masterpieces of Western
literature. - distant and communal perspective
- Heroes Achilles and Odysseus
- Despite mans frailties, his life is noble
25Sapphos Lyric Poetry
- Lyric poems brief, expressing feelings, often
accompanied by a lyre. - Sapphos poems expressed her love for her women
friends. - Lived her life on the island of Lesbos