Glasgow 5th March 1971 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Glasgow 5th March 1971


Glasgow 5th March 1971 Edwin Morgan – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: 5th | dramatic | glasgow | life | love | march


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Glasgow 5th March 1971

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • Edwin Morgan

Main Themes
  • Violence/Crime
  • State of society
  • Youth

Lines 1-10
Lines 20-23
  • 2 x metaphors 1 x alliteration
  • 1 x onomatopoeia 1 x word choice
  • 2 x word choice
  • 1 x alliteration Think location
  • Think about tense
  • 1 x alliteration
  • 2 x metaphors
  • 3 x word choice

Lines 11-19
(No Transcript)
Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • We do not see the crime from the beginning but
    from after the smashing of the glass. Why?
  • This is because we, like the narrator, would
    probably have turned round upon hearing the noise
    of the glass to see what had happened.
  • The opening of the poem catches our attention

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The first image ragged diamond of shattered
    plate glass is effective why?
  • Morgans use of ragged diamond gives the
    opening impact.
  • Poet doesnt say what the shop is, but we might
    imagine a jewellers. Why? The sharp shards of
    glass could be like small sparkling diamonds.
  • The young couple could possibly have been
    browsing the jewellers selection of rings when
    they were attacked.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The poets a young man and his girl is
    effective as he suggests it could be any young
  • The couple in the poem have no identity. Later
    in the poem, they are reduced to body parts,
    symbolising how they are dehumanised.
  • This contributes to the impersonal and clinical
    tone of the poem as a whole.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The young mans face
  • is bristling with fragments of glass
  • and the girls leg has caught
  • on the broken window
  • and spurts arterial blood
  • over her wet-look white coat.
  • How does the poet convey the severity of the

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The young mans face
  • is bristling with fragments of glass
  • Metaphoric
  • Onomatopoeic
  • Suggests the man has a beard of splintered glass.
  • Horrific image think of the damage/scarring
    this will result in.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • spurts arterial blood
  • What are the connotations of the word spurt?
  • This makes the image much more graphic.
  • arterial adds to the clinical effect of the
  • Highlight face, leg and arms here we see
    how the couple are reduced to body parts and

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • her wet-look white coat
  • Use of irony.
  • Use of alliteration.
  • The coat is no longer wet-look but literally
    wet with the blood from her leg.
  • Think about the visual impact of the red blood on
    her white coat.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • Their arms are star-fished out
  • braced for impact,
  • their faces show surprise, shock
  • and the beginning of pain.
  • How do these lines contribute to the sense that
    the poem can be described as a word photograph?

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • star-fished we see them falling and trying to
    protect themselves
  • We see the change of emotions on their faces.
  • The pain is not immediate probably due to the
    shock and suddenness of the attack.
  • It is like a snapshot photograph of the incident.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The two youths who have pushed them
  • are about to complete the operation
  • reaching into the window
  • to loot what they can smartly.
  • Their faces show no expression.
  • What do we know about the attitudes of the youths?

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The poets use of youths shows us that their
    identity/individuality is not important.
  • Our focus is the awful crime they have committed.
  • By committing this crime, the youths have lost
    all humanity and individuality.
  • operation adds to the clinical tone of the poem
    and suggests the crime is brutal but efficient.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • smartly these youths are clearly well
    practiced in what they do. This adds to the
    horror of what happens.
  • It could also be a word play on the fact that it
    is not a smart thing to do.
  • It is placed at the end of the sentence for
  • Their faces show no expression. echoes the
    earlier line their faces show surprise, shock.

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • It is a sharp, clear night
  • In Sauchiehall Street.
  • In the background two drivers
  • Keep their eyes on the road.
  • What is the significance of the last four lines?
  • What social comment is contained in the poem?

Glasgow 5th March 1971
  • The street is well lit and passers-by would have
    a clear view of what was happening.
  • sharp and clear remind of us the glass
    imagery from earlier in the poem.
  • The two drivers are selfish and show a horrifying
    lack of compassion.
  • Life goes on regardless.
  • This is a personal reflection on humanity as a

Glasgow 5th March 1971 Tone
  • Cold
  • Clinical
  • A very detached response
  • Unemotional, yet evokes strong emotions in
  • Note the lack of violent words.
  • Almost like a police report.
  • Fragmented rhyme scheme adds to this.

Techniques Bank 1
Simile Describing something by saying it is like something else
Metaphor Describing something by saying it is something else
Oxymoron Two opposite words placed next to each other
Alliteration Repeating the same sound close together at the start of words
Sibilance Repeated S sound close together
Juxtaposition Placing two contrasting images or ideas together
Step 2 How to PEEL
  • In the exam you will write critical essays
  • Each paragraph follows a simple structure
  • P
  • E
  • E
  • L

Step 2 How to PEEL
  • Point
  • Evidence
  • Explain
  • Link back to question

Step 2 How to PEEL
  • Point (what I will show in this paragraph)
  • Evidence (quote from the poem)
  • Explain (explain how this proves my point, unpack
    any techniques, and give a personal reaction to
  • Link back to question (tell me how this answers
    the question)

Glasgow 5th How is the scene made vivid?
  • In Glasgow, 5th March 1971, the poet creates a
    particularly vivid description of a violent
    incident. One of the most powerful ways he does
    this is by describing the injuries to the
  • The young mans face is bristling with
    fragments of glass
  • Morgan uses a metaphor to create a disturbing
    picture of the young mans face. The shards of
    glass seem to make a beard, there are so many.
    This is effective because it shows us how many
    pieces are embedded, and how he will be scarred.
  • This horrible image is one of the ways the scene
    is made vivid and memorable.

Step 2 How to PEEL
Glasgow 5th how is the scene made vivid?
  • In Glasgow, 5th March 1971, the poet creates a
    particularly vivid description of a violent
    incident. One of the most powerful ways he does
    this is by describing the injuries to the
  • The young mans face is bristling with
    fragments of glass
  • Morgan uses a metaphor to create a disturbing
    picture of the young mans face. The shards of
    glass seem to make a beard, there are so many.
    This is effective because it shows us how many
    pieces are embedded, and how he will be scarred.
    This horrible image is one of the ways the
    scene is made vivid and memorable.
  • P
  • E
  • E
  • L

A Quotation Sandwich?
  • I Glasgow, 5th March 1971, the poet creates a
    particularly vivid description of a violent
    incident. One of the most powerful ways he does
    this is by describing the injuries to the
  • The young mans face is bristling with
    fragments of glass
  • Morgan uses a metaphor to create a disturbing
    picture of the young mans face. The shards of
    glass seem to make a beard, there are so many.
    This is effective because it shows us how many
    pieces are embedded, and how he will be scarred.
    This horrible image is one of the ways the
    scene is made vivid and memorable.
  • P
  • E
  • E
  • L

  • One of the ways this poem makes the central
    incident exciting is by having a fast, dramatic
  • With a ragged diamond
  • of shattered plate-glass
  • a young man and his girl
  • are falling backwards into a shop window
  • Explain how this is done. Include analysis (what
    techniques are used) and evaluation (how
    effective or good it is)
  • Link back to the question to show how it makes
    the incident in the poem interesting
  • P
  • Ev
  • E
  • L

  • Morgan effectively describes the attack on the
    couple vividly by using alliteration and
  • spurts arterial blood
  • over her wet-look white coat.
  • Explain how this is done. Include analysis (what
    techniques are used?) and evaluation (why/how
    effective are the techniques? How do they help
    you to picture the scene?)
  • Link back to the question to show how it makes
    the incident in the poem interesting
  • P
  • Ev
  • E
  • L

  • One of the ways this poem makes the central
    incident exciting is by having a fast, dramatic
  • With a ragged diamond
  • of shattered plate-glass
  • a young man and his girl
  • are falling backwards into a shop window
  • The poet uses enjambment in the first sentence
    to create a sense of urgency in the opening
    lines. This is effective because it makes it
    seem fast-paced. The metaphor ragged diamond
    has connotations of love and marriage, so we feel
    sorry for the couple, not only because they have
    been attacked, but because they are young and in
    love. This makes the start very dramatic.
  • P
  • Ev
  • E
  • L

Your Turn x2
  • The poem is one of Morgans instamatic poems.
    This means is it like a word photograph, and this
    makes it interesting
  • evidence - cluelook for the starfish
  • Explain how this is done. Include analysis
    (what techniques are used) and evaluation (how
    effective or good it is)
  • Link back to the question to show how it makes
    the incident in the poem interesting
  • P
  • Ev
  • E
  • L

Revision Notes
  • Every paragraph (apart from the introduction and
    conclusion) must follow PEEL... Or I will shoot
  • Include analysis and evaluation in each
  • Use a quote in every paragraph
  • Aim for 5-7 paragraphs

The Question
  • Write about a poem you have read recently which
    explores the theme of violence. Briefly state
    what the poem is about and how this theme is

  • Key Content
  • Name of Author
  • Name of Text
  • Genre
  • Link back to question
  • Three sentence summary
  • Your Turn Now
  • Write an introduction for the question

Write about a poem you have read recently which
explores the theme of violence.
  • Glasgow 5th of March 1971 is a great poem by
    Edwin Morgan. The poet explores the theme of
    violence by describing an attack on a young
    couple on a Glasgow street. Morgan uses
    techniques such as alliteration and imagery to
    emphasise city violence.

Sample Point
  • In this poem, Morgan explores the theme of
    violence when he describes how a young couple are
    pushed through a glass window. The metaphor used
    makes this effective.

  • Key Content
  • Outline your idea for that paragraph
  • Use words from the question.
  • Your Turn Now
  • Write a point for the question given

Revision of Key Learning
  • Introduction
  • Name of Text
  • Name of Author
  • Genre of Text
  • Three Sentence Summary
  • Point
  • Outline your idea for this paragraph
  • Use words from the question

  • Key Content
  • Find a quote that supports your point
  • shatter-plate glass
  • Your Turn Now
  • Write a quote for the point you have given

  • Key Content
  • Explain what the quote proves
  • Explain any technique used in this quote

  • The use of a metaphor leads the reader to think
    that the couple have perhaps been looking at
    engagement rings, due to the word diamond. This
    makes the violence even more shocking because
    they are innocent and minding their own business.
    shatter-plate describes how the window has
    smashed into tiny pieces and it is easy to
    imagine the glass now in the couples arms and

  • Key Content
  • Explain what the quote proves
  • Explain any technique used in this quote
  • Your Turn Now
  • Write an explanation for the quote you have given

  • Key Content
  • Link back to the question
  • Use words used in your point/the question
  • Your Turn Now
  • Write a link for the paragraph you have written

  • Morgan uses a metaphor effectively in stanza one
    so as to describe the horrific incident of
    violence which occurs in Glasgow.

  • Key Content
  • Link back to the question
  • Use words used in your point/the question
  • Your Turn Now
  • Write a link for the paragraph you have written

Next Task
  • In the same format, write a second paragraph for
    your essay

  • Use the wording of the question to create a
    statement of conclusion
  • It is absolutely clear that Edwin Morgans poem
    Glasgow 5th March 1971 freezes a dramatic
    moment in time and vividly depicts a scene of

  • Re-iterate the techniques the poet has used to
    create such a vivid scene
  • This is evident in the poets use of word choice
    and imagery, as both contribute to the intensity
    of the scene which is portrayed in the poem.
    Morgan succeeds in capturing a snapshot in time
    in such an effective and stimulating way that the
    reader almost feels as though they too are there.

  • It is absolutely clear that Edwin Morgans poem
    Glasgow 5th March 1971 freezes a dramatic
    moment in time and vividly depicts a scene of
    violence. This is evident in the poets use of
    word choice and imagery, as both contribute to
    the intensity of the scene which is portrayed in
    the poem. Morgan succeeds in capturing a snapshot
    in time in such an effective and stimulating way
    that the reader almost feels as though they too
    are there.
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