Educational Change in UK: Timeline Activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Educational Change in UK: Timeline Activity


Educational Change in UK: Timeline Activity This activity is designed to promote visual and kinaesthetic learning Print or photocopy s 2 and 3 onto A4 size paper. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Educational Change in UK: Timeline Activity

Educational Change in UK Timeline Activity
  • This activity is designed to promote visual and
    kinaesthetic learning
  • Print or photocopy slides 2 and 3 onto A4 size
  • These contain boxes with significant events in
    recent education history
  • Print or photocopy slide 4 onto A3 paper
  • Students are expected to cut out the boxes and
    paste them onto the timeline to give an overview
    of educational change (pace and events).
  • They should decorate the posters to increase
    visual interest.
  • They should add other points and dates created
    from their own learning and research.

By 1979 Most children are in comprehensive
schools, but not all. Some grammar schools still
Butler Education Act 1945 Introduces free
secondary education for all children. 11
examination selects for either grammar or
secondary modern
1988 Education Reform Act New Right government
introduces National Curriculum which all children
must study. This is a list of subjects and what
must be taught.
Comprehensive schools do not break down class
differences because they set and streamed
students according to ability.
1979 Margaret Thatchers New Right Conservative
government is elected. This changes the
philosophy of education to one where equality is
not important, but free market economy takes
1988 Education Reform Act Standardised Assessment
Test (SATS) introduced and children are tested at
7, 11, 14, and GCSE
1980 Assisted Places Scheme Gifted children are
given funding to attend private and public
schools thus subsidising the income of
independent schools
Grammar schools fill up with the children of the
middle classes and there was wastage of working
class talent.
Circular 10/65 Labour government instructs all
Education authorities to plan comprehensive
schools so all children have access to same
1988 ERA Schools are given control over their own
finances and power is taken from Local Education
Authorities and given to school governors
2000 Reform of A level exams into 6 unit
modules with AS for 17 year olds
1996 GNVQ examinations introduced to encourage
practical and applied subjects in schools
1979 First education act of Thatcher government
is to repeal the laws that promote comprehensive
1994 A examinations introduced at GCSE for the
better candidates
1951 GCE and A level examinations introduced for
pupils at grammar schools
1973 CSE examinations introduced for pupils at
secondary modern schools
1988 GCSE introduced to replace GCE and CSE for
16 year olds
1997 New Labour under Tony Blair elected, but
continues education reforms that are similar to
those of previous Conservative government
1973 School leaving age rises to 16 for all
1963 Robbins Report extends university provision
for more people Polytechnics (now Metropolitan
Universities) are set up
1999 Devolution from England for Scotland and
Wales. Welsh education systems begin to differ
from those of England more noticeably
1993 Many schools (Direct Grant) allowed to claim
funding from government and not local education
1990 Top Up loans for students sees gradual
erosion of student grant system
Education Change Timeline
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