Title: The Use of ASBOs in Scotland
1The Use of ASBOs in Scotland
- Hal Pawson, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
2Presentation Outline
- Scotlands ASBO regime
- Trends in use of ASBOs
- Types of misconduct prompting ASBO applications
- ASB perpetrators subject to ASBOs
- Evidence on impacts and outcomes
- Draws on Scottish Government research undertaken
by DTZ Pieda Research and Heriot-Watt University
3Research Methodology
- Annual questionnaire surveys of all Scottish LAs
and HAs - Focus group discussions with ASBO practitioners
- Case study work in 4 LAs (Dumfries Galloway,
Dundee, Edinburgh, North Lanarkshire) - Interviews with key stakeholder agency staff
- Casefile reviews of recent ASBO cases
- Analysis of restrictions specified in recent ASBOs
4ASBO Regime in Scotland Key Differences from
England Wales
- LAs are the main lead agency police role
essentially supportive - Until 2004, ASBOs could be sought only for ASB
perpetrators aged 16 and over - ASBOs now obtainable for ASB perpetrators aged
12-15 but - Proposed ASBO application must be endorsed by
Childrens Hearing - Breach of ASBO by a person aged 12-15 cannot be
punished by custodial sentence
5National Trends in ASBO Use
- Rising ASBO numbers in Scotland tailing off
estimated 10 increase in 2006/07 - ASBO numbers proportionately greater in England
since 2003/04 - No English ASBO statistics published for 2006
- Scottish Government has ceased to collect ASBO
statistics since 2005/06 - Estimated 2006/07 figure informed by non-official
source (Scottish Housing Best Value Network
benchmarking data)
6ASBOs vs. Alternative Enforcement Measures
- Signs of inverse relationship between ASBO
applications and LA eviction actions - Appropriate comparison given that most ASBO
applications relate to social tenants - Hypothesis that ASBOs increasingly substituted
for big stick of threat to tenancy - But need to bear in mind that eviction actions
also increasingly substituted by conversion of
tenancy to SSST status
7Variability of ASBO Use
- Rates of ASBO use per 100,000 households among
larger LAs vary from over 80 to 3 - Major unanswered questions about such variability
e.g. to what extent can low use LAs
demonstrate more effective alternative
approaches? - Scottish LAs generally some way down the
rankings of ASBO users - Dissatisfaction among ministers in former
administration at ASBO inaction of Glasgow
(lowest ASBO rate in graphic) - SNP manifesto pledged to
- Review and improve ASBO regime
- Look at giving ASBO powers to community councils
Notes 1. Average annual ASBOs granted rate for
2004/05 and 2005/06 2. Scottish LAs shown in red
8Types of Misconduct Triggering ASBOs
- 80 of ASBOs issued in response to misconduct in
or near perpetrators home - Small but rising of ASBOs triggered by offences
in commercial or public areas up from 3 in
2003/04 to 12 in 2005/06. These tend to involve - Prolific shoplifters
- Individuals acting antisocially in offices of
local services - Rowdy behaviour in parks
- Commonest trigger for ASBO action disturbance of
neighbours by excess noise in the home - Around two thirds of ASBOs triggered by
criminal activities in some instances ASBO
action clearly initiated instead of criminal
Cases involving alleged offences of a criminal nature Cases involving alleged offences of a criminal nature
Type of offence of all cases reviewed
Assault/violent threats/intimidation 46
Vandalism 13
Theft 8
Breach of the peace 5
Domestic violence 3
Housebreaking 3
Prostitution 2
9Profile of ASBO Perpetrators (1)
- Some 80 of individuals subject to ASBOs live in
social housing - Reinforces impression of ASBOs as largely a
housing management tool - Only a minority of ASBO subjects are young
people sharp contrast with England - Virtually no ASBOs granted in respect of
school-age children - Women accounted for 38 of ASBO subjects in
10Profile of ASBO Perpetrators (2)
- Mitigating factors/underlying problems clearly
evident in more than half of cases examined in
casefile review - In all identified cases involving mental
ill-health or learning difficulties support of
some kind was provided prior to or alongside ASBO
Mitigating factor/underlying problem of cases reviewed
Alcohol abuse 27
Drug abuse 17
Mental ill-health 9
Learning difficulties 2
11ASBO Prohibitions and Terms
- Reflecting the predominance of noise as an ASBO
trigger, most ASBOs specify noise constraint - ASBO duration reflects differing LA policies
12ASBO Effectiveness (1)
- Measuring incidence of ASBO breaches proved
difficult several factors here - LAs considered monitoring breaches not our job
- Police records of breach cases not linked to LA
records of ASBOs granted - Criminal proceedings frequently taking place
alongside ASBO action ASBO breach not
infrequently a criminal act in itself - Opportunities for ASBO breach limited in cases
where subject subsequently arrested for
unconnected offence - Casefile review found that
- in 60 of ASBO cases further complaints about
subjects conduct were made following imposition
of Order - 49 of ASBOs allegedly breached
- In only 10 of breach cases where information was
available had this led to imprisonment - Scotttish Courts data shows 192 ASBO breach
convictions in 2005/06. Given the 482 ASBOs
reportedly in place on 31 March 2006 this
suggests a breach conviction rate of about 40.
13ASBO Effectiveness (2)
- LA staff responsible for cases reviewed
identified 28 where post-ASBO behaviour had
noticeably improved - In 31 of cases no improvement had been seen
- By implication, this will also have been true of
the 5 of subjects evicted - Improving on this very simplistic assessment of
ASBO effectiveness would require more
substantial research
ASBO outcome
Substantially improved behaviour 20
Improved behaviour 8
Terminated tenancy 16
Evicted 5
Imprisoned/placed in secure unit 3
Sectioned 1
No improvement in behaviour 31
Too early to say/dont know 16
14Messages on ASBO effectiveness from York
University study of street homeless people
- JRF study led by Suzanne Fitzpatrick report
July 2007 - Fieldwork in 5 localities in England found that
strategies to suppress street homelessness
considered successful by LAs - Use of ASBOs a key element within LA strategies,
though no. of Orders issued much lower than
implied by media - Risk of lengthy imprisonment for ASBO breach
clearly understood by most ASBO subjects and
consequently an effective deterrent - For some of those involved, ASBOs prompted
positive reflection and change in behaviour
e.g. engagement with drug rehabilitation services - Effectiveness of enforcement-style approaches
dependent on graduated actions and integration
with support services not always evident - Even if integrated with support provision,
enforcement-style approaches inappropriate and
ineffective for the most vulnerable street
15Messages from Systematic Review of Approaches to
Tackling ASB
- Rand researchers commissioned by NAO to review
effectiveness of ASB interventions
internationally - Weakness of evaluation culture in UK reflected by
insufficient data to judge effectiveness of tools
such as ASBOs or Youth Justice support measures - Limited international evidence (mainly US)
suggests effective interventions include
parenting training and early childhood programmes - Programme evaluations meta-analysis showed
deterrent or coercive sanctions tended to have
negative effects on recidivism among young people - While Home Office commissioned ASBO effectiveness
evaluation, this was only relatively small scale
and remains unpublished long after completion - Meanwhile, policy push arguably continues to be
driven by enforcement-style model
- Use of ASBOs continues to expand, though
apparently tailing off - Wide variations in use of ASBOs from area to area
- In the Scottish context, ASBOs still largely a
social landlord housing management tool - Marked Scotland/England contrast on profile of
persons subject to Orders - Somewhat ambiguous evidence as regards ASBO
effectiveness in Scotland - Change of government May 2007 brings possibility
of new thinking on ASBO regime though no
definite evidence as yet
- DTZ Pieda Research Heriot-Watt University
(2007) Monitoring the Use of ASBOs in Scotland
3019.pdf - Johnsen, S. Fitzpatrick, S. (2007) The Impact
of Enforcement on Street Users in England
Bristol Policy Press http//www.jrf.org.uk/booksh
op/details.asp?pubID904 - Rubin, J., Rabinovich, L., Hallsworth, M. and
Nason, E. (2006) Interventions to Reduce
Anti-social Behaviour and Crime A review of
effectiveness and costs London National Audit
Office http//www.nao.org.uk/publications/nao_rep