Wood%20Chemistry%20PSE%20406 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wood Chemistry PSE 406 Uses of Wood Chemicals – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Wood%20Chemistry%20PSE%20406

Wood ChemistryPSE 406
  • Uses of Wood Chemicals

  • Modifications and uses of
  • Cellulose
  • Hemicelluloses
  • Lignin
  • Extractives

Chemical Uses of Cellulose
  • As a product, most cellulose is found in pulp
    products (300 million tons/yr pulp).
  • A small amount (lt1 of pulp) of cellulose is
    isolated and sold as a chemical product a
    polymeric material.
  • Cellulose must be free of lignin and
    hemicelluloses this is dissolving pulp mainly
    produced through acid sulfite pulping.
  • The pulping and bleaching processes are hard on
    cellulose reducing molecular weight
  • As a chemical product, cellulose is sold as
    cellulose derivatives.

Cellulose Nitrate
  • Inorganic esters
  • HONO22H2SO4 NO2 H3O 2HSO4?
  • NO2 HO-Cell NO2-OH-Cell
    NO2-O-Cell H
  • Uses
  • Ping pong balls
  • Membranes
  • Fingernail polish
  • Records (LP)

Cellulose Acetate
  • Organic ester
  • Uses
  • Textile fiber
  • Plastics (acetates)-used to make photographic
  • Components in some adhesives
  • Cigarette filters
  • High absorbency products diapers, surgical
    products, and other filters
  • Toys the original Lego bricks, made from 1949 to

Cellulose Organic Ethers
  • Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), alkyl cellulose
    (methyl, ethyl).
  • Mostly used as thickening agents.
  • Used to thicken cheap ice cream products without
    having to add cream.

  • Pure regenerated cellulose.
  • Rayon is manufacture from cellulose xanthate
    (adding of carbon disulfide in a process known as
  • Uses
  • Fabrics blouses, dresses, jackets, linings,
  • Furnishings bedspreads, blankets, slipcovers)
  • Industrial medical surgery products, tire cords)

  • During Kraft pulping, hemicelluloses mainly
    oxidized to low MW carboxylic acids.
  • In acid sulfite pulping, hemicelluloses are
    cleaved to individual sugars.
  • Fermentation of 6 carbon sugars to alcohol.
  • Requires liquor from softwood cook.
  • Alcohol can be used as
  • gasoline additive
  • solvents
  • in the manufacture of white vinegar.
  • Five carbon sugars are isolated from hardwood
    liquors through chromatography for conversion to
    xylitol (sweetener).
  • Xylitol causes bacteria to lose the ability to
    adhere to the tooth, stunting the cavity causing

The Sad Reality of Lignin
  • The total amount of lignin processed each year is
    roughly (very) 100 million tons.
  • Approximately 1 million tons/year sold globally.
  • Most as lignosulfonates from acid sulfite
  • A small amount is from the kraft process.
  • The sad reality of lignin is that almost all of
    the lignin isolated in pulping operations is

  • Lignosulfonates is the name for a product
    containing sulfonated lignin and other wood
  • Mainly from the acid sulfite process.
  • A small amount from sulfonated kraft lignin.
  • Before becoming lignosulfonates (marketable
    product), this material (spent sulfite liquor) is
    cleaned up.
  • Pulping chemicals are removed.
  • Sometimes non lignin compounds (sugars, etc) are
    removed chemically, biologically, or through
    physical methods.
  • Often the lignin is chemically modified.
  • Product is concentrated to a molasses thickness
    product or to a powder.

Lignin Uses
  • Dispersant
  • Concrete, Dyes, Gypsum wallboard
  • Binder
  • Road dust control, animal feed
  • Emulsifier (think an oil and vinegar salad
  • Chelating agent
  • Oil Well Drilling Fluids, Micronutrient
  • Raw material for chemical production
  • Vanillin (softwood)

Concrete Dispersant
  • Concrete is made up of 3 ingredients cement,
    sand, and aggregate.
  • Water is mixed in to make a workable slurry and
    to harden the concrete.
  • By using a dispersant like lignosulfonates, less
    water can be used to get the same viscosity
    slurry. This makes stronger concrete.

Image borrowed from JimRadfprd.com
Dye Dispersant
  • Dyes used to dye cloth are water insoluble.
  • In order to dye cloth, dye particles are
    dispersed in water. What this means are the dye
    particles are small enough that they pretty much
    act like they are dissolved. A dispersant keep
    them apart so they dont get big and sink.
    Sulfonated lignins do this very well. After
    dying, the lignin is washed out.

Binding-Dust Control
  • Dusty roads are considered a health hazard by the
    government and thus dust control is mandated
  • Dust can be controlled with water,
    lignosulfonates or calcium chloride.

Binding-Dust Control
  • Lignosulfonates cause the particles to pack
    closer together and also to adhere.
  • This process forms a dust free and also more
    stable road.

Pellet Binder
  • The natural stickiness of lignosulfonates help
    them function as a pellet binder it helps hold
    the material together.

Micronutrient Fertilizer
  • Plants need trace metals just like people do.
    Unfortunately, many of these metals are not
    available to the plant because they are absent or
    not water soluble.
  • Lignosulfonates will chelate or hold on to these
    metals making them available to plants either
    through soil or foliar applications.

Key Points on Lignin Use
  • I have listed a large number of uses
  • Even with all these uses the total sales of
    lignin is only 1-2 of what is isolated in
  • There is no huge volume use for lignin (like
    gasoline) to drive the market.
  • Mostly lignin sells because it is cheaper than
    petroleum based products. There are instances,
    however, where lignin sells because it is better
    than the competition.

  • We covered extractive use as we went. Here is a
    list of extractives isolated from the pulp
    paper industry for sale.
  • Turpentine (monoterpenes)
  • Tall Oil
  • Rosin (resin acids)
  • Fatty acids
  • Sterols (dont forget Benecol)
  • Tannins (limited amounts)
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